
Mathematical Meditation: Liu Zhiyu is still vulgar, and he plays against Wei Shen in the moment of life

author:Hadley Race View 3K5z

Youth that can't be returned: Liu Zhiyu and Wei Shen, peerless elegance in the field of mathematics

In this event full of mathematical miracles and life choices, we travel through the rounds of time and find two peerless masters of the Department of Mathematics of Peking University - Liu Zhiyu and Wei Shen. Liu Zhiyu, an 18-year-old Olympiad gold medalist, was invited by the MIT Scholarship, but chose to become a monk for 12 years, and finally wandered away after the temple accident and founded Huaxia Xinyuan. In stark contrast, Wei Shen, who scored full marks in mathematics in the Olympiad and is studying at Peking University, although he has not yet made achievements in the professional field, he still retains his mathematical potential and surpasses the threshold of the field. This is a variety feast of youth, mathematics and life, a symphony about letting go and persevering. Liu Zhiyu or Wei Shen, who is better?

Mathematical Meditation: Liu Zhiyu is still vulgar, and he plays against Wei Shen in the moment of life

I. The light of the youthful years

Liu Zhiyu, the 18-year-old mathematical genius who won the gold medal in the Olympiad, and the proud son of the Department of Mathematics of Peking University, his youthful years are like a round of bright moonlight, shining on the palace of mathematics. He is like a rising star in the field of mathematics, shining brightly, and is destined to create his own legend in the temple of mathematics.

Mathematical Meditation: Liu Zhiyu is still vulgar, and he plays against Wei Shen in the moment of life

II. Invitation from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Yoo was invited to MIT and became the darling of the mathematics community. This scene is like the climax of the movie, and the future Cotai Boulevard stretches out in front of him. The invitation from MIT was like a feast in the temple of mathematics, opening up infinite possibilities for him.

III. The choice of ordination

Yoo Ji-woo makes difficult choices on the bright road ahead. He put aside the glory of the outside world and chose to become a monk. This choice, like an adventure, challenged his courage and wisdom. Between the temple of mathematics and the realm of Buddhism, Yoo Ji-woo chooses the pursuit of the soul.

Mathematical Meditation: Liu Zhiyu is still vulgar, and he plays against Wei Shen in the moment of life

IV. The establishment of Huaxia Xinyuan

Liu Zhiyu traveled away and founded Huaxia Xinyuan in the journey of life. He combined his talent for mathematics with Buddhism to shape a unique trajectory in his life. This trajectory is not only the pinnacle of mathematics, but also the pure land of the soul, which makes people marvel at his wisdom and courage.

Mathematical Meditation: Liu Zhiyu is still vulgar, and he plays against Wei Shen in the moment of life

V. Life changes and mental tests

Huaxia Xinyuan is not without wind and waves. Yoo Ji-woo's life as a monk has experienced the changes of life and the test of his mind. The 12 years of practice are not only a test of mathematical wisdom, but also a challenge to the depth of the soul. The pressures of life and the changes in the monastery were intertwined during this time, and his heart experienced a profound baptism.

Mathematical Meditation: Liu Zhiyu is still vulgar, and he plays against Wei Shen in the moment of life

VI. The return of the Chinese New Year

At the climax of the incident, Yoo Ji-woo finally decided to return to the secular life after the Spring Festival. This decision, like a return of youth, made people applaud him. The passion of youth, the light of mathematics, everything is rekindled at this moment.

Mathematical Meditation: Liu Zhiyu is still vulgar, and he plays against Wei Shen in the moment of life

VII. Wei Shen's talent for mathematics

Yoo Ji-woo is not the only one on the stage of the incident. Introduce another mathematical wizard - Wei Shen. Full score in mathematics Olympiad, Peking University is studying, although he has not yet made achievements in the professional field, he still retains the talent of mathematics. This is another young mathematician, whose appearance is like another round of bright moonlight, which echoes the events of Yoo Ji-woo.

Mathematical Meditation: Liu Zhiyu is still vulgar, and he plays against Wei Shen in the moment of life

VIII. Thresholds for Professional Areas

Wei Shen has not yet established himself in the professional field, and this is not because he is not talented enough in mathematics. We can analyze the professional field threshold faced by Wei Shen and highlight the difference between mathematical talent and professional field. This may be the ordeal that a math wizard must go through, just as it is necessary to reach the pinnacle of mathematics.

Mathematical Meditation: Liu Zhiyu is still vulgar, and he plays against Wei Shen in the moment of life

IX. Yoo Ji-woo's mathematics failed to return

And we also reveal the fact that although Liu Zhiyu was once a master of Olympiad mathematics, his 12 years of monastic life did not allow him to return to the field of mathematics. Perhaps, this is the result of mental hindrance, and the precipitation of life has left an unattainable mark on him in the temple of mathematics.

X. Future Possibilities

Let's look forward to Wei Shen's possible achievements in the field of mathematics in the future, and compare Liu Zhiyu's choices with the possible trajectory of the future. This future is full of suspense and expectation, and the temple of mathematics will usher in a new legend. Liu Zhiyu and Wei Shen, one chooses to let go, the other chooses to insist, who is better, maybe only time can give the answer.

Mathematical Meditation: Liu Zhiyu is still vulgar, and he plays against Wei Shen in the moment of life

In this event, which is full of mathematical miracles and life choices, the mathematical journey of Liu Zhiyu and Wei Shen is intertwined to form a brilliant and colorful picture. Their events tell us that youth is like a mathematical formula, full of unknowns and possibilities. Every choice is a solution to an equation, and their events will become an indelible legend in the field of mathematics. Some traces below. Although Liu Zhiyu's mathematical path was once brilliant, 12 years of ordination seems to have buried a layer of mist in the palace of mathematics, making it difficult for people to see through his future.

X. Future Possibilities

Looking forward to Wei Shen's possible achievements in the field of mathematics in the future, comparing Liu Zhiyu's choices with the possible trajectory of the future, drawing a suspenseful end to the event. Wei Shen's mathematical talent is like a new star, which has not yet shone in the professional field, but he has the potential and talent to bring a new look to the field of mathematics. This young mathematician may leave a unique mark in the future temple of mathematics and become a mathematical legend after Liu Zhiyu.

XI. Similarities between Mathematics and Physical Education

As an expert in the field of sports, I can't help but think of the similarities between mathematics and sports. On the field, an excellent athlete needs to constantly challenge his limits and constantly push forward to achieve higher honors. Similarly, in the field of mathematics, a good mathematician also needs to be brave enough to face the unknown and constantly pursue deeper mathematical truths. Liu Zhiyu and Wei Shen are undoubtedly leaders in their respective fields, and their events are like a marathon of mathematics, and every step requires perseverance and courage.

XII. The Beauty of Mathematics and the Philosophy of Life

Mathematics is not just a subject, it is a philosophy, a way of thinking. Liu Zhiyu and Wei Shen have shown their pursuit of the beauty of mathematics in their respective mathematical journeys. Liu Zhiyu combined mathematics and Buddhism to create Huaxia Xinyuan, highlighting the profound connection between mathematics and life. Although Wei Shen has not yet made achievements in the professional field, his love and pursuit of mathematics also shines with a unique light. The beauty of mathematics, like the philosophy of life, needs to be realized in ups and downs and tribulations, and it needs to be constantly sublimated in setbacks and successes.

XIII. The Future of Mathematics and Social Responsibility

Mathematics, as a basic subject, bears a huge responsibility for the future society. The events of Liu Zhiyu and Wei Shen are also a reminder that mathematicians are not only problem-solving professionals, but also leaders and innovators in society. Their choices, whether they are ordained or focused on math research, are contributing to the future of mathematics. The development of mathematics requires the continuous emergence of talents like Liu Zhiyu and Wei Shen, who pursue the truth of mathematics and also take on the mission of promoting social progress.


Looking back on the whole incident, Liu Zhiyu and Wei Shen's respective struggles in the field of mathematics show a different but equally admirable light. Their events are not only the growth process of individuals, but also the pursuit of the beauty of mathematics and the understanding of the philosophy of life. In this variety feast full of mathematical miracles and life choices, we see the struggle of youth, the charm of mathematics, and the diversity of life. Liu Zhiyu or Wei Shen, who is better may not be able to be measured simply by victory or defeat. Every mathematician is like a star in the field of mathematics, and together they form a brilliant mathematical starry sky. Let's look forward to what these shining stars will bring to the future of mathematics.

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