
Listening to persuasion, a large number of netizens have bricked their phones after updating the iOS system

author:Saida said technology

Recently, the iOS system has released a beta version, which has attracted the attention of many fruit fans. However, there are quite a few users who are in trouble. According to reports, a large number of netizens have encountered various problems after updating the version, which has even caused the phone to become a "brick". This news has attracted a lot of attention and reminds us to exercise caution when updating our systems.

Listening to persuasion, a large number of netizens have bricked their phones after updating the iOS system

Stepping on lightning is frequent, beware of traps

Updating the system may seem like a simple operation, but because beta versions are experimental and unstable, the risks are relatively high. After this update, some users reported that the phone became stuck, the app crashed, and the battery drained quickly. What's worse is that some users' mobile phones are directly "bricked", unable to be used normally, and lose their use value. This situation is indeed worrying.

Listening to persuasion, a large number of netizens have bricked their phones after updating the iOS system

Resist the urge to update and wait for the stable version

Faced with such a situation, do we really need to update the system in the first place? The answer is no. After all, beta releases are like an ongoing experiment that exists to find and fix bugs, not to provide users with a perfect experience. Therefore, we should choose wisely to wait until the stable version is released.

Listening to persuasion, a large number of netizens have bricked their phones after updating the iOS system

Listen to the user's voice and improve the quality

As Apple fans, our expectations for iOS are certainly getting better and better. But this incident also gives us a warning: manufacturers need to take user needs and feedback more seriously. Only by fully listening to the voice of the user can the quality and stability of the system be continuously improved. At the same time, we, as users, should also remain rational and patient, and give manufacturers enough time and space to make improvements.

Listening to persuasion, a large number of netizens have bricked their phones after updating the iOS system

Do you remember the last time the iOS system overturned? This time it's again! Don't rush to update! Wait for the official stable version before acting! After all, we all want the phone to be better, not a "brick". Let's work together to call on manufacturers to improve quality and bring us a better experience!

—— This article is written by the editors of Toutiao, please indicate the source for forwarding ——

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