
Why did this boy transfer from Tsinghua Mathematics to Hangzhou Computer Science?

author:Metropolis Express Orange Persimmon Interactive

In the past two days, the news that a student plans to transfer from Tsinghua University to Hangzhou Dianzi University has attracted the attention of many netizens.

Judging from the information published on the official website of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, the admission score line of the 8 students transferred out of the school is higher than the minimum admission score line of the relevant majors transferred to the school, with the largest score difference of 159 points and the smallest score difference of 2 points.

Students from Tsinghua University who plan to transfer to Hangzhou Electric University are majoring in mathematics and applied mathematics at Tsinghua University, and are planning to transfer to computer science and technology at Hangzhou Electric University, and the score difference between the two majors is 71 points.

Why did this boy transfer from Tsinghua Mathematics to Hangzhou Computer Science?

The high school responded

It is not clear why

As the topic became more and more discussed, some netizens pointed out that Tsinghua Wen, who plans to transfer to Hangzhou Dianzi University, graduated from Zhenhai Middle School in high school, and also won the first prize in the Zhejiang Division of the National High School Mathematics League in 2020, which shows that the mathematical foundation is very solid.

In the official WeChat account of Zhenhai Middle School, the reporter saw the name of Wen, who planned to transfer. According to the data, Wen has won the first prize in the 2020 Chinese Mathematical Olympiad National League, and won the first prize in the 2019 "Jinggang Cup" Southeast China Mathematics Summer Camp.

Why should such a mathematics contest student transfer from Tsinghua University? There was a lot of discussion for a while. Some netizens speculated that the mathematics major courses of Tsinghua University, Peking University and other famous schools are very difficult, and they are not something that ordinary people can learn. Some netizens also pointed out that Wen chose to transfer back to a school closer to home for physical reasons, so that his parents could take care of him.

Today, the reporter contacted the relevant person in charge of Zhenhai Middle School. The person in charge said: "I don't know why Wen wants to transfer schools, this is what the students themselves like, there is nothing to make a fuss about." Over the years, hundreds of Zhenhai Middle School have been admitted to Peking University and Tsinghua University, and now there are students who have transferred from Tsinghua University to Hangzhou Electric Computer Major, which is also a natural thing considering that the computer major is so hot now. ”

No matter what the reason for transferring schools, such a choice also makes many netizens feel that current college students have great ideas about majors, employment and future planning, and should be understood and respected.

Some netizens commented: "After going to college, I found out what school to study and what major to study, such as people know how to drink water and what they are warm." "In many discussions, the choice of mathematics and computer science majors, the future employment situation, etc., has also triggered a wave of comparisons, today we will talk about these two majors.

Mathematics majors are difficult to Xi

A strong desire to explore is required

According to a university teacher in Hangzhou, it is very difficult to Xi learn mathematics majors, and advanced mathematics is one of the most feared courses for many science students, while mathematics majors are even more difficult. However, there are many candidates for mathematics majors, because there is a wide range of choices when taking the postgraduate entrance examination, such as computer, statistics, big data, etc. "Mathematics majors can be said to be difficult to learn Xi and have a wide range of paths. This student chose Tsinghua University to major in mathematics, and must be very strong in science. ”

Based on the relevant information of Zhejiang University, let's get to know the major of mathematics and applied mathematics. The Mathematics and Applied Mathematics major covers two aspects of mathematics: basic mathematics and applied mathematics.

Basic mathematics is the study of the basic theories and development laws of mathematics, such as the famous Goldbach conjecture and Poincaré conjecture are the research objects of basic mathematics, including Lie groups and Lie algebra, symplectic geometry, geometric analysis, complex analysis, dynamical systems and partial differential equations and other branches of mathematics.

Applied mathematics is the study of mathematical theories triggered by a large number of practical problems, and the application of mathematical knowledge to solve problems in real life or other disciplines and science and technology. These problems have strong practicality, such as medical image processing, code compilation or cracking, computer graphics, financial mathematics, etc., and also have high theoretical research value, such as the study of general relativity in theoretical physics.

The courses of the Mathematics and Applied Mathematics major focus on basic mathematical theories, and the core courses include: Mathematical Analysis, Advanced Algebra and Analytic Geometry, Point Set Topology, Abstract Algebra, Ordinary Differential Equations, Real Functions, Probability Theory, Scientific Computing, Differential Geometry, Complex Variable Functions, Functional Analysis, etc.

The most important thing in learning Xi mathematics is interest, followed by certain talents, such as good logical thinking ability, graphic imagination and algebraic operation ability, etc., and the ability to calm down and concentrate on thinking about problems.

Mathematics is a basic discipline that focuses on theoretical research, and those engaged in the research of basic mathematical theories must have a strong interest in mathematics, otherwise they will feel boring and boring, and of course, it is unlikely to create important mathematical results. Xi mathematics cannot be opportunistic and quick to achieve quick results, in order to really learn mathematics well, we must be down-to-earth, calm down to lay a good foundation step by step, but also cultivate their indomitable spirit. Students with a strong desire to explore, strong will, and perseverance are often suitable for studying Xi mathematics.

A male student majoring in mathematics and applied mathematics in 985 college told reporters that unlike doing math problems in high school, studying mathematics in college requires a thorough understanding of a theorem and restoring the entire proof step from beginning to end, which is a bit laborious to learn.

"Although I scored 139 points in mathematics in the college entrance examination, I found that mathematics is still very difficult to learn after entering the school. ”

Math problems are everywhere in life

There are a wide range of paths for mathematics majors

Mathematics and Applied Mathematics majors are directly employed in primary and secondary schools, IT industry, banking, insurance or securities financial industry. Of course, you can also continue your studies and continue to engage in basic mathematics research, choose applied mathematics, and choose other directions such as economics, finance, actuarial science, computer science, etc.

The School of Mathematical Sciences of Zhejiang University mentioned in the introduction that there are mathematical problems everywhere in real life.

Ren Zhengfei, founder of Huawei, mentioned in an interview that the 5G standard originated from a mathematical paper by Professor Alekhan; the most popular diagnostic instruments in hospitals, such as ultrasound, CT, and MRI, are also based on mathematics; if a bank wants to launch a wealth management product, it needs to go through accurate mathematical calculations to predict its returns; the calculation of the volume and mass of black holes in the universe also requires advanced mathematics; and computer software, artificial intelligence algorithms, and industrial control software all imply a lot of mathematical theories and knowledge.

Therefore, graduates majoring in mathematics and applied mathematics have a wide range of employment channels, a high level of employment units, and very good employment prospects.

Computer science has always been

Popular majors for science students

Mathematics majors and computer science majors are actually very related. Computer science has always been a popular major for science students, and the colleges and universities that offer this major are distributed at all levels. The courses involved in the computer science and technology major include: advanced mathematics, linear algebra, probability theory and mathematical statistics, high-level language programming (such as C, C++), discrete mathematics, data structures, etc., all courses have the shadow of mathematics.

Computer majors must learn the logic of mathematics, and the college where many university computer majors are located is called the School of Mathematics and Computer Science, which shows that mathematics and computers are interconnected, and computer majors need a solid foundation in mathematics.

In various industries, there is a greater or less need for computer talents. Therefore, computer science students have a wide range of job options after graduation. Graduates can be engaged in computer software development, hardware development, WEB application development, mobile device application development, planning and design of computer network engineering, computer security management and maintenance, etc.

In practical work, professional skills are very important, computer subject knowledge is many and complex, teachers can not finish all the knowledge points in class time, at this time to test students' self-learning ability. To put it simply, computer technology knowledge is easy to get started, but it is difficult to master it.

The computer science and technology major of Hangzhou Dianzi University has always been its characteristic major, and it has obtained B+ in the fourth round of national discipline evaluation, side by side with many 985 universities.

Why did this boy transfer from Tsinghua Mathematics to Hangzhou Computer Science?

In the first two years, "602 students from double-first-class universities applied for the postgraduate examination of Hangzhou Electric, of which 96 students were Zhejiang University students. The topic once rushed to the hot search. Most of the students from double first-class universities have applied for the advantageous majors of Hangzhou Electric, such as computer science and technology, electronic science and technology, control science and engineering, integrated circuit science and engineering, cyberspace security, etc., and there are many applicants for computer majors.

The reason for attracting undergraduate graduates from prestigious universities to apply for the "reverse" examination, in addition to the professional strength of Hangzhou Electric's computer major, is also a point that many people consider.

Nowadays, many young people want to enter large factories (referring to large Internet and IT companies), and they like the relaxed environment inside, and they like the high salary and good development inside. Hangzhou Electric has close ties with Huawei, NetEase and other major companies, and students have more job opportunities in these Internet manufacturers.

According to data, in the past three years, nearly 95% of the graduates of Hangzhou Electric Computer Institute have entered the IT field, mainly in the "information transmission, software and technical services", "manufacturing", "scientific research and technical services" and other industries. Every year, nearly 100 graduates join well-known companies such as Huawei, Haikang, Dahua, and ByteDance.

What do you think about this student's choice of transfer school and major? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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