
The Ministry of Education issued a document! Five new majors are coming

author:Follow the feeling of reality

With the continuous progress of science and technology and the rapid development of society, higher education in mainland China is also constantly expanding its professional fields to meet the needs of the country and society for all kinds of talents. Recently, the Ministry of Education announced that it will focus on the development of five new majors in the next few years, namely medical device and equipment engineering, geriatrics and health, health and medical security, drug economics and management, and biomedical data science. The establishment of these five new majors will undoubtedly train more high-quality professionals for the mainland and make greater contributions to the country's medical and health undertakings.

The Ministry of Education issued a document! Five new majors are coming

First of all, the medical device and equipment engineering major is to meet the needs of the rapid development of the medical device industry in mainland China. With the development of science and technology, medical devices have become an indispensable part of the medical field, and the technical level and performance of medical devices directly affect the effect of medical diagnosis and treatment. However, the mainland's research and production capacity in the field of high-end medical devices is relatively weak and relies heavily on imports. The establishment of the medical device and equipment engineering major will help cultivate professionals with skills in medical device design, research and development, production and maintenance, and improve the overall level of the medical device industry in mainland China.

The Ministry of Education issued a document! Five new majors are coming
The Ministry of Education issued a document! Five new majors are coming

Secondly, geriatrics and health professions are aimed at the growing problem of population aging in mainland China. According to statistics, the elderly population in mainland China has exceeded 250 million, accounting for a rising proportion of the total population. The physical and mental health of the elderly population has become the focus of social attention. The establishment of the geriatric medicine and health major aims to cultivate professionals with the ability to prevent and treat geriatric diseases, rehabilitation nursing, psychological care, etc., and provide a strong guarantee for the health of the elderly in mainland China.

In addition, the establishment of the health and medical security major aims to cultivate talents with the ability to formulate, implement and evaluate health management and medical security policies. With the continuous improvement of the medical security system in mainland China, there is an increasing demand for medical security professionals. Graduates majoring in health and medical security will be able to engage in related work in government departments, medical institutions, insurance companies and other institutions to contribute to the health security cause in mainland China.

The Ministry of Education issued a document! Five new majors are coming

The major of drug economics and management aims to cultivate talents with economic management capabilities in drug research and development, production, distribution, and sales. Graduates majoring in pharmaceutical economics and management will be able to engage in drug management, drug procurement, drug price management, etc. in pharmaceutical enterprises, pharmaceutical distribution enterprises, medical institutions, etc., and provide support for the development of the pharmaceutical economy in mainland China.

Finally, the biomedical data science major is to meet the demand for big data analysis in the biomedical field in mainland China. With the continuous development of biotechnology, a large amount of data has been generated in the field of biomedicine, and how to effectively mine these data has become the key to improving the level of biomedical research. The establishment of the biomedical data science major will help cultivate talents with the ability of biomedical data mining, analysis, visualization and other aspects, and promote the research and development of the biomedical field in mainland China.

The Ministry of Education issued a document! Five new majors are coming

In short, the establishment of these five new majors fully reflects the positive response of mainland higher education to the national strategic needs and the strong support for scientific and technological innovation. It is believed that in the near future, these five new majors will cultivate more outstanding talents for the mainland's medical and health undertakings and make greater contributions to the country's scientific and technological progress and social development.

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