
Yu Minhong exhorted young people to work hard! Netizens said: I am not Dong Yuhui, I need your help even more!

author:Life and Practice

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I don't know why, but now many people are very disgusted with chicken soup culture!

At an international conference in November 2023, Yu Minhong, chairman of New Oriental Group, once said: If someone gives you 1 million, you will not have a sense of accomplishment, because it is not something you get through hard work. ”

Yu Minhong exhorted young people to work hard! Netizens said: I am not Dong Yuhui, I need your help even more!

Originally, it was a sentence exhorting young people to continue to work hard and not to "gnaw on the old and eat the old", but I didn't expect to be criticized by many netizens!

They left messages one after another, saying: I am not Dong Yuhui, if you give me 1 million, I will not only have a sense of accomplishment, but also be grateful to you for a lifetime!

Some netizens said: Give me 1 million, my life has changed a long time ago, and I will not spend my life in bed for the rest of my life.

A college graduate in rural Xinyang, Henan Province, because his family was poor since he was a child, in order to provide for himself and his sister to study, and his grandmother is old and frail, the family owes a lot of money. Since childhood, my parents have been working on screws in the Shanghai factory.

As soon as he graduated from college, he looked for work everywhere, sometimes working several jobs a day in order to earn more money.

Yu Minhong exhorted young people to work hard! Netizens said: I am not Dong Yuhui, I need your help even more!

One night in 2021, he and a few colleagues went to Zhengzhou and walked the streets and alleys to hand out leaflets. Because it was dark, he stepped into the air carelessly, fell from the corridor built in the air, and fainted in pain on the spot. A colleague rushed him to the hospital,

After waking up, the doctor told him that his injury was serious and he might be paraplegic, and he had to notify his family to come over as soon as possible to sign and pay, and the total cost was about 200,000 yuan.

Yu Minhong exhorted young people to work hard! Netizens said: I am not Dong Yuhui, I need your help even more!

The young man was dumbfounded when he heard this, and in desperation, he made a video call to his father to explain the situation.

After hearing this, the old father asked for help from his relatives around him with tears in his eyes, but the people around him were very poor, and the only rich relative was his second father, who only lent them 20,000 yuan, on the grounds that his son was still studying abroad and would spend more than 1 million yuan a year. What's more important is that this nephew of mine, who owes a lot of debts at home, is already poor and can't open the pot, so he can lend him the money, and he can only get it back in the Year of the Monkey.

In the end, the young man's university heard about this and mobilized students to donate more than 40,000 yuan and handed it over to the young man's parents.

Yu Minhong exhorted young people to work hard! Netizens said: I am not Dong Yuhui, I need your help even more!

His parents rushed to the hospital with the only 60,000 yuan and begged the doctor on their knees to save their child.

The operation was barely done, but for various reasons, it was not very successful, and the young man was taken home by his parents since then. Except for occasionally sitting in a wheelchair to breathe, most of the time I lie in bed, eating and waiting to die.

Two years later, someone asked him if you hated your rich relative, and he replied: I hate him, but I hate my incompetence even more, and I hate that I was born in such a family.

If you have money, if you have a little hope, how can you lie in bed and live this life that is worse than death, and you can't see the future!

Yu Minhong exhorted young people to work hard! Netizens said: I am not Dong Yuhui, I need your help even more!

This incident tells us: it is really scary for people to have no money, and sometimes a penny can change a person's life!

So, dear Mr. Yu, don't say give 1 million, if you can give him 500,000, this young man will not only have a sense of accomplishment, but also be grateful to you for a lifetime!

This sense of accomplishment is not something that can be bought for anything.

Some netizens said: Give me 1 million, my marriage is early, and I won't be a single now!

Some time ago, a man in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, gave up his marriage and quit his job to travel because he couldn't get a bride price of 210,000 yuan, which caused people across the country to sigh.

This young man is 35 years old this year, has been in love with the woman for more than a year, and is ready to enter the palace of marriage. The two adults combined, and the young man's parents paid a down payment for him to buy a house in Taiyuan, and after marriage, the young couple repaid the mortgage by themselves, and agreed that the bride price was 188,000.

Yu Minhong exhorted young people to work hard! Netizens said: I am not Dong Yuhui, I need your help even more!

Unexpectedly, when the wedding date was approaching, the woman listened to her best friend's words and suddenly proposed a bride price of 30,000 yuan plus "five money".

The man was very angry when he heard the sudden increase of 30,000 yuan, because this was far beyond the budget he had when he got married. He has taken out the savings for so many years, and he really has no money, and he also borrowed 20,000 yuan from a friend.

Yu Minhong exhorted young people to work hard! Netizens said: I am not Dong Yuhui, I need your help even more!

In a fit of rage, the young man called the woman, proposed to break up, and simply resigned and went out on a trip with 168,000 yuan of bride price.

After a few months of traveling, the young man said in an interview: he is still very eager for marriage, hoping to find someone who truly loves each other, live in harmony, and have another baby.

Look at how cruel the real society is, sometimes a bride price can destroy a marriage.

So, dear Mr. Yu, if you can give this young man 1 million yuan when he needs it, he will not only have a sense of accomplishment, but will also be grateful to you for the rest of his life!

Yu Minhong exhorted young people to work hard! Netizens said: I am not Dong Yuhui, I need your help even more!

[Written at the end]

Over the past 40 years since the reform and opening up, China has basically been in a period of rapid growth. At this time, society is full of gold, opportunities are everywhere, and through hard work, many people's fate can really be changed.

After all, even Lei Jun said: As long as you stand on the tuyere, pigs can fly!

Yu Minhong exhorted young people to work hard! Netizens said: I am not Dong Yuhui, I need your help even more!

Therefore, during this period, the atmosphere of the whole Chinese society is very anxious, and many parents firmly believe that their children cannot lose at the starting line!

When he was in school, he worked hard to make up for Xi, for fear that a slack would ruin his child's life; after graduation, he worked hard, advocating "wolf culture" and firmly believing that "God rewards hard work".

Because everyone knows: if you don't work hard enough, you lose your last chance to cross the ladder.

Yu Minhong exhorted young people to work hard! Netizens said: I am not Dong Yuhui, I need your help even more!

But the stars have changed, and the world has changed. Today's society has undergone fundamental changes. More and more young people are discovering that this is no longer the era when struggle will be rewarded.

For most ordinary people with average family background, qualifications, and abilities, no matter how hard you work and how hard you work, it is difficult to have a chance to get ahead, and earning 1 million will become far away.

In this helpless and powerless situation, if someone gives you 1 million and gets this money, you can start a business, get married, do many things that you couldn't do before, and take a lot of detours!

Yu Minhong exhorted young people to work hard! Netizens said: I am not Dong Yuhui, I need your help even more!

Isn't this an achievement for ordinary people? Because if someone lends you money, at least it means that you are still useful.

Therefore, dear Mr. Yu, if you really have the heart to encourage young people to struggle, please mobilize those rich people, each of whom leaks some money from their fingers, don't say it, even if they lend it to those who need it, so that they can also have some capital and opportunities, and realize their dreams through hard work.

May in 2024, we all be able to achieve what we wish and return to the carefree life of the past!#俞老师给了很多建议, including the future development ##要是你买彩票中了500万, will you give 1 million to the poor people in your hometown#

Yu Minhong exhorted young people to work hard! Netizens said: I am not Dong Yuhui, I need your help even more!

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