
If you keep exercising every day, your body is getting worse and worse? There are 4 signs that persuade you to stop exercising

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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In a busy logistics center, a worker named Huang Qiang accidentally fell while carrying a heavy load, and a sharp pain came from his ribs.

He covered his side and grinned bitterly: "It's good now, the transport ship has internal injuries." In desperation, Huang Qiang went to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

In the hospital, Huang Qiang met an old doctor named Dr. Chen.

If you keep exercising every day, your body is getting worse and worse? There are 4 signs that persuade you to stop exercising

When Dr Chan examined Huang Qiang's ribs, he noticed that Huang Qiang had a strong and muscular body.

Dr. Chen praised, "Mr. Huang, you must have exercised a lot, and your body looks quite strong. ”

Huang Qiang replied with a wry smile: "Yes, I have always insisted on exercising, but recently my body has been getting worse and worse, and I always feel exhausted." ”

Dr. Chan paused, then said seriously, "Exercising is a good thing, but it's too much.

If you keep exercising every day, your body is getting worse and worse? There are 4 signs that persuade you to stop exercising

In fact, if you insist on exercising every day, your body is getting worse and worse, probably because there are several signs that should not be ignored.

This can be a sign of overtraining and advises you to stop exercising for a while. ”

Huang Qiang asked curiously, "What signs should not be ignored?"

Dr. Chan began to elaborate: "First of all, if you find that you often feel unusually tired, even after resting, it may be a sign of overwork.

If you keep exercising every day, your body is getting worse and worse? There are 4 signs that persuade you to stop exercising

Second, if your sleep quality deteriorates, you have trouble falling asleep at night or waking up frequently, it could also be that your body is telling you that you need to rest.

Thirdly, if your training effect is no longer improving, or even regressing, it may be because your body is too tired to recover.

Finally, if you experience persistent muscle soreness or joint pain, this is also a sign of overtraining. ”

If you keep exercising every day, your body is getting worse and worse? There are 4 signs that persuade you to stop exercising

After hearing this, Huang Qiang began to reflect on his exercise Xi. Dr Chan continued, "Proper rest and recovery are just as important.

It is recommended that you temporarily reduce the intensity of your training to give your body enough time to recover. At the same time, pay attention to nutritional intake, ensure adequate sleep, and perform stretching and relaxation training appropriately. ”

If you keep exercising every day, your body is getting worse and worse? There are 4 signs that persuade you to stop exercising

Dr Tan also shared some examples of health problems caused by overtraining, which vividly illustrate the need to exercise in moderation and the harm of exercising. Their physical condition has improved after adjusting their training plans and Xi habits.

Towards the end of the story, Huang Qiang is deeply aware of the importance of moderate exercise and decides to pay more attention to physical recovery and rest in the future.

At this point, the reader may wonder: in addition to the four signs mentioned above, is there any other way to help tell if you are exercising excessively?

If you keep exercising every day, your body is getting worse and worse? There are 4 signs that persuade you to stop exercising

In fact, monitoring your heart rate is also an effective method. The speed at which your heart rate recovers after training and your resting heart rate when you wake up in the morning can be used as a reference for whether you are overtraining.

If you notice an abnormal heart rate, you may need to adjust your exercise plan. In addition, maintaining communication with doctors and professional coaches and developing a reasonable training plan based on the individual's health and needs are also effective strategies to avoid overtraining.

Through a comprehensive approach and proper adjustments, it is possible to effectively maintain good health and avoid the negative effects of excessive exercise.

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