
Huanglong Court: Improving the quality and efficiency of trials with "integrated" party building

author:Peace and prosperity

【In-depth Disclosure】Social News Blogger Column

Huanglong Court: Improving the quality and efficiency of trials with "integrated" party building

Recently, a seemingly mundane walnut dispute caught my attention. Yuan Hui, a farmer in Huanglong County, whose walnut business did not go ahead as planned, is a case that involves the warm assistance of the judicial system and deserves an in-depth analysis.

The walnuts booked by the farmer were ultimately unsuccessful, leading to price fluctuations and market conditions and other reasons, and the two sides became resentful. However, what is surprising is that a judge actually took the initiative to go out of the courtroom to conduct field research and gain an in-depth understanding of the living conditions of the peasants. This kind of people-friendly legal aid is really refreshing.

Huanglong Court: Improving the quality and efficiency of trials with "integrated" party building

Rather than resting on his laurels, the judicial hero went deep into the fields to understand the real needs of farmers. Through field research, the judge is no longer an unreachable adjudicator, but a friend that farmers can trust. This is not only the resolution of a walnut dispute, but also the specific practice of the judicial system to serve the people and help agriculture.

On the big stage of justice, the special action is like a palette, caring for the people's livelihood. Improving quality and efficiency and protecting the rights and interests of farmers has become the unshirkable responsibility of judicial workers. This is not just a walnut dispute, but also a concrete practice of the judicial system in serving the people and helping agriculture.

Huanglong Court: Improving the quality and efficiency of trials with "integrated" party building

In this warm judicial measure, we have seen the sincerity of the judiciary in serving the people. Justice is no longer a cold law and judgment documents, but also a caring and warm. Solving people's livelihood problems with heart and solving problems for farmers with practical actions is a vivid portrayal of the judiciary's practice of its original intention and serving the people.

This episode about walnuts is not only a microcosm of justice serving the people, but also an in-depth report behind social news, revealing the efforts of the judicial system to serve the society. We look forward to more such heart-warming measures, so that the judiciary can become the guardian of the people, and every judicial story will become the focus of social attention. That's the power of social news bloggers to reveal their secrets.

Huanglong Court: Improving the quality and efficiency of trials with "integrated" party building