
In the Battle of Changping, Bai Qi strictly forbade the soldiers to eat mutton, and the soldiers were not convinced, Bai Qi: You walk 50 steps to try

author:Love Life Lakes 0x1G

Bai Qi: The Winning General's Inheritance Through the Ages


Hello everyone, I am Bai Qi, the first of the four famous generals of the Warring States. Today, I would like to tell you about one of the most difficult and crucial battles in my life - the Battle of Changping. This battle made me feel the torment of life and death, and also made me understand the price of victory. Follow me into that era of change, feel the tragedy of the battlefield and the tenacity of the soldiers.

Event Content:

Bai Qi, the invincible general, led the Qin army and the Zhao army to fight in the land of Changping. The victory was impressive, but the difficulty of this battle was not ordinary.

In the Battle of Changping, Bai Qi strictly forbade the soldiers to eat mutton, and the soldiers were not convinced, Bai Qi: You walk 50 steps to try

Zhao Guo tried his best to exhaust the strength of the Qin army through a protracted war, and I, I must find a way to crack the other party's plan.

In this war, I gave a ban that made the soldiers scratch their heads - it was forbidden to eat mutton. You may find it strange, but in fact, this is to prevent enemy troops from discovering our tracks. After all, Shaanxi soldiers like to eat mutton, and once there is a smell of fireworks, the enemy is bound to look for our traces. Although this ban caused confusion and dissatisfaction among the soldiers, I explained to them the rationale of this decision through patrols and demonstrations. On the battlefield, sometimes you need to make puzzling but meaningful choices.

In the Battle of Changping, Bai Qi strictly forbade the soldiers to eat mutton, and the soldiers were not convinced, Bai Qi: You walk 50 steps to try

I adopted the tactics of retreating to lure the enemy, dividing and encircling and annihilating, and successfully annihilated the Zhao army. By skillfully cutting off Zhao's food channel, I put the other party in a desperate situation. However, when victory was in sight, I had to make a painful decision - to kill 400,000 Zhao troops. This was out of the pursuit of victory, but also out of deep concern about the threat to Zhao. The price of victory was so heavy that I almost let the state of Zhao perish, but I also let my hands be stained with the blood of my compatriots.

Social Care:

After this battle, the evaluation of me as a victorious general in society was mixed.

In the Battle of Changping, Bai Qi strictly forbade the soldiers to eat mutton, and the soldiers were not convinced, Bai Qi: You walk 50 steps to try

Some people believe that my decisive decision and thoughtfulness are the key to my victory and the embodiment of my outstanding military talent. However, some people expressed indignation and accusations at my act of killing 400,000 Zhao soldiers, believing that this was a great trampling on human nature.

In the eyes of society, I became a general who had achieved great results in battle, but ended up in a miserable end. Although I have made great contributions to the country, I finally died of the king's suspicion, which makes people sigh. Society's perception of me as a historical figure also reflects a complex attitude towards intrigue and victory.


The Battle of Changping was the pinnacle battle of my life, and it was also the battle for which I paid the greatest price.

In the Battle of Changping, Bai Qi strictly forbade the soldiers to eat mutton, and the soldiers were not convinced, Bai Qi: You walk 50 steps to try

This battle was not only a contest between Qin and Zhao, but also a turning point in my personal destiny. The decisions I made were both for the sake of victory and for the long-term interests of my country, but they ultimately led to my own tragic end.

This story tells us that war is a ruthless game, and while defeating the enemy, you often inadvertently defeat yourself. On the road to intrigue and victory, I have made many puzzling choices, but each time, it has been for that higher goal. However, the wheels of history rolled forward, and in the end I became the price of victory.

In the Battle of Changping, Bai Qi strictly forbade the soldiers to eat mutton, and the soldiers were not convinced, Bai Qi: You walk 50 steps to try