
Under the "Three Mutual Trees", the old tradition of unity between officers and soldiers has burst into new vitality in the new era

author:Chinese military horn

Source: China Military Network, China Military Number

Under the "three mutual trees," the old tradition of unity among officers and soldiers has burst into new vitality in the new era

China Military Network reporter Bi Xiaotian, Liu Yan, correspondent Sun Xiaoxia

Walking into the gate of the Linghai Squadron of the Fourth Brigade of the Jinzhou Detachment of the Liaoning Armed Police Corps, I looked up and saw a tall willow tree standing quietly in a corner of the camp. In 1978, Yuan Guichang, then the instructor of the squadron, led the officers and soldiers to plant this tree.

Time flies, decades have passed, the squadron has undergone many adjustments and reorganizations, the chief officer has been replaced, the fighters have retired, and the people in the squadron have changed one after another. When the barracks were relocated, the officers and men were reluctant to move the tree and worked together to transplant it to the new barracks.

Nowadays, the previous seedlings have already grown into big trees, and the thick taproot has three vigorous branches, which everyone calls it "three mutual trees", and the three branches symbolize the relationship between officers and soldiers of the squadron to learn from each other, help each other, and teach each other.

Under the "Three Mutual Trees", the old tradition of unity between officers and soldiers has burst into new vitality in the new era

The "Three Mutual Trees" symbolize the relationship between officers and soldiers of the squadron who learn from each other, help each other, and teach each other. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Let's start with the love of soldiers

There was a young man from Xinjiang in the squadron, who was not tall, had a dark complexion, and his mouth was full of white teeth. On the first day of the company, the recruits were called, "Slanbek Bayiga" and "Arrived!"

A crisp answer attracted the attention of Cong Chenxi, the 26th political instructor of the squadron. Facing the instructor's gaze, Slanbek grinned, "Generous, cheerful and polite, a good seedling", Cong Chenxi thought to himself.

During a training session, Slanbek injured his right knee. During the recuperation period, his comrades-in-arms took turns to feed him, bring him magazines to relieve his boredom, and buy canned food to visit him.

The instructor looked anxious in his eyes: "You have to rest in peace, don't worry." "Instructor, I'm a little homesick, every time I used to get sick, my mother would make me milk skin to eat......"

No one expected that Cong Chenxi returned from vacation a few days later, and he went straight to the dormitory without having time to change his military uniform, "Look what gift I brought you!" It turned out that Cong Chenxi's lover brought back a special product from his travel, and he was reluctant to eat it himself, so he hurriedly gave it to someone who needed it more.

"Can you help me taste it and see if it's authentic?" just to replenish your body!" the instructor laughed, but Slanbek, who had taken the specialty, cried.

Under the "Three Mutual Trees", the old tradition of unity between officers and soldiers has burst into new vitality in the new era

The officers and men had heart-to-heart talks. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

There are too many such little things in the squadron, and every officer and soldier is like this, tightly united like pomegranate seeds. Everyone learns Xi theoretical knowledge in class, trains together on the training ground, and has fun together. Under the words and deeds of the squadron cadres, Zhang Jiahao became more and more modest and active, rushing to do dirty work and tiring work; some soldiers wanted to take the military academy examination, and everyone rushed to help him on night duty and cheer him up when his grades were not satisfactory......

The squadron honor room is the first stop for each commander. Under the banner of a noodle brocade, new and old cadres take a good "relay lesson", the former chief officer imparts experience, and the current chief officer takes over the heavy burden of leading the troops.

"If you don't know how to lead soldiers, let's start with loving soldiers. This is a phrase passed down by word of mouth among the successive commanders of the squadron.

Under the "Three Mutual Trees", the old tradition of unity between officers and soldiers has burst into new vitality in the new era

Squadron Honor Room. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

A strong tree, a sincere heart

Every time a new recruit of the squadron leaves the company or a veteran retires from the army, the officers and men have to hold a ceremony to water the "three mutual trees." No matter what difficulties and worries they encounter, they will often study countermeasures under the "three mutual trees." This tree, for the 25th squadron leader Gao Shen, has a more far-reaching significance.

In 2013, the new camp had not yet been repaired, and there was only an uneven dirt road from the squadron barracks to the training ground, which was inconvenient to walk. Gao Shen took the branch members to sit under the "three mutual trees" and brainstormed to overcome this problem. "Use your break time to do it yourself, and you have to build a road. Gao Shen said categorically.

He led the backbone of the squadron to fight at night in his spare time, and after other officers and soldiers saw it, they also actively participated. It didn't take long for a flat concrete road to stretch between the barracks and the training ground. Everyone used stones to form the words "Tuanjie Road" and inlaid them on the cement road, and at the end of "Tuanjie Road", "Sanhu Tree" stood quietly.

Under the "Three Mutual Trees", the old tradition of unity between officers and soldiers has burst into new vitality in the new era

The officers and men of the squadron walked on the road of unity. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Everyone said that the "Three Mutual Trees" and "Unity Road" are symbols of the unity of the officers and men of the squadron. In the course of decades of ups and downs, why has this pure relationship between officers and soldiers never faded? Why has this fine tradition been carried forward all the time?

Some people say that it depends on sincerity for sincerity-

Recruit Tang Yuanxiang suffered a slight fractured wrist during horizontal bar Xi, and also enjoyed the "treatment" before Slanbek during his recuperation. Everyone helped him with laundry, cooking, and housekeeping. In the cafeteria, the veteran Slanbek sat next to Tang Yuanxiang, took a few oranges in his hand, peeled them one by one and put them on his plate, and said to him with a smile: "Yuanxiang, you can eat." Take care of your illness and don't worry. ”

Some people say that it is because of the equal relationship between superiors and subordinates -

If the cadres of the squadron are not clear enough in their work ideas, the soldiers can bluntly point out the deficiencies and give him a thumbs up when he makes progress; the two commanders have worked hard to make up for their own shortcomings and weaknesses, and under their inspiration, the officers and men of the squadron have found more time to exercise, and the overall quality of the squadron has been markedly improved.

Some people say that it is out of the belief that "honor is above all else" -

After the squadron was awarded the collective first-class merit, the views of Cong Chenxi, secretary of the party branch, were unanimously recognized by everyone: "Today's honor is not only the apex of yesterday's glory, but also the starting point of tomorrow's struggle." ”

"Home" is the word that appears most frequently when officers and soldiers refer to the squadron in interviews. Behind their unity and friendship, they have long regarded each other as family. Under the "Three Mutual Trees", there are enthusiastic and sincere hearts.

Under the "Three Mutual Trees", the old tradition of unity between officers and soldiers has burst into new vitality in the new era

Officers and men of the squadron listen to the story of the "Three Mutual Trees". Photo courtesy of the interviewee

In the new era, continue to run

Home gives people warmth, some people have overcome the psychological barrier of being shy and shy before, and their personalities have gradually become lively and cheerful; home inspires people to forge ahead, some people have surpassed themselves here, and have made great achievements in military competitions; home makes people down-to-earth, and some people stand on every shift with vigor on the cold sentry post.

An atmosphere of unity and fraternity influences people and forms a strong fighting force. The squadron has maintained its advanced status for 59 consecutive years, has been rated as a pacesetter squadron in grassroots construction for 25 consecutive years, and has been awarded 2 first-class merits, 5 second-class merits, and 13 third-class merits. Behind this heavy achievement is the result of successive generations of officers and men of the squadron.

Under the "Three Mutual Trees", the old tradition of unity between officers and soldiers has burst into new vitality in the new era

Honor Room of Linghai Squadron of Jinzhou Detachment of Armed Police. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

On the occasion of the 80 th anniversary of the founding of the army, Hui Xingfu, a retired veteran soldier who joined the army in 1977, still insisted on writing letters to the squadron to report his thoughts; the veteran squad leaders agreed to return here again on the 20 th anniversary of their enlistment and presented gifts to the squadron; after the soldier Liu Guisheng retired from the army, he worked in the garden department, often imparting planting experience to the squadron and advising the squadron on the management of flowers and plants.

Under the "Three Mutual Trees", the old tradition of unity between officers and soldiers has burst into new vitality in the new era

A letter from veteran Hui Xingfu 27 years after his retirement. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

After retiring from the army, Slanbek specially bought a rudder-shaped clock and sent it to the squadron, saying: "It was the squadron that helped me find the right direction when I was in difficulty, and the squadron was the helmsman on the road of my life." This clock has been hanging on the wall of the cultural and sports activity room, and there is also his exclusive number plate in the squadron honor room, which reads: "Slanbek, enlisted in the army in September 2018, Kazakh, good at uniting comrades, caring about the lives of comrades-in-arms......"

Under the "Three Mutual Trees", the old tradition of unity between officers and soldiers has burst into new vitality in the new era

The clock presented by Slanbek has been hanging on the wall of the squadron's cultural and sports room. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

The times are changing, the environment is changing, and the experiences of officers and men are changing, but the fine traditions of unity, fraternity, harmony, and purity remain unchanged. Recruit Ding Helen enlisted in the army this fall, listening to the glorious deeds of her predecessors, and her heart longed for it. He said: "Like veterans, I want to inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of the squadron and contribute to the building of the squadron." ”

Over the past few years, the officers and men of the squadron have studied theory and practice, and watered the tree of unity with the party's innovative theory. Shang Zhenwang, instructor of the brigade, said that we can make a breakthrough in how to make the old tradition of unity between officers and men burst out with new vitality and create new brilliance in the new era.

The cold wind blows, and the "Sanhu tree" is still standing tall in the wind, waiting for the branches to continue to sprout in the coming year.

(Produced by China Military Network, China Military Trumpet)