
Li Tie and others appeared on camera to repent| It is urgent to face up to the problem and get out of the haze

author:Green Tile Sports

The annual anti-corruption blockbuster "Continuous Efforts to Advance in Depth", jointly produced by the Propaganda Department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission and CCTV of China Central Radio and Television, will be broadcast on CCTV at 8 p.m. on January 6. In yesterday's trailer, Li Tie, Chen Xuyuan, Du Zhaocai and other high-level football leaders appeared on camera to confess, and this topic rushed to the hot search, once again arousing people's attention and thinking about Chinese football.

Li Tie and others appeared on camera to repent| It is urgent to face up to the problem and get out of the haze

Li Tie, from a meritorious player to a corrupt and illegal player

Li Tie, as a meritorious player who successfully entered the World Cup in the past, has been shining in the field of football from being successfully elected as the Chinese Footballer of the Year, to becoming the first batch of players in Asia to compete in the Premier League, and then leading different Chinese clubs to successfully surpass after retirement. However, it is such a former football hero who has become a suspect in the crime because of bribery and corruption. Li Tie's case has aroused widespread public concern and should also bring about a deep reflection on the governance of Chinese football.

Li Tie and others appeared on camera to repent| It is urgent to face up to the problem and get out of the haze

Chen Xuyuan, Du Zhaocai, the top management of the football world apologized to the fans

In this annual anti-corruption blockbuster in football, in addition to Li Tie, there are also Chen Xuyuan, who once held the power of the Football Association, and Du Zhaocai, deputy director of the General Administration of Sports of China. As former high-level football leaders, they not only lost themselves in the whirlpool of materialism, but also cast a shadow on the development of Chinese football. In the trailer, Du Zhaocai, whose hair has gray, confessed: "In the hunt for the interests of the club owners, some have gone with the flow." But netizens and fans didn't buy their confession, and commented: "If you don't see the coffin, you won't cry, and you cry just to be less convicted" "I just regret being caught".

Li Tie and others appeared on camera to repent| It is urgent to face up to the problem and get out of the haze

The development of football is a long road

In this case, although we cannot blame only a few individuals, it also reflects the confusion and inaction of the management of Chinese football, from the grassroots to the professional league, Chinese football has been trapped in corruption, power monopoly and the interweaving of internal and external interests, which highlights the shortcomings of the management mechanism. The development of football in China requires the joint efforts of the rulers, sports departments, governments at all levels, clubs, media and fans. Only when our management mechanism is more standardized and transparent, when our youth training system is more complete and scientific, and when our professional leagues are more competitive and attractive, can Chinese football achieve sustainable development.

Li Tie and others appeared on camera to repent| It is urgent to face up to the problem and get out of the haze

Heavy plastic foot, reform ahead

At the same time, there are opportunities in the problems, and the public confessions of Li Tie and other high-level leaders have injected the motivation for Chinese football to face up to problems and have the courage to improve. Dare to move the knife from the inside, there is the possibility of transformation and progress, repentance is not the end, only through the implementation of rectification measures, learn lessons in order to polish the image of Chinese football, bring new hope. As a top-level design, the "Overall Plan for the Reform and Development of Chinese Football" points out the fundamental path of football reform, and we should seize this incident to strengthen the supervision and training of football management and coaching team, further follow and implement the reform plan, and promote the fundamental reform of Chinese football, so that Chinese football can get back on track.

For Chinese football, every reflection is an opportunity for progress, and every confession is a step into the future. We hope that the mistakes of the past will become the experience that we will remember, and that the courage to face up to the problems will drive us forward.

Character: 安宝弟

Editor: Huang Jiayi

Picture: Source network, invaded and deleted