
He worked with the educated youth on the farm, and received an administrative level 6 salary, helping anyone in difficulty

author:Rong Li YX

Throughout time, some stories are worth savoring, even if they are hidden in the corners of the years. In 1970, after 10 years of local work, Hong Xuezhi was dispatched to a farm and began a life of integration with the farmland. This story carries the struggle of a veteran soldier in different fields, showing his perseverance and original intention to contribute to the country.

The journey of life

In 1960, he moved from the army to local work, and although his position was reduced, Hong Xuezhi always maintained his enthusiasm for his career. For him, as long as he can not be idle, no matter what position he is in, it is a kind of happiness. His curriculum vitae spans political work, military education, military command, and logistics, showcasing his outstanding talents in different fields.

Although he is nearly sixty years old, Hong Xuezhi's body has always been quite healthy, and he can easily carry one or two hundred catties of grain. In the processing company of the farm, he was not troubled by the simple work of feeding pigs, chickens, and grinding tofu. On the contrary, as a former head of the General Logistics Department, he did these tasks in an orderly manner, not only skillfully, but also full of experience. He can also accurately grasp such a seemingly simple process as grinding tofu, showing that he can be comfortable in all fields.

The laughter and camaraderie of the farm years

The conditions on the farm may be simple, but it is home to a wealth of laughter and friendship. Young intellectuals from all over the world gather here, and young people from Tianjin, Zhejiang and other places have formed a deep friendship with Hong Xuezhi in their work. He always lends a helping hand when everyone is in trouble, which makes people sigh that he is not only accomplished in his work, but also shows a high degree of tolerance and care in interpersonal communication.

During the Spring Festival in 1971, most of the educated youths chose to go home for reunions, but one educated youth from Tianjin was unable to pay for the journey home due to financial difficulties. Hong Xuezhi did not hesitate to give him the travel fee and gave him some extra gifts for the purchase of New Year's goods. This kind of warm gesture allows people to see the image of a veteran soldier who cares about his compatriots and the masses.

The extraordinary behind the ordinary post

He worked with the educated youth on the farm, and received an administrative level 6 salary, helping anyone in difficulty

Although the work on the farm may seem mundane, for Hong Xuezhi, no matter what position he is in, he can do a good job. Even when he was downgraded by one level in the administrative ranks, he still performed his duties with conscientiousness. Beginning in 1965, the army applied the local administrative level, and he was paid a salary according to the sixth level of administration, more than 300 yuan per month, which was actually one level lower than the general at that time. However, this did not affect his enthusiasm for his work and concern for his compatriots in need.

The original intention does not change, and he is loyal to the country

Hong Xuezhi once said that the original intention of participating in the revolution was not to become an official, but to be able to make his own contribution to the country. He is well aware of his poor background, so after taking up a leadership position, he has always made it his duty to serve the country with his own efforts. This unchanging adherence to his original intention has enabled him to make achievements in different positions, and has won the respect and love of his colleagues and subordinates.

Say goodbye to the farm, friendship is always in my heart

Although the work on the farm is short, for Hong Xuezhi, it is not only a place for him to work, but also a place to form deep friendships. When he received the notice to return to the province to work, the intellectuals of the processing company were reluctant, and this parting scene became a continuation of friendship. He will deeply engrave the time on the farm in his heart, and the tacit understanding and affection between him and the young people will become a precious memory in his life.

Profound revelations

This story tells us that the value of a person does not depend on the level of his position, but on his dedication and contribution in an ordinary position. Hong Xuezhi has been able to make achievements in different positions, showing his broad mind and dedication to work. His kindness and care also brought us a profound inspiration, making us think of the people around us who have been silently giving, and it is they who have built the warmth and harmony of society.


This story may not have vigorous war scenes or thrilling military decisions, but there is a touching picture of a veteran soldier silently dedicating himself in an ordinary post. Hong Xuezhi's story tells us that every person in an ordinary position can become the backbone of society, and their dedication and efforts constitute a solid cornerstone of social development. Let us pay tribute to this veteran soldier and all those who have silently dedicated themselves in ordinary posts. Such a story may be what we need, which can ignite people's love for ordinary life and trigger thinking about the warmth and harmony of society.

He worked with the educated youth on the farm, and received an administrative level 6 salary, helping anyone in difficulty

Time precipitation, the story of Hong Xuezhi's veteran soldier seems deep and warm in the ripples of the years. In 1970, he was sent to a farm and began a different life experience. This veteran soldier, who once held key positions in politics, military, logistics and other fields, now works in the fields and lives a seemingly ordinary but profound life.

A colorful military experience

Hong Xuezhi's life trajectory is like a military symbol, stepping into politics, military education, command, and even logistics work, all of which show his colorful and rich life experience. The outstanding ability of this veteran soldier in different posts has won him a reputation of hatred and hatred in the army. However, he has not forgotten his original intention because of his high resume, and he has always maintained an uncompromising and serious attitude towards his work.

The silence and laughter of the farm years

The farm, although the conditions are simple, is the stage for Hong Xuezhi to welcome a new chapter in his life. Here, the work he does to feed pigs, chickens, and ground tofu seems to be ordinary, but they are all manifestations of his ingenuity. The former head of the General Logistics Department not only completed the task in an orderly manner here, but also successfully grinded tofu with his rich experience. Such a transformation seems to be a life practice, and people can't help but praise his resilience and humility.

A veteran with boundless love

Although on the farm, Hong Xuezhi's income is relatively wealthy according to his administrative rank. However, the veteran soldier did not become complacent because of this, on the contrary, he carried out his great love for others throughout his ordinary days. During the Spring Festival in 1971, he not only generously helped a young intellectuals return home, but also gave him some extra money so that he could buy New Year's goods. This act of kindness is not only a dedication to friendship, but also a selfless care for compatriots in difficulty.

An extraordinary life behind an ordinary post

Even in an ordinary position like a farm, Hong Xuezhi can still shine. His meticulous approach to work and love for life have made ordinary farmland no longer ordinary. Although his position may have been demoted, his passion for his work and concern for people made his life on the farm rich. Such an extraordinary life makes us think deeply about the infinite possibilities behind ordinary positions.

He worked with the educated youth on the farm, and received an administrative level 6 salary, helping anyone in difficulty

The original intention has not changed, and he is loyal to the country

Hong Xuezhi once said that he did not participate in the revolution to become an official, but hoped to make a modest contribution to the country. This adherence to his original intention has allowed him to perform well in various positions. He was not bound by the level of his position, but always maintained a deep attachment to the motherland. This loyalty to the country is the source of motivation for him along the way.

Say goodbye to the farm, and the friendship lasts forever

The work on the farm was short-lived, but the friendship there was deeply rooted in everyone's heart. When Hong Xuezhi received the notice to return to the province, the educated youths of the processing company were reluctant. This parting became a new starting point for friendship. The friendships he made on the farm will remain with him for the rest of his life and become the most valuable treasure in his life.

Profound life enlightenment

This story teaches us that a person's worth should not be limited by their position. No matter where you are, as long as you are passionate about your work and religious about life, you can create extraordinary achievements in ordinary positions. Hong Xuezhi's experience is the best commentary on ordinary life, and it is also the most beautiful hymn to the protection of the original heart.


The story of Hong Xuezhi's veteran is a warm and touching picture. His experience teaches us that no matter where we are, as long as we treat life and work with heart, ordinary positions can also shine brightly. Let us pay our highest respect to this veteran, whose story is the best commentary on sticking to his original intention and loving life. I hope this story can arouse more people's love for ordinary life and discover the extraordinary.

He worked with the educated youth on the farm, and received an administrative level 6 salary, helping anyone in difficulty