
Reading and sharing activities for teachers of Shaopingdian Kindergarten in Baqiao District

author:Sunshine News Sunshine Network

Sunshine News (Qiao Min, Guo Jiayue, Reporter Liang Yongfei) The murmuring of water nourishes all things, and the fragrance of books is quiet and quiet, cultivating sentient beings. In order to create a good reading atmosphere, share reading experience, and enhance educational wisdom, on January 5, 2024, Shaopingdian Kindergarten in Baqiao District, Xi'an City, carried out a teacher's reading sharing activity with the theme of "Winter Warm Sun, Bain the Fragrance of Books".

The spiritual growth of teachers needs the nourishment of high-quality reading, and the professional development of teachers needs the guidance of classic monographs. Lead teachers to acquire professional knowledge in reading, promote mutual learning and Xi and communication among teachers, and build a team of thoughtful, connotative and high-quality teachers.

Teacher Mo Yumei "Be a Wise Preschool Teacher"

Reading and sharing activities for teachers of Shaopingdian Kindergarten in Baqiao District
Reading and sharing activities for teachers of Shaopingdian Kindergarten in Baqiao District

"Be a wise preschool teacher" tells us that to educate children, we must start from talking with children, and the communication with children's hearts is the key to educating children, when you win the hearts of children, then, what you say can be "one sentence top 10,000 sentences", on the contrary, even if you say 10,000 sentences, it is just 10,000 words of nonsense. Education is originally a dialogue between the heart, and when you love your child and mingle with her heart, it becomes simpler. The most important thing in how to communicate with children heart-to-heart is to use children's logic to resolve children's emotions.

Teacher Guo Jiayue "Be a Warm Educator"

Reading and sharing activities for teachers of Shaopingdian Kindergarten in Baqiao District
Reading and sharing activities for teachers of Shaopingdian Kindergarten in Baqiao District

Reading feelings

As an educator – seek a bounded attitude towards your work. For the work attitude of educators, Mr. Chen Zhen believes that there is a realm as the top, education with a realm has its own style, and education with a realm has vitality. Teaching knowledge, teaching methods, teaching mentality can become the three realms of education, for growing people, knowledge, methods, and mentality are all important, the realm is from low to high, the low level is knowledge acquisition, and the high level is the cultivation of mentality, as long as it can be effectively integrated, it can promote the harmonious development of life.

Where the footsteps can't be measured, books can, and where the eyes can't reach, books can.

Reading is the best practice for teachers, teachers will take this reading sharing and exchange activity as an opportunity to take books as teachers, and truly regard reading and learning Xi as a life attitude, a work responsibility, a spiritual pursuit, and a realm requirement, and be a research-oriented teacher with connotation, knowledge and thought!

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