
Personality not only changes fate, but also affects life expectancy? Doctor: People with these personalities are prone to serious illness

author:Lao Li Health said

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In a quiet hospital consultation room, Dr. Zhao confronts an anxious-looking patient, Chen En. Chen En recently came to the doctor with heart problems, and his face was a little pale.

Dr. Zhao asked softly, "Chen En, I noticed that your heart condition has not been stable recently. Apart from the physiology, what is your daily life and state of mind?"

Personality not only changes fate, but also affects life expectancy? Doctor: People with these personalities are prone to serious illness

Chen En sighed and said, "Doctor, I am a person with a relatively impatient personality, and I am under a lot of pressure at work, and I often feel anxious and nervous. ”

Dr. Zhao nodded and began to explain, "Actually, personality and mindset not only affect our daily life, but may also affect our health and longevity. ”

Personality not only changes fate, but also affects life expectancy? Doctor: People with these personalities are prone to serious illness

Chen En looked a little surprised, he didn't expect such a direct connection between personality and longevity. Dr Chio went on to say, "The impact of personality on health is profound and complex. For example, optimistic people tend to have healthier hearts, while pessimistic, anxious personalities may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. ”

Personality not only changes fate, but also affects life expectancy? Doctor: People with these personalities are prone to serious illness

Chen En looked a little frustrated: "Then my personality is destined to be sick?" Dr. Zhao replied with a smile: "That's not the case. ”

While personality has an impact on health, we can reduce this effect by making lifestyle changes and mindsets. For example, learning to relax and deal with stress head-on can greatly reduce the health risks associated with personality.

Personality not only changes fate, but also affects life expectancy? Doctor: People with these personalities are prone to serious illness

At this time, Dr. Zhao said, "Actually, there are health-promoting elements in everyone's personality. "Character can indeed affect our health and longevity, but it is not an unchangeable fate.

By positively adjusting our mindset and learning Xi skills to cope with stress, we can improve our health. After hearing this, Chen En's face showed a smile that he hadn't seen for a long time.

Personality not only changes fate, but also affects life expectancy? Doctor: People with these personalities are prone to serious illness

Seeing the change in Chen, Dr. Zhao added some words of encouragement: "Remember, Chen, our body is like a garden, and our mind and character are the gardeners in it. ”

A positive and optimistic gardener will nurture healthy flowers, while an anxious gardener may leave overgrown weeds. We can make our own flower of life bloom more brilliantly by cultivating the garden of the mind.

Personality not only changes fate, but also affects life expectancy? Doctor: People with these personalities are prone to serious illness

Chen En seemed inspired, and he asked, "So where should I start?" Dr. Zhao advised, "Start small." For example, make time each day to do something that makes you feel relaxed and happy, whether it's going for a walk, reading, or listening to music. ”

At the same time, try to look at life's challenges in a positive way, rather than worrying and anxious. Chen's eyes sparkled with renewed hope. He began to realize that changing his personality and mindset was not only for his health, but also for a better life.

Personality not only changes fate, but also affects life expectancy? Doctor: People with these personalities are prone to serious illness

Everyone is a designer of their own health. Let's start today and embrace each new day with a positive and optimistic attitude to draw a beautiful blueprint for our health and happiness.

Chen En shook Dr. Zhao's hand gratefully, and as he walked out of the consultation room, his steps lighter than when he came in, his heart full of hope and anticipation.

Personality not only changes fate, but also affects life expectancy? Doctor: People with these personalities are prone to serious illness

What do you think about the fact that personality can change fate and affect lifespan? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Personality not only changes fate, but also affects life expectancy? Doctor: People with these personalities are prone to serious illness