
Li Guoqing announced his divorce: regret tears his face, looking forward to a new beginning!


Li Guoqing, the founder of, announced his divorce from his wife on Weibo, and said that his biggest regret was "tearing his face and not getting together and dispersing". He said that now that he is light, he can start love and family again. This news has attracted widespread attention and heated discussions.

Li Guoqing announced his divorce: regret tears his face, looking forward to a new beginning!

Li Guoqing and his wife met many years ago and have experienced many ups and downs together. However, over time, the relationship between the two gradually changed. In recent years, Li Guoqing's relationship with his wife has become increasingly tense, and finally came to the step of divorce.

Li Guoqing announced his divorce: regret tears his face, looking forward to a new beginning!

Regarding the reason for the divorce, Li Guoqing said that it was mainly because of personality incompatibility and poor communication. He said that he and his wife have their own personalities and opinions, and it is sometimes difficult to reach a consensus. In addition, due to their busy work, the communication between the two has become less and less, resulting in a gradual estrangement of the relationship.

Li Guoqing announced his divorce: regret tears his face, looking forward to a new beginning!

Despite this, Li Guoqing still has a high opinion of his wife, saying that his wife is a very good person with her own career and pursuits. At the same time, he also said that he cherished the past time and expressed his gratitude to his wife for her dedication and efforts.

Li Guoqing announced his divorce: regret tears his face, looking forward to a new beginning!

For the future, Li Guoqing said that he will start anew and continue to pursue his career and love. He said that he has let go of the burden of the past and is full of confidence and expectation for the future. At the same time, he also wished his wife to find her own happiness.

Li Guoqing announced his divorce: regret tears his face, looking forward to a new beginning!

Regarding this incident, netizens have expressed their opinions. Some people expressed their appreciation for Li Guoqing's frankness, believing that he was a responsible person, while others expressed regret for the divorce and hoped that the two could get together and disperse. In any case, we all hope that Li Guoqing and his wife can be well and continue to pursue their own happiness.

Li Guoqing announced his divorce: regret tears his face, looking forward to a new beginning!

Looking back on Li Guoqing's entrepreneurial journey, it is not difficult for us to find his tenacity and perseverance. As one of the founders of, Li Guoqing led the team to lay a solid foundation in the field of e-commerce. However, with the changes in the market and the intensification of competition, Dangdang is also facing great pressure and challenges. In this process, Li Guoqing has always maintained a positive attitude and an optimistic attitude, constantly seeking breakthroughs and innovations.

Li Guoqing announced his divorce: regret tears his face, looking forward to a new beginning!

In addition to his career achievements, Li Guoqing is also a responsible father and husband in family life. Despite his busy schedule, he always pays attention to his children's growth and education, and tries his best to create better living conditions for his family. Although he is now divorced from his wife, his sense of responsibility to the family and his love for his children are still undiminished.

Li Guoqing announced his divorce: regret tears his face, looking forward to a new beginning!

Divorce is a painful thing for anyone. But Li Guoqing chose to face the future with a positive attitude and start his life and career anew. This courage and determination deserve our Xi and respect.

Li Guoqing announced his divorce: regret tears his face, looking forward to a new beginning!

The news of Li Guoqing's announcement of divorce has attracted widespread attention. He candidly expressed his regrets and expectations, showing the image of a person with a sense of responsibility and responsibility. We hope that he will continue to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude in the new stage of his life and create a better future for himself and his family. At the same time, we also hope that his ex-wife can find her own happiness and create a warm and harmonious family environment for her children.