
A soldier was captured by the Japanese army, and when he was about to be executed, he suddenly said, "I would like to take you to the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation."

author:Wise and decisive Mango 7i

In the harsh winter of 1937, a thick layer of snow spread over the land of Northeast China, and the wind whistled among the mountains, as if telling the history of blood and fire. Huang You, an extraordinary anti-United Nations fighter, staged a heroic action that can go down in history with his extraordinary courage and wisdom in this cruel survival game.

A soldier was captured by the Japanese army, and when he was about to be executed, he suddenly said, "I would like to take you to the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation."

It happened on a bitterly cold night. Huang You and his comrades-in-arms were secretly operating in the mountains and forests, when suddenly, the Japanese army appeared. In the midst of the chaos and gunfire, many of his comrades fell. Huang was in great pain, but he did not choose to despair, on the contrary, he found an unwavering belief in his heart - to fight for the country and its people.

A soldier was captured by the Japanese army, and when he was about to be executed, he suddenly said, "I would like to take you to the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation."

When being rounded up by the enemy, Huang You did not lose his cool. He knew that he couldn't just be taken prisoner, and that the Anti-Japanese Federation needed him to deliver information and organize an uprising. So, when confronting the Japanese army, he wittily made up lies and took advantage of the terrain and bad weather conditions to evade. In the heavy snowfall, every step is extremely difficult.

A soldier was captured by the Japanese army, and when he was about to be executed, he suddenly said, "I would like to take you to the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation."

Huang You shuttled alone between the vast forests, seas and snowfields, and homesickness arose. But more than homesickness, there is a desire for victory and anxiety for the safety of comrades. Every time night falls, the stars seem to remind him: keep going!

A soldier was captured by the Japanese army, and when he was about to be executed, he suddenly said, "I would like to take you to the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation."

After days and nights in a race against time, at a seemingly ordinary but crucial turning point, Huang You adopted a bold ploy - to mislead the enemy by feigning surrender. It's as decisive and precise as a chess player who has no regrets. This reversal not only succeeded in confusing the Japanese army, but also bought precious time for the Anti-Japanese Union.

A soldier was captured by the Japanese army, and when he was about to be executed, he suddenly said, "I would like to take you to the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation."

In the end, in the early morning after the temporary retreat of the Japanese army left a gap, Huang You quickly left the danger area with the help of the cover of the mountains and forests. Although his body is exhausted, his heart is extremely determined: as long as there is still a breath, he will never give up!

A soldier was captured by the Japanese army, and when he was about to be executed, he suddenly said, "I would like to take you to the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation."

Although this hero did not survive and died a heroic death in another operation, his bravery, wisdom and sacrifice still struck us today. Huang's practical actions prove how an ordinary person can grow into a national hero in the face of adversity.

A soldier was captured by the Japanese army, and when he was about to be executed, he suddenly said, "I would like to take you to the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation."

As it is recorded on the pages of history, no matter how the years change, the true spirit of heroism and perseverance will be celebrated from generation to generation. Huang You and his comrades fought bloody battles and fought indomitably against the invaders and left us a precious legacy: good will eventually triumph over evil, and light will drive out darkness.

Today, we look back on the past, not only to remember, but more importantly, to draw strength from these historical stories, so that we can uphold justice and carry forward the undying pursuit of freedom and peace in the face of difficult challenges in the future.

When you walk through the land in the Northeast that was once filled with gunpowder smoke and is now full of flowers, please remember that there are countless heroes and heroes buried under every inch of land, such as Huang You's immortal souls - they use their lives to compose the song of national rejuvenation.