
"There is a shortage of teachers internally, and the external establishment exceeds the standard", teachers tell the truth and reveal the current situation of primary and secondary schools

author:Xinyan will tell the story

Recently, a teacher at a middle school in Beijing published an anonymous article that showed the current situation of primary and secondary school teachers inside and outside the post. This hotly debated article reveals the current dilemmas and challenges faced by the teaching profession from another perspective.

"There is a shortage of teachers internally, and the external establishment exceeds the standard", teachers tell the truth and reveal the current situation of primary and secondary schools

This teacher fearlessly said the thought-provoking problem of "shortage of internal teachers and excessive external staffing". He used his own personal experience and observation to present to the public the real situation of the working environment of teachers.

He pointed out that today, we are facing two outstanding problems. The first is the "shortage of internal teachers". The work pressure of teachers is increasing, and it is becoming more difficult for schools to recruit. Many schools face difficulties in the recruitment process, especially for teachers in certain subjects, and resources are scarce. As a result, teachers are overloaded and overtime becomes the norm.

"There is a shortage of teachers internally, and the external establishment exceeds the standard", teachers tell the truth and reveal the current situation of primary and secondary schools

At the same time, he also pointed out the problem of "excessive external staffing". In response to the pressure of recruitment, many schools have increased the number of teachers to the actual demand, which has led to the widespread phenomenon of overstaffing. In this case, the work pressure of teachers is greater, and the quality of teaching cannot be effectively guaranteed.

"There is a shortage of teachers internally, and the external establishment exceeds the standard", teachers tell the truth and reveal the current situation of primary and secondary schools

This article struck a chord with teachers and parents. In the comment area, many teachers expressed their opinions. Some teachers said that high work pressure and low pay are the common difficulties they face. Some parents said that exceeding the standard may affect the quality of their children's education, which is worth paying attention to.

This teacher's article gives us food for thought. We should pay attention to the treatment and working environment of teachers, so that they can have a relatively relaxed working state to provide better quality of education. At the same time, schools also need to reasonably plan the number of teachers to ensure the rational allocation of educational resources.

Teachers are the pillars of society, and their hard work should be duly respected and rewarded. Only by making teachers feel joy and happiness in their work can we better educate our next generation.

It is hoped that the government, schools, parents and other parties can work together to create a better working environment for teachers and provide more support and care. At the same time, it also calls on all sectors of society to pay attention to the cause of education and contribute to the development of primary and secondary school teachers and the progress of education.

Only in this way can we establish a better educational environment, so that every child can enjoy high-quality educational resources and grow into talents with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, art and labor.