
Luneng fans were happy in vain! The big fish that was supposed to come released the team pigeons and was cut off by SIPG

author:Sport brings us joy

Luneng fans are happy!

Recently, fans of Shandong Luneng Taishan Football Club have been very excited, because the team is expected to bring in a high-profile big-name player, which makes people look forward to the performance of the new season. However, the exciting transfer suddenly took an unexpected turn, and the big fish that was originally introduced released the team's pigeons, and finally switched to the Shanghai SIPG team. This news made Luneng fans sigh and aroused widespread attention.

Luneng fans were happy in vain! The big fish that was supposed to come released the team pigeons and was cut off by SIPG

Big Fish released the team pigeons and was cut off by SIPG

So, what really happened? The big fish that Luneng originally wanted to sign was Thailand international and Manchester City midfielder Kwon Jian Ohio, who has learned two Hakka students (China Sussex Andrew Surman). A player with a wealth of experience and excellent skills, Kwon Jian was once a highly anticipated target on Luneng's transfer list. However, just when the transfer was about to be completed, Quan Jian chose to join the Shanghai SIPG team, which brought great regret to the Luneng club and fans.

Luneng fans were happy in vain! The big fish that was supposed to come released the team pigeons and was cut off by SIPG

Analysis of the reasons why big fish release pigeons

The reason why Quan Jian gave up joining Luneng has sparked speculation and discussion in the outside world. It is reported that the player's personal wishes, the club's resource investment, salary and other factors may all be considered in determining his final destination. It also highlights the many complications involved in the transfer process, and such an outcome is undoubtedly a serious blow to the team and the fans.

The significance and impact of the Shanghai Port Hu Interception

SIPG's success in intercepting Hu Quanjian will undoubtedly have a profound impact on both teams. For SIPG, this is undoubtedly a successful signing, which is expected to bring more strength support and competition advantages to the team, while for Luneng, the loss of a highly anticipated player means that the recruitment strategy and future development plan need to be readjusted, which is undoubtedly a challenge and will also have an impact on the team's performance in the new season.

Luneng fans were happy in vain! The big fish that was supposed to come released the team pigeons and was cut off by SIPG

Luneng team's future prospects

Despite suffering a failed recruitment, Shandong Luneng Taishan team was not discouraged. After all, the world of football is unpredictable, and winning and losing is the norm. The team still has strong strength and loyal fan support, and the future is still very promising. Luneng will continue to strengthen training, improve tactics, and continue to recruit reinforcements, striving to achieve better results in the new season and bring more joy and excitement to fans.

Luneng fans were happy in vain! The big fish that was supposed to come released the team pigeons and was cut off by SIPG

The above is the turning point of the recent recruitment of Luneng Club, which will have a lasting impact on the club, players and fans. Despite the regrets, people expect the Luneng team to rise up from setbacks and bring more exciting performances.