
"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

author:Proxima Centauri: New Humans

Far to the east, there is a village surrounded by mountains and green water. The people here live a peaceful and harmonious life. In one corner of the village, there is a dilapidated log cabin, which is the home of Mo Qingwu and her grandmother, Granny Lin.

Mo Qingwu has been different since she was a child. She has long, shiny black hair that flutters in the wind whenever she runs, as if dancing with the wind. Her eyes were as bright as the stars, revealing curiosity and innocence. Despite the hardships of life, Mo Qingwu is always optimistic and cheerful, full of love for life.

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

One day, Mo Qingwu came to the mountains to play as usual. The beautiful scenery in the mountains, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, make her linger. Before she knew it, she had walked into a dense forest that she had never set foot in. The ancient trees in the dense forest are towering, and the sunlight shines through the leaves on the ground, forming patches of dappled light and shadow.

Mo Qingwu was intoxicated by this mysterious world, and suddenly, a gentle wind blew her cheeks and took her to fly lightly. She panicked, but soon realized that the gust of wind was not malicious, but took her in a friendly flight.

"Who are you?" a voice sounded softly.

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

Mo Qingwu looked around, but found no trace of anyone else. "Who are you?" she asked rhetorically.

"I am the Spirit of the Wind, the master of this mountain forest. The voice replied, "I've been watching you and think you're different." ”

Mo Qingwu asked curiously, "Why can I fly with the wind?"

The Wind Spirit smiled and said, "It's your talent. You were born with the ability to dance with the wind. But this power needs to be discovered and mastered. ”

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

Mo Qingwu said excitedly, "Really? So what should I do?"

The Wind Spirit replied, "You need to find a magical gem. This gemstone has endless energy that will help you better master your abilities. ”

Mo Qingwu asked, "Where can I find the magic gem?"

The Wind Spirit was silent for a moment, then said, "It's hidden in the depths of this mountain forest. But you have to be careful, there is a lot of danger there. ”

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

Mo Qingwu said bravely: "I'm not afraid! I want to find that gem and master my ability!"

The Spirit of the Wind nodded in satisfaction, "Very good, brave girl. Good luck. With that, the gentle wind took her higher and farther.

That night, Mo Qingwu returned home and told Granny Lin about her adventures in the mountains. A trace of worry flashed in Granny Lin's eyes after hearing this, but it was more of relief and encouragement: "Wu'er, you are born different, this is your destiny." No matter how many difficulties lie ahead, you have to be brave enough to pursue your dreams. ”

Mo Qingwu nodded firmly: "Grandma, I will." ”

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

Since the last encounter with the Spirit of the Wind, Mo Qingwu's heart has been filled with curiosity and longing for unknown powers. She decides to embark on a journey to find the magical gem, hoping to learn more about the secrets of her abilities by finding them.

After a few days of exploring, Mo Qingwu finally found the gem that radiated brilliance in a deserted cave. The moment she touched the gem, a strong force poured into her body. She felt as if she was one with the wind, able to manipulate it freely.

"Great! I succeeded!" Mo Qingwu shouted excitedly.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew and swept her into it. Mo Qingwu was terrified and struggled to escape, only to find that he could not control the movement of his body. The wind blew harder and harder, as if it was about to tear her apart.

"What's going on?" Mo Qingwu shouted loudly.

The Wind Spirit's voice rang in her head, "This is part of the test of your power awakening. It is only through pain and hardship that you can truly grasp this power. ”

Mo Qingwu struggled to keep her composure: "What should I do?"

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

The Wind Spirit replied, "Feel the melody of the wind with your heart and let it guide you back to control of your body." ”

Mo Qingwu did as the Wind Spirit suggested, and gradually, she relaxed and let the wind blow through her body. Gradually, she was able to breathe and move freely. The power of the wind became docile and powerful under her control.

"I succeeded!" Mo Qingwu was ecstatic.

The Wind Spirit's voice rang out again: "This is just the beginning of the awakening of your power. In the future, you have a longer way to go. ”

Mo Qingwu said firmly: "No matter how many difficulties lie ahead, I will not give up. ”

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

The Spirit of the Wind smiled and said, "I believe in you, Dance. May the wind always be by your side. With that, the Wind Spirit turned into a gentle gust of wind and dissipated into the air.

Since the awakening of his ability, Mo Qingwu has started a life of dancing with the wind. She uses her abilities to help the people of the village, turning the power of the wind into rain to moisten the crops and dispel the hot sun. As her fame spread, many people came to her for advice on how to dance with the wind. Mo Qingwu patiently passed on his experience, so that more people mastered the skills of dancing with the wind.

However, as time passed, Mo Qingwu gradually noticed an unusual sign. The forests around the village began to look strange, with withered trees and frightened animals. She knew that there must be some kind of evil behind this. In order to protect the safety of his home and the villagers, Mo Qingwu decided to go deep into the forest and find out the truth.

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

Mo Qingwu knew that this trip to the forest was full of unknown dangers, but she still embarked on the journey without hesitation. She wore a long green dress and her long hair fluttering in the wind, becoming one with nature.

After entering the forest, Mo Qingwu discovered an unusual area. The branches and leaves of the trees are yellow, and the ground is full of withered leaves. She felt a powerful evil force, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding rising in her heart.

"This power...... It's scary. Mo Qingwu muttered to himself.

Suddenly, a voice broke the silence of the forest: "You're finally here, Wind Bringer." ”

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

Mo Qingwu turned around and saw a mysterious stranger appear in front of her. He was dressed in a black robe and wore a grim mask on his face, making it impossible to see his true face.

"Who are you?" Mo Qingwu asked vigilantly.

The stranger replied, "I am Nightshade, the guardian of this forest." I've been waiting for your arrival. ”

Mo Qingwu asked suspiciously, "Waiting for my arrival?"

Night Shadow approached Mo Qingwu and whispered, "Because your mission is important. This forest has been eroded by an evil force, and only you can save it. ”

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

Mo Qingwu said firmly: "I will definitely do my best." Tell me what to do?"

Nightshade nodded, "This evil force comes from the Dark Lord in the depths of the forest. He drew on the vitality of nature and caused the forest to wither. Venture deep into the Dark Lord's lair and use your wind powers to awaken the sleeping Tree of Life. ”

"The Tree of Life?" Mo Qingwu asked curiously.

Nightshade explained, "The Tree of Life is the heart of this forest. Only by awakening it can the evil forces be dispelled and the forest restored to life. ”

Mo Qingwu took a deep breath: "I will do my best to awaken the Tree of Life. ”

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

Night Shadow gently patted Mo Qingwu's shoulder: "I believe in you." May the wind and the power of nature be with you. With that, the shadow of the night turned into a breeze and disappeared into the forest.

Mo Qingwu embarked on a journey to find the Tree of Life. In the dark cavern, she traversed many dangers and finally found the sleeping tree of life. Its branches are huge and stout, exuding a mystical power.

Mo Qingwu closed his eyes and felt the melody of the tree of life with his heart. She gently stroked the trunk of the tree with the power of the wind, as if awakening a sleeping life. Gradually, the Tree of Life began to emit a faint light, and its branches and leaves swayed slightly, as if to thank Mo Qingwu.

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

"You're finally here, Windbringer. A gentle voice rang out.

Mo Qingwu opened her eyes and found a beautiful woman appearing in front of her. She wore a long green dress and her long hair flowing, like a forest elf.

"Who are you?" asked Mo Qingwu.

The woman smiled and replied, "I am the guardian of the Tree of Life, named Greenwing. Thank you for waking me up. ”

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

After successfully awakening the Tree of Life, Mo Qingwu and Green Wing walk together to face the next challenges together. Green Wing was familiar with every inch of the forest, and her presence greatly enhanced Mo Qingwu's confidence.

"Ahead is the Dark Lord's lair. Greenwing pointed to the dark cavern ahead and said, "We need to be careful. ”

Mo Qingwu clenched his fists and said firmly, "No matter how difficult it is, I will defeat the Dark Lord and save this forest." ”

The two of them stepped into the cave, and a cold breath came to their faces. The cavern was dark and damp, with strange noises coming from time to time. Mo Qingwu followed closely behind Green Wing, cautiously moving forward.

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

Suddenly, a group of abominable monsters surged in from all directions, roaring and attacking Mo Qingwu and Green Wing.

"Be careful!" Green Wing shouted, quickly casting his magic to knock the monster back.

Not to be outdone, Mo Qingwu waved her hands and manipulated the power of the wind to form a storm wall that kept the monsters out.

"These monsters are the minions of the Dark Lord. "We have to be careful. ”

Mo Qingwu nodded: "I understand." Together, we can beat them. ”

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

The two fought side by side and worked together seamlessly. The magic of the green wings and the wind ability of Mo Qingwu complemented each other, beating the monsters to the ground.

After a fierce battle, the monsters were finally wiped out. Mo Qingwu and Green Wing were also tired and panting, but their eyes were still full of determination and courage.

"Let's move on. Mo Qingwu said.

Greenwing nodded, "Okay." But we need to be more careful. The power of the Dark Lord is very strong. ”

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

As the two continue deeper into the cave, they encounter more and more challenges and obstacles. But no matter what difficulties they encountered, they clutched the weapons in their hands tightly and did not flinch.

Finally, they made it to the depths of the Dark Lord's lair. A huge black figure appeared in front of them, exuding a suffocating evil aura.

"How dare you break into my lair!" roared the Dark Lord, "I can't help myself!"

Mo Qingwu responded fearlessly: "We are here to save this forest. This is the end of your evil deeds!"

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

The Dark Lord sneered, "Just because you two weak humans want to defeat me, what a joke!"

Green Wing said coldly, "Don't underestimate us. We'll make it pay for you. ”

As he spoke, Green Wing and Mo Qingwu attacked at the same time. Green Wing wielded his magic wand, unleashing a dazzling green glow, while Mo Qingwu harnessed the power of the wind to form a massive storm sword that slashed towards the Dark Lord.

Although the Dark Lord is powerful, he is also overstretched under the combined attack of the two. He kept backing away from the attack while swinging the black sword in his hand to fight back.

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

The battle was fierce, and deafening roars and roars echoed through the caverns. But no matter how much the Dark Lord fought back, he couldn't break the defense line of Mo Qingwu and Green Wing.

Eventually, with a loud bang, the Dark Lord was defeated by the combined attack of the two. He fell to the ground and struggled in agony, eventually dissipating into a puff of black smoke and dissipating into the air.

"We succeeded!" Mo Qingwu shouted excitedly, "The forest has been saved!"

Green Wing smiled with relief, "Yes, we have finally defeated the Dark Lord. ”

The two hugged each other tightly and celebrated their victory. They know that the forest will be rejuvenated and revitalized.

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

After successfully defeating the Dark Lord, Mo Qingwu and Green Wing were warmly welcomed by the beings of the forest. They held a grand celebration for Mo Qingwu and Green Wing, thanking them for saving the forest.

"Thank you, Mo Qingwu. "Without you, we might not have been able to defeat the Dark Lord. ”

Mo Qingwu smiled and replied, "We just do what we are supposed to do." This forest is our home, and we can't let it hurt. ”

Green Wing nodded with emotion: "You're right. From now on, this forest will always remember your kindness. ”

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

Mo Qingwu looked at the jubilant scene around him, and his heart was full of joy and satisfaction. She knows that her mission is complete, but she also knows that her journey is far from over.

"Green Wing, I want to continue my journey. Mo Qingwu suddenly said, "I want to go farther and see the end of this world." ”

Green Wing's eyes were full of worry as he looked at Mo Qingwu: "I can't interfere with your decision, but you have to be careful." There are still many unknown dangers in this world. ”

Mo Qingwu said firmly: "I know. But I want to use my power to help those in need. ”

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

Green Wing gently patted Mo Qingwu's shoulder: "I understand your thoughts. Feel free to come back to me if you need help. ”

Mo Qingwu nodded gratefully, "Thank you, Green Wing." I will remember your words. ”

She said goodbye to the green wings and the beings of the forest and embarked on a new journey. She has traveled through mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, deserts and mountains, and has seen all kinds of people and things. She has helped many people with her power of the wind, making them feel the beauty and hope of life.

During the trip, Mo Qingwu also met many like-minded friends. They face difficulties and challenges together, grow and progress together. Mo Qingwu learned a lot from them, and also learned the power of friendship and unity.

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

However, the journey was not all smooth sailing. Mo Qingwu encountered many powerful enemies with various goals and ambitions. But no matter how powerful the enemy is, Mo Qingwu is not afraid to face them. She used her ability to fight fierce battles with her enemies, and with her wits and courage she defeated them again and again.

During a battle, Mo Qingwu meets a mysterious woman. She was dressed in a black robe, and her face was beautiful but with a hint of weirdness. The woman claimed to be the goddess of darkness and challenged Mo Qingwu.

"You have great power. The Dark Goddess said coldly, "But you can't defeat me." I'll give you a taste of the dark. ”

Mo Qingwu replied without fear: "I will never let you succeed." I will use my power to dispel the darkness and let the light shine on the world. ”

The Dark Goddess let out a sneer: "Then let me see how capable you are!"

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.

Immediately, the Goddess of Darkness unleashed a powerful dark magic and attacked Mo Qingwu violently. Mo Qingwu manipulated the power of the wind to form walls of storms to resist the attacks of the Dark Goddess. In the fierce battle, Mo Qingwu constantly searched for the flaws of the Dark Goddess, and finally found her weakness in an instant. She quickly launched an attack and successfully defeated the Dark Goddess.

"You lost. Mo Qingwu said coldly, "Darkness can never defeat light. ”

The Dark Goddess glared at Mo Qingwu angrily: "You remember me! I will definitely come back!" After speaking, she turned into a puff of black smoke and dissipated into the air.

"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.
"Proud of the Nine Heavens" [Mo Qingwu] has long black and bright hair, and eyes are as bright as stars.


#Domestic Animation##Guoman##Proud Nine Heavens# #莫轻舞#


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