
My mother-in-law came to the house to care for the elderly, and my health suddenly deteriorated, and I was horrified when I checked the soup made by my mother-in-law

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My mother-in-law came to the house to care for the elderly, and my health suddenly deteriorated, and I was horrified when I checked the soup made by my mother-in-law

My mother is 75 years old this year, and her body bones are stiff and she is not very easy to move. But it was really hard for her to live alone, so I discussed with my husband and decided to ask her to move in with us and help take care of her life. Mom was reluctant at first, thinking that it would cause us trouble, and we were still working and busy. But our husband and wife repeatedly persuaded and expressed their sincere invitation, and my mother readily agreed.

Last Saturday, when I drove to the airport to pick up my mother, she staggered to the exit with a large suitcase, and my eyes were hot, and I rushed forward to help her with her luggage. "Mom, let's go, go home!" Mom smiled and nodded, her eyes a little moist.

My mother-in-law came to the house to care for the elderly, and my health suddenly deteriorated, and I was horrified when I checked the soup made by my mother-in-law

Who knows, my physical problems are not as simple as a minor illness. The other day, I was in a meeting at the company when I suddenly felt dizzy and fainted as soon as it was dark. My colleague was terrified and rushed me to the hospital. The doctor told me that I had a problem with my liver and kidney function, but the cause was unknown. I couldn't figure it out at all, I had never had such a disease before, and the physical examination report showed that everything was normal, why did my body suddenly have such a big problem in more than a month?

My mother-in-law came to the house to care for the elderly, and my health suddenly deteriorated, and I was horrified when I checked the soup made by my mother-in-law

I was lying on the hospital bed, my body hurting, and my heart was desperate. A month ago, I was healthy, but now I am in danger of organ failure, what is going on? Is it related to my mother? No, it can't be, my mother is my dearest person, she loves me so much, how can she hurt me?

Just as I was thinking, the door to the hospital room was gently pushed open. I opened my eyes and it was my mother who came in with a thermos. She looked panicked, looked around like a thief, and then carefully placed the thermos on the table next to the bed. I was very surprised: "Mom, what did you bring with you? Let me see." As he spoke, he reached for the thermos. Unexpectedly, my mother's expression was grim, and she shouted: "No!" I was so frightened that I trembled all over, and my hands stopped and I didn't dare to move again.

My mother-in-law came to the house to care for the elderly, and my health suddenly deteriorated, and I was horrified when I checked the soup made by my mother-in-law

At that moment, my whole body fell into extreme panic and despair. I stared at the jade pendant around my mother's neck, which shone with a warm sheen, in stark contrast to the cold and gloomy look in my master's eyes. I trembled and asked, "Mom, what's in the thermos you brought?"

Mom's face changed, and she said in a deep voice: "It's nothing, it's none of your business." Hurry up and go to sleep!" Once that's done, reach for my dropper. Frightened, I shrank to the other side of the hospital bed with my weak body propped up, and shouted, "Help!

The door to the ward was slammed open, and several doctors and nurses rushed in. Mom's face turned pale, and she picked up the thermos bucket and ran out the door. I pointed at her and yelled, "Search her!" A doctor stopped the mother with a quick eye, and the nurses stepped forward to grab the thermos bucket, opened it, and it was full of white powder!

My mother-in-law came to the house to care for the elderly, and my health suddenly deteriorated, and I was horrified when I checked the soup made by my mother-in-law

What happened that day was enough to scare me, and I spent a week in the hospital to regain some strength. Luckily, the poison that was discovered in time didn't kill me. My mother quickly confessed that she had mixed a variety of poisons to contaminate my diet, causing my health to deteriorate rapidly.

After an investigation, the police finally found out the truth. It turned out that my mother had always been jealous of me, she thought that I had a successful career and a happy life, while she was lonely in her old age. So she planned to move in with me and take the opportunity to poison me in small amounts every day, hoping that I was physically disabled and needed her long-term care, so that she could justifiably rely on me and live a life without loneliness.

My mother-in-law came to the house to care for the elderly, and my health suddenly deteriorated, and I was horrified when I checked the soup made by my mother-in-law

I never thought that my mother, who regarded me as my dearest, would actually be poisoned because of jealousy. My trust and kindness in her were brutally betrayed, and the trauma was far worse than the physical pain. I can no longer forgive her for what she did, and she will finally be punished under the judgment of the law.

The road of life is winding and tortuous, and I have learned a painful lesson from this incident. I will slowly heal my body, repair my mental wounds, and re-examine the complexity and changeability of human nature; I will also cherish the people around me who are genuinely good to me, and I will no longer easily overtrust. I hope that the road ahead will no longer be full of thorns, and I can slowly come out of the shadows and welcome the sun again. After I was discharged from the hospital, I immediately moved out of the house where I lived with my mother and temporarily moved into a hotel. I need time to calm down and accept this shocking material.

In fact, I have always had a faint feeling in my heart that my mother's personality is a little distorted and violent. Her husband died young, and she raised me alone, and her temperament changed dramatically. When I was a child, I was punished by her for no reason, or humiliated in public. When I grew up, I began to deliberately alienate her in order to cut off her thoughts. I thought that time would heal everything, but I didn't expect that the demon barrier in her heart still existed.

My mother-in-law came to the house to care for the elderly, and my health suddenly deteriorated, and I was horrified when I checked the soup made by my mother-in-law

I called my husband and choked up to tell the truth. My husband was filled with grief and anger when he heard this, and immediately applied for early retirement to accompany me through difficult times. In fact, he has always hated his mother's violence, and this time he finally couldn't bear it anymore and took the initiative to call the police to report the incident.

Sure enough, the mother was quickly arrested by the police on suspicion of intentional homicide. My mother quibbled that it was just ordinary Chinese herbal medicine, and she wanted to cure my illness. But after a drug test, the white powder does contain highly toxic substances. In the end, my mother had to confess to the crime. It turned out that when she saw that I had a car and a house, and that I was living a prosperous life, she was jealous, so she had the idea of harming me. She deliberately moved in with me and poisoned my food and soup every day in an attempt to kill me.

I really couldn't understand how a mother could do such a vicious hand to her daughter! Thinking of this, tears welled up in my eyes and I cried out loud. My husband quickly hugged me and comforted me softly. He said that we should not judge a person's good or evil only by blood relations, and that such behavior of my mother should be judged by both law and morality. He will always be there for me and help me out of the shadow of life and death.

My mother-in-law came to the house to care for the elderly, and my health suddenly deteriorated, and I was horrified when I checked the soup made by my mother-in-law

After this incident, I fell into an unprecedented level of lethargy and self-doubt. A mother who poisoned her own daughter has turned my perception of humanity and ethics upside down.

This thought of self-reproach tormented me to the point of sleepless nights and on the verge of a nervous breakdown. One day, I couldn't hold back and came to the detention center to see my mother one last time and ask her true motives. I had to face her in order to look at humanity and myself.

However, the white walls and bars of the cells kept us apart. My mother's hair was messy and her face was withered, and she was like the strong, violent mother I remembered. I looked at her withered hands, and my heart was mixed.

My mother-in-law came to the house to care for the elderly, and my health suddenly deteriorated, and I was horrified when I checked the soup made by my mother-in-law

"Why?" I asked, choked up. Mom curled up in her chair and didn't speak.

For a moment, I seemed to understand something, and tears burst into tears. We have always been blinded by past misunderstandings, and we have never been able to look at each other and ourselves with an inclusive attitude. There is no absolute right or wrong in life, only pain that never stops. My mother's words touched me, and I suddenly realized that many tragedies in life stem from prejudices and misunderstandings of human nature.

I asked the judge to grant my mother leniency and reduce her sentence. I think what she needs more than prison is psychiatric treatment and family care. Her unusually distorted and extreme psychological condition is the root cause of the real need for healing.

My mother-in-law came to the house to care for the elderly, and my health suddenly deteriorated, and I was horrified when I checked the soup made by my mother-in-law

Surprisingly, the judge granted my request. Because the prison hospital confirmed that the mother had a fairly severe paranoid personality disorder, she needed to be hospitalized for a long time. I was relieved and started preparing for my mother's medical parole.

In this way, my mother was transferred to a psychiatric hospital with better security conditions, and I quit my job and lived here for a long time to take care of my mother's daily life. For the first month, my mother was always low and silent, avoiding my eye contact. I knew that the wounds between us were too deep and needed time to heal.

From that day on, my mother's condition improved significantly, and the psychiatrist judged that her inferiority complex personality gradually changed to self-confidence and cheerfulness. I started to take her out for a break and live a normal mother-daughter life. Gradually, my mother's eyes regained vitality and brilliance, and the corners of her mouth often smiled. Instead of blaming myself, I am grateful that life has given us the opportunity to choose again.

My mother-in-law came to the house to care for the elderly, and my health suddenly deteriorated, and I was horrified when I checked the soup made by my mother-in-law

I stayed with my mother in a nursing home for more than a year, and I didn't leave with her until the doctor was completely sure that she was healed and able to live a normal life. Before leaving, my mother knelt in front of the dean and expressed her deep gratitude to all the medical staff.

After I was discharged from the hospital, my mother refused to live with me and moved into a nursing home instead. She said she didn't want to burden me and my husband in any way. I understand my mother's intentions and respect her choice. I visit her regularly every week, and sometimes I bring my children with me, so that my mother can feel the warmth of three generations living together.

Life is like this, it's not perfect, but there will also be magical turns. My mom and I have come together again. We teach our children to have a broad mind and vision, because life is too complex for us to judge a person's good or evil based on appearances alone. I also often introspect, not let prejudice blind me, and learn to tolerate the fragility of every life. I lived with my mother in a nursing home for two years, and watching her age day by day made me feel emotional. My husband and I discussed it and decided to pick up my mom to live with us so that she could truly enjoy the warmth of home.

My mother-in-law came to the house to care for the elderly, and my health suddenly deteriorated, and I was horrified when I checked the soup made by my mother-in-law

At first, my mother was a little uncomfortable. She was always alone in the room and didn't communicate much with us. Sometimes when I come home and see my mother sitting by the window, tears can't stop flowing. I vaguely felt that she was still depressed about something, but I didn't dare to ask directly.

It turned out that my mother had been mired in self-blame and guilt. She thinks that the deterioration of her violent and radical personality is God's punishment for her, which caused me to suffer when I was a child, and when I grew up, I was framed by her, and the fate of our mother and daughter was ruined because of her hot head. Now that she is old and frail, I have worked tirelessly to take care of her, and this debt cannot be repaid in this life.

My husband and I were speechless. We suddenly realize that life is dead because of misunderstanding, and it can also be reborn because of tolerance. I gently hugged my mother's thin shoulders and said softly, "Mom, let's start again." I forgive you, and I ask you to forgive yourself. ”

My mother-in-law came to the house to care for the elderly, and my health suddenly deteriorated, and I was horrified when I checked the soup made by my mother-in-law

From then on, the knot in my mother's heart seemed to be untied. She became optimistic, cheerful and positive, and her relationship with us grew. She began to enthusiastically help with housework, often singing Peking Opera tunes. Sometimes I come home and smell the delicious food.

Our mother and daughter are close, and my husband and I are more affectionate. The arrival of my mother has added infinite vitality and vitality to the family. Now we are united and happy again.

Years passed when my mother lived with us. She is getting older and has recently been bedridden, so we have to take turns taking care of her. Doctors diagnosed her with terminal stomach cancer, which I am afraid will not last long.

My mother-in-law came to the house to care for the elderly, and my health suddenly deteriorated, and I was horrified when I checked the soup made by my mother-in-law

I begged my boss to reduce my workload and stay at my mother's bedside every day when I got home. I fed her water, eaten, and scrubbed when she was awake, but she was asleep most of the time. I held my mother's withered hand, and tears couldn't stop falling.

Mom's funeral was simple, just me, my husband and a few old neighbors. We did not inform more relatives and friends, which is to respect my mother's last wishes. After the funeral, my husband thoughtfully advised me to go home and have a good rest, and I drove to handle the cremation by myself.

That night, I was curled up alone in my mother's bed, tears streaming uncontrollably. I suddenly realized that I was extremely lonely at this moment, because my only loved one had left me forever. I began to reminisce about my mother's life, and the injustices and blows she experienced made her fragile personality of being irritable and irritable; And I ignored her inner pain because of misunderstanding and resentment, which led her to a dead end.

My mother-in-law came to the house to care for the elderly, and my health suddenly deteriorated, and I was horrified when I checked the soup made by my mother-in-law

Life shouldn't be so cruel, so that our mother and daughter miss too many days and nights of knowing and cherishing each other. It is so sad that the relatives who are obviously connected by blood are separated and estranged because of the helplessness of life.

I couldn't cry, and my heart was like a knife. I think my mother must have felt my remorse in the spirit of heaven, which is a concern that haunts our souls.

My mother-in-law came to the house to care for the elderly, and my health suddenly deteriorated, and I was horrified when I checked the soup made by my mother-in-law
My mother-in-law came to the house to care for the elderly, and my health suddenly deteriorated, and I was horrified when I checked the soup made by my mother-in-law