
At the age of 58, I finally exchanged 2,000 yuan a month for a retired free body, is it worth it?

author:Shinoshio dew
At the age of 58, I finally exchanged 2,000 yuan a month for a retired free body, is it worth it?

I am 58 years old and in my third year of retirement.

In the first year of retirement, the first thing I did was to delete all the alarms set on my phone, and I could finally sleep until I woke up naturally. Then tidy up the home when it should be organized, and put it when it should be.

The second thing is to go to the hospital for all the four old people to have any minor illnesses and pains. The dispensing is dispensing, the treatment is treated.

After doing these things, the next step is to think about how to travel and how to play.

The dream had just begun, but I didn't expect my unruly son to suddenly bring a girl back. As soon as the little girl came in and looked at me, she called Mom, which really scared me.

At the age of 58, I finally exchanged 2,000 yuan a month for a retired free body, is it worth it?

I turned my back to the door and grabbed my son and said, "What kind of trouble are you doing?" If you take a girl home, you won't just call your mother, so you can call me an aunt first.

The son said, "Why don't you call your mother?" Everyone is pregnant with a grandson in their wombs.

Oh my god! My son, who is not angry, usually does not sleep at night at home, and it is dark during the day. It's either playing games or playing with mobile phones, I thought he wouldn't marry for life.

It was really terrible to look at him before. Tell him not to eat, and introduce him to the object and not to go. I told him to go out and see the sun, and he yelled at me to get out. During that time, the nodules on my breasts grew like pomegranate seeds.

When I'm fed up, I want to open up, I don't care, everything is arranged, and I'm ready to go out and let myself go. Hey, here's this one for me.

At the age of 58, I finally exchanged 2,000 yuan a month for a retired free body, is it worth it?

Looking at the situation, the grandson will be born in a few months. All my plans have been ruined, and I really want to kill him.

Where is this son? Dare to love is God who came to torture me and deliberately did not let me live in peace.

is complaining, my husband said, don't get cheap and sell well, I don't know you yet, my daughter-in-law and grandson can solve it with one click, maybe I am secretly happy in my heart!

Go, a bad old man, you won't be happy until you stab me in the heart! Two men, one big and one young, do I owe you in my previous life?

I had no choice but to roll up my sleeves and do it. Tidy up, decorate, store things, and get married.

It took my wife half a year to be younger.

At the age of 58, I finally exchanged 2,000 yuan a month for a retired free body, is it worth it?

Looking at my daughter-in-law's bulging belly, I was still looking forward to it. But the thought of having to take my grandchildren again made me a little anxious. Fortunately, my mother is still young and only in her 50s, and her health is quite good.

The daughter-in-law is also very competitive, and she did a handle on the first child.

I was worried that if I had a daughter in my first child, I would have to have a second child. As for the old man in our family, the idea of passing on the family is very strong. Wouldn't it be strange to bring a granddaughter and a grandson, and not to die? I finally retired, and I jumped out of the prison of work, and jumped into another abyss, so what hope is there for my life?

What a good daughter-in-law, good girl!

At the age of 58, I finally exchanged 2,000 yuan a month for a retired free body, is it worth it?

The mother-in-law is also very powerful, and on the day of her daughter-in-law's birth, she came with a large bag of dust.

My son went to work, and my mother-in-law and I waited for my daughter-in-law to be confined.

Thinking that I am the master and grandmother, naturally I have to do more things.

Early in the morning, I got up to buy groceries. When I think that my grandson wants to feed, it must be to buy some nutritious milk dishes.

I bought fresh crucian carp and tofu, and when I bought pork knuckles, I specifically asked the seller to stomp on them a little, so that it would be easier to stew. I heard that pig's feet with soybeans are very milky, so I went to the supermarket to buy some fresh soybeans.

When I returned to my son's house, I started cooking after cleaning. I made a pot of fragrant pork knuckle stewed soybeans, crucian carp and tofu soup, steamed egg custard, stir-fried beef, and two fresh vegetables in season.

At the age of 58, I finally exchanged 2,000 yuan a month for a retired free body, is it worth it?

After lunch, my daughter-in-law came over to drink a small bite of crucian carp soup, ate a lump of tofu, sandwiched two green vegetables, and said that I would not eat it and went back to the room.

Because the mother was not very familiar with her, she didn't feel like she had eaten much, so she put down the dishes and chopsticks and said that she was going to wash the clothes for her grandson.

Seeing that no one ate the dishes I worked so hard to make, my interest dropped as soon as I felt a little inexplicable.

I couldn't throw it away from such a good dish, so I continued to heat it up in the evening, and my son came back from work as soon as it was put on the table.

At the age of 58, I finally exchanged 2,000 yuan a month for a retired free body, is it worth it?

As soon as I entered the door, I said, "This is going to be milked." I said yes, how good it is to milk and nutrition, and I was about to say why my daughter-in-law didn't eat it.

I mean, you're going to have milk!!, my son suddenly said loudly and angrily!

What are you talking about, what kind of milk do I give? Is it to give milk to your daughter-in-law?

You can't eat such greasy things during confinement, don't you know?" my son asked me.

How do I know? We've all been here like this before, and we can't eat if we want to!

My son ignored me and entered the room in a blink of an eye.

At the age of 58, I finally exchanged 2,000 yuan a month for a retired free body, is it worth it?

I'm really aggrieved. What do you want to eat, how do you want to eat? You have to tell me first, if you don't tell me, then I must be doing it my way.

The next morning, I was thinking about how to go grocery shopping. My mother-in-law came and said she wanted to come with me. Well, my mother-in-law said that I would buy whatever I wanted.

When I got home, I was about to cook, but my mother rushed to ask her to do it and let me rest. In the evening, I had just finished washing my baby's clothes and sat there scrolling on my phone. The mother was cooking in the kitchen, and the son came back.

Before I could say hello to him, he blackened my face and said that the phone was fun!

At the age of 58, I finally exchanged 2,000 yuan a month for a retired free body, is it worth it?

He said that you are embarrassed to ask me what you mean, you are a grandmother of the main family, playing with your mobile phone here, and letting your mother cook there, how are you embarrassed?

I said that my mother-in-law was going to do it in a hurry. The son said that she rushed to do it, that was to be polite to you, did you really let the family do it?

I was really completely speechless, I just wanted to give my son a slap in the face.

It seemed that I couldn't stay in this house anymore, so I packed up my things and went back to my house.

At the age of 58, I finally exchanged 2,000 yuan a month for a retired free body, is it worth it?

The old man saw that I had come back with a black face, and he didn't dare to strike up a conversation with me. I sat on the sofa absent-mindedly, and the more I thought about it, the more angry I became, thinking that I had finally survived until retirement, how could I live in peace this day?

At this time, the old man answered a phone call, as if it was an old man, and a colleague said something. In the end, I only heard the old man say that the problem that money can solve is not a problem.

And I jumped up from the couch. The old man said, "What are your nerves?" I said I didn't have any nerves, I couldn't be happy.

At the age of 58, I finally exchanged 2,000 yuan a month for a retired free body, is it worth it?

The next morning, I went to my son's house and invited my mother-in-law to come out to buy groceries. I said all the lines I thought of last night, and finally said that my daughter-in-law is your own girl, and you know best what she wants to eat and what Xi she has. In addition to the living expenses, I will give you another 2,000 yuan a month, so you can take care of my daughter-in-law and grandson for me, okay?

The mother-in-law listened to the excuse for a while, and politely said that this was what she should take care of. I know that my mother-in-law is just shirking, she is a rural person with no pension, and she has been working outside to earn money for the past few years.

I told her that I was serious. As you can see, I'm a clumsy person who can't do anything. It's always bad to make your son angry and cause family discord. You have a good and capable personality, you can take care of your daughter and grandson, and you don't delay your part-time job to earn money.

My mother-in-law listened to my heartfelt words and nodded in agreement. I transferred 2,000 yuan to my mother-in-law on the spot.

At the age of 58, I finally exchanged 2,000 yuan a month for a retired free body, is it worth it?

In the evening, I was sitting on the sofa, and as soon as my son entered the door, my mother immediately put down her work and greeted her son with a smile. Don't blame your mother! It's your daughter-in-law who wants me to cook for her. Your mother had just washed and dried the clothes before she sat down.

My daughter-in-law was very happy when she heard that I would subsidize her mother with 2,000 yuan a month in the future, because she could reunite with her mother and daughter without delaying her earning money. In fact, my mother-in-law is also doing the work of being a nanny outside.

I'm happy, too. I have a monthly retirement salary of more than 9,000, and I have more than 7,000 when I give out 2,000. People with three or four thousand people can also travel every day, and I have more than 7,000 to spend enough.

The key is to buy a worry-free picture and a comfortable picture!

Now my grandchildren are almost a year old, and they have always been carried by their mothers, who are well-behaved and cute.

At the age of 58, I finally exchanged 2,000 yuan a month for a retired free body, is it worth it?

For more than a year, I have traveled here and there, not to mention how happy I am!

Every time I come back from outside, I buy all kinds of gifts for my mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren. And on the first day of every month, I always transfer 2,000 yuan to my mother-in-law on time.

My daughter-in-law respects me for what she says, and every time she sees me, she shouts "Mom, Mom" sweetly.

At the age of 58, I finally exchanged 2,000 yuan a month for a retired free body, is it worth it?


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