
The new stars of the forward line doubled, and the Blue Foxes scored four goals to get off to a good start to the New Year

author:Extraordinary headlines

Since ancient times, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River have been symbols of mainland civilization, and their confluence of Hubei and Henan not only contains the depth of history, but also outlines the magnificence of nature. Unique, diverse, prosperous and vibrant, these are the characteristics of the two central provinces. Whether you love Wuhan's food, Wuhan's history, Henan's food and nature, this is an unforgettable trip. Let's walk into these two beautiful places together and find their charm!

The new stars of the forward line doubled, and the Blue Foxes scored four goals to get off to a good start to the New Year

In the fluctuating map of China, Hubei and Henan are like closely coordinated right-hand men, and they are in the center of the country's transportation. In terms of natural scenery, Hubei Shennongjia, Wudang Mountain, Xiangyang Ancient City and other earthly fairyland are dizzying, and in terms of cultural landscapes, Luoyang's Longmen Grottoes, Anyang's Yinxu and other cultural treasures shine brightly. Wuhan, the economic heart of the Wuchang region, has been booming in recent years, with abundant and diverse scientific and technological and educational resources. However, Henan, despite its large population and abundant resources, is relatively inferior to urbanization and modernity to some extent. However, cities such as Zhengzhou and Kaifeng are still developing as fast as tigers.

The new stars of the forward line doubled, and the Blue Foxes scored four goals to get off to a good start to the New Year

The food culture is also a true portrayal of the obvious differences between the two provinces of Hubei and Henan, but it is all-encompassing. Located in central China, Wuhan is known as the "Province of a Thousand Lakes", and is extremely rich in aquatic resources, especially the traditional delicacies such as hot dry noodles boiled by home-made local methods, delicious soup dumplings, and duck necks with rich sauce, which are endlessly memorable. Henan's cuisine is famous for its delicate craftsmanship and unique snacks such as Hu spicy soup and mutton stewed noodles.

The new stars of the forward line doubled, and the Blue Foxes scored four goals to get off to a good start to the New Year

The history has been stormy several times, and the cultural inheritance has never been broken. Hubei, a region with a rich history, has a rich cultural heritage. Modern forms of conservation and display methods have made historical sites more humane, as if a time machine allows us to relive the glorious days of the past. For example, the lively Yellow Crane Tower, which is a shining business card of the city of Wuhan, and the world-famous water conservancy project in Yichang, the Three Gorges Dam, are all amazing.

The new stars of the forward line doubled, and the Blue Foxes scored four goals to get off to a good start to the New Year

Similarly, Henan is also one of the important birthplaces of Chinese civilization

The new stars of the forward line doubled, and the Blue Foxes scored four goals to get off to a good start to the New Year