
5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

author:Eagle Exploration Station
"Big brother in hand, pedal on a small motorcycle. ”

In the eighties and nineties, it is estimated that when you see such a person on the road, everyone's eyes have to stay on him for a long time.

Motorcycles at that time had a special meaning for the era at that time.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

It is not only a means of transportation for people, but also a symbol of identity and status.

To this day, the classic motorcycle models of that era are still talked about.

How many do you know?

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

Jialing 50, also affectionately known as the Red Rooster

The Jialing 50 motorcycle, an old-fashioned motorcycle full of nostalgia, is affectionately known as the "Red Rooster".

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

It was born in China in the late seventies of the last century and was carefully copied by the state-owned Jialing Machinery Factory based on the Japanese prototype PA50.

In that era, Jialing 50 quickly became popular with its unique shape, practical functions and affordable price, and became the first choice for many families.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

From the point of view of appearance, the appearance design of the Jialing 50 is simple and elegant, and the body lines are smooth, giving people a sense of the times.

And its core technology lies in the two-stroke continuously variable engine and belt drive system.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

The engine has a simple structure, low fuel consumption and high power, while the belt drive setup makes driving easier and more convenient.

The people who have ridden the Jialing 50 are not young now, and it was still very fashionable to ride it out at that time.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

It is precisely because of these characteristics that the Jialing 50 became a leader in the motorcycle industry at that time, and was even known as one of the old antiques in the motorcycle industry for a time.

However, the Jialing 50 is not flawless.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

Some users have reported that there are some problems with this motorcycle during use.

For example, the meshing parts of the rear transmission power are plastic, which is easily damaged, the clutch rings too loudly and affects the surrounding environment, the transmission belt needs to be replaced regularly, and it is difficult to start in the winter in northern areas.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

But despite this, Jialing 50 still has won the love of consumers with its unique charm.

For many people who experienced that era, Jialing 50 is not only a car, but also a good memory in their hearts.

Although despite some shortcomings, the Kejialing 50 is still an important milestone for China's motorcycle industry.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

Honda CG125

The Honda CG125 is a legendary motorcycle that has won the love of consumers worldwide for its superior practicality and durability since it came out in the 70s of the 20th century.

This motorcycle is Honda's tailor-made commuter for Southeast Asian countries, not only meeting the daily travel needs of local residents, but also setting off a motorcycle revolution around the world due to its outstanding performance.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

At that time, the Japanese motorcycle industry was undergoing a technological revolution, and Honda, as one of the leaders of this change, launched the CG125 with a keen market insight and aimed at the public's demand for practical light motorcycles.

The launch of this car not only represents the strength of Honda, but also marks the rise of the Japanese motorcycle industry on a global scale.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

In terms of technology, the Honda CG125 is equipped with a single-cylinder air-cooled four-stroke vertical top rod engine with a displacement of 125cc, which not only ensures the stability of power output, but also maximizes fuel economy.

Not only that, but the car's gearshift system is also excellent, providing the driver with a smooth and swift gear change experience.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

These technical features make the Honda CG125 unique among motorcycles in its class and become the first choice in the minds of many consumers.

In the market, the Honda CG125 has an unshakable position.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

In the 90s of the last century, despite the challenges of many competitors, the sales performance of the Honda CG125 in the domestic market was still strong, and the market share remained high.

You know, at that time, the price of motorcycles in the market was generally low, but the price of Honda CG125 was relatively high, but this did not affect its hot sales.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

To this day, there are still many people who pay a high price for a well-preserved second-hand Honda CG125, which is enough to prove its immortal place in motorcycle history.

For many motorcycle enthusiasts, owning a Honda CG125 is not only a way to travel, but also a reflection of feelings.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

Yamaha 80

In China in the last century, motorcycles, as a new means of transportation, gradually entered the lives of thousands of households.

In this historical process, Chongqing's construction of the Yamaha-80 undoubtedly occupies a pivotal position.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

It is not only a fashion symbol of that era, but also the originator of China's curved beam motorcycle, leading a generation of trends.

At that time, Chongqing Construction Yamaha 80 not only won the favor of the market with excellent performance and economical fuel efficiency, but also became the favorite of many young people.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

You must know that the design concept of Chongqing's construction of the Yamaha-80 comes from the pursuit of comfortable riding.

Not only was its curved beam design a rarity at the time, but it made the ride much easier.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

What's more, in terms of economy, Chongqing Construction Yamaha-80 performed equally well.

At that time, the oil price was about 2.5 yuan, and the fuel tank capacity of this model was 4 liters, which could be filled up for only 10 yuan.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

And this motorcycle can reach a range of nearly 200 kilometers under normal driving conditions, which is undoubtedly a huge temptation for people at that time.

Although Chongqing Construction Yamaha 80 has been a great success in the market, it is undeniable that it also has some shortcomings.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

For example, due to the light body structure, poor stability may occur at high speeds.

But that didn't dampen its popularity, especially among young women, who found the Yamaha 80's exterior design to be both stylish and functional, perfect for daily commutes and short trips.

While more new models of motorcycles appeared on the market over time, the legacy of the Yamaha 80 will forever be remembered in the hearts of everyone who loves motorcycles.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

Suzuki TR125

In the spring breeze of the 80s, China's motorcycle market ushered in a new era.

The hallmark of this era was the introduction of the Suzuki TR125 motorcycle from Japan.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

This motorcycle, produced by the Japanese company Suzuki, quickly won the love of Chinese consumers with its unique design and superior performance, and became a symbol of that era.

In fact, in the beginning, young Chinese people did not have much interest in Japanese motorcycles, they preferred the heavy weight of Eastern European motorcycles.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

However, once they came into contact with Japanese motorcycles, people began to realize their advantages, especially the Suzuki series of motorcycles, which not only looked good, but also had good handling.

Although the Suzuki TR125 has a displacement of only 125cc, its performance is comparable to that of Eastern Europe and the domestic 250 motorcycle.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

What's more, the carburetor design of this car is also quite ingenious, located inside the right side of the fuselage, making the whole car look more simple and elegant.

This unique design concept makes the Suzuki TR125 an ideal model in the minds of many post-70s.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

The price of the Suzuki TR125 was a symbol of luxury at the time.

Its price rose from the initial 4,600 yuan to 12,000 yuan, which was quite a high price at the time.

However, due to its superior performance and unique design, the Suzuki TR125 is still sought after.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

It can be said that the Suzuki TR125 became a symbol of that era with its unique charm and excellent performance.

Whether in terms of price, performance or exterior design, the Suzuki TR125 shows the advantages of Japanese motorcycles.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

Even today, the Suzuki TR125 is still regarded as a generational classic and an unforgettable memory in the hearts of many.

Perhaps the most memorable feature is the exhaust sound signature of the Suzuki TR125.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

Unlike other motorcycles such as the Honda CG125 and the GL145 with its loud bang, the Suzuki TR125's exhaust sound is dripping.

This unique sound has also become a memory of that era for many people.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

Wild Wolf 125

"I came from the mountains and forests, walked through the green fields, and walked across the ditch and stream. Wild wolves, wild wolves, wild wolves... Heroic and unrestrained,"

This advertising slogan is probably familiar to everyone.

In the 90s, if anyone had a Jialing 125 or a Wuyang Honda 125, it was estimated that the family conditions were already very good.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

But if anyone has a Wolf 125, this is no less than the ultra-luxury cars seen on the street now, at least at the level of Rolls-Royce.

It can be said that if anyone owns such a car, then this car is enough to support a large façade.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

Ride this car on the street, you are the most beautiful boy on the whole street.

Since its launch, the market performance of the Wild Wolf 125 has been proud.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

This product is strong and meets the diversified needs of the market.

In terms of marketing strategy, the wolf 125 has broken through the traditional shackles, with the image advertising of "I come from the mountains and forests, over the green field" as the theme is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the cool image of the wolf is perfectly combined with the personality characteristics of the car, thus consolidating the leading position in the light motorcycle market.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

The success of Wolf 125 is not only reflected in its strong product strength and precise marketing strategy, but also in the profound cultural heritage and spirit of continuous innovation behind it.

It is the combined effect of these factors that makes the Wild Wolf 125 a bright pearl in the Taiwanese motorcycle market and a classic in the minds of countless people.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

After looking back at those nostalgic classic motorcycles of the 80s and 90s, we can't help but ponder a question:

Among these motorcycles that carry the memories of countless people's youth, which one best represents the glory of that era?

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

There may not be a standard answer to this question, because the classics in everyone's mind are unique.

While these classic motorcycles are a part of history, the freedom, passion and adventure they represent still inspire us.

5 types of antique motorcycles that were all the rage in the eighties and nineties, and if you have ridden one, it means that you are old

These motorcycles were not only a means of transportation, but also a symbol of the lifestyle of the people of that era.

They have witnessed the growth of countless people and accompanied them through the best times of their lives.

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