
Health first nourishes the intestines, and sends you 6 tips for the intestines to survive the winter

author:Shangguan News

Is your gut still strong during this cold winter season? What are some good Xi that can help us have a healthy gut?

Health first nourishes the intestines, and sends you 6 tips for the intestines to survive the winter


Eat a healthy diet

Health first nourishes the intestines, and sends you 6 tips for the intestines to survive the winter

First of all, a good diet Xi habits are necessary to protect the intestines. "People take food as the sky", three meals a day on time and on point, each meal is seven or eight points full, not hungry, not full, in order to maintain a good state of intestines every day. In addition to ensuring a regular diet and rest, establishing a reasonable diet structure is also the top priority for maintaining intestinal health. So, how to achieve a balanced and nutritious daily diet?

Freshness and variety of food are prerequisites, and adequate carbohydrate supplementation can provide the body with the energy it needs. At the same time, with vegetables and fruits rich in dietary fiber, it can not only provide the body with water, vitamins, electrolytes and other nutrients, but also enhance gastrointestinal motility, promote intestinal peristalsis, improve abdominal distention, relieve indigestion, moisten the intestines and laxative, and effectively maintain a relatively stable state in the intestinal lumen. A reasonable diet can maximize the quality of intestinal supplements. Of course, nutritional supplementation also pays attention to the balance between supply and demand, and letting the intestines "work normally and rest regularly" is the right way to treat it. Overeating and excessive tonic intake can cause obesity and increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, leading to indigestion, bloating and other uncomfortable symptoms.



Health first nourishes the intestines, and sends you 6 tips for the intestines to survive the winter

In winter, the weather turns colder, the humidity of the outdoor environment plummets, the indoor air conditioning and heating are running, and people's living environment gradually becomes dry. If you don't drink enough water for a long time and are in a dry environment, the human body lacks water for a long time, which not only leads to dry and cracked skin, but also causes dry stool and difficulty in defecation. Therefore, proper hydration in winter can prevent or relieve constipation symptoms and keep the intestines open.


Exercise reasonably

Health first nourishes the intestines, and sends you 6 tips for the intestines to survive the winter

A lifestyle away from inert behavior is also beneficial for gut health. In addition to meals, everyone should remember to sit down soon and exercise appropriately after meals every day. This helps to promote blood circulation in the body, helps to pass feces in the intestines, and does not allow harmful substances to stay in the body for a long time. Sometimes the outdoor temperature is too cold, you can choose some indoor sports that are suitable for you as appropriate, and ensure regular and appropriate exercise every day. It's also a great way to keep your gut healthy.


Use medication with caution

Health first nourishes the intestines, and sends you 6 tips for the intestines to survive the winter

Strengthening food hygiene and not abusing antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors and other drugs is also one of the key measures to maintain the balance of intestinal flora and protect the intestines. So, how to maintain the balance of intestinal flora?

First, beware of "illness from the mouth". Do not eat stale or unclean food and water to prevent harmful bacteria from entering the gastrointestinal tract through the diet.

Second, do not abuse antibiotics. The human gut is an environment full of thousands of bacteria. When in a stable state, all kinds of bacteria can abide by the principle of "peaceful coexistence and non-aggression" under the leadership of beneficial bacteria. Long-term abuse of antibiotics will upset the balance of bacteria in this environment, causing intestinal flora disorders, and the immune barrier established by microorganisms in the intestinal lumen will be damaged, and many intestinal diseases may follow. If there are diarrhea symptoms, causing a large loss of intestinal beneficial bacteria and an imbalance in the intestinal environment, it is necessary to supplement probiotics appropriately to help stop diarrhea.


Windproof and warm

Health first nourishes the intestines, and sends you 6 tips for the intestines to survive the winter

Another factor contributing to the high incidence of intestinal diseases in winter is the lower temperatures. After winter, the temperature drops rapidly, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large, because of the change of seasons, the temperature changes that appear at first warm and cold, cold and hot, make the human blood vessels constrict, the histidine component in the blood increases, and the gastric secretion increases, which is easy to cause a series of gastrointestinal discomfort symptoms such as acid reflux, belching, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and even leads to complications such as gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with peptic ulcer. Therefore, keeping warm and avoiding cold wind in winter is an indispensable and important measure to protect gastrointestinal health.


Balance of mind

Health first nourishes the intestines, and sends you 6 tips for the intestines to survive the winter

The gastrointestinal tract is a very "emotional" organ, also known as the "second brain of the human body". It is easy to perceive changes in human emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness. Winter is coming, especially at the end of the year, the social rhythm is fast, the work pressure is high, life is not smooth, and the small and small trivial things accumulated in a year are particularly complicated at this time, which makes many people nervous, anxious, or excited, irritable, irritable and other emotional fluctuations. Negative, depressed emotions can reduce gastrointestinal motility, leading to low appetite, and a series of chain reactions such as early satiety, hiccups, bloating, and constipation.

At the same time, psychological factors can also easily cause functional gastrointestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, which can cause recurrent abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and other symptoms. Excessively high emotions can also easily cause gastrointestinal hyperdynamic response, which increases gastric acid secretion, frequent gastroesophageal reflux symptoms, and also causes abdominal pain, diarrhea and other discomforts. This is easy to be overlooked in daily life, and in the long run, the quality of life is affected, and the body's intestinal health is difficult to maintain. Therefore, maintaining a comfortable mood and ensuring emotional stability is also an important measure for intestinal "stability".

In summary, I hope that everyone can develop good Xi, pay attention to the bits and pieces of daily life, develop a healthy intestine, and have a healthy body. However, if a person has significant gastrointestinal discomfort symptoms that recur from time to time and persist for a long time, they should go to the hospital in time to get help from a gastroenterologist.

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