
20 times a day, knock through 6 meridians, prevent cerebral infarction, activate qi and blood, and the brain reacts quickly!

author:Medical Food Reference
According to WHO statistics, 1 in 6 people in the world suffer from stroke, 1 person dies of stroke every 6 seconds, and 1 person is permanently disabled because of stroke every 6 seconds, and cerebral infarction is the most common type of stroke.

In the past few days, the temperature has dropped again and again, what should I do if my hands and feet are frozen?

Fortunately, there are big quilts, down jackets, ovens, air conditioners, scarves and gloves, and baby warmers...... All the heating equipment that can be used is used to the fullest.

But the most afraid of cold on the body, and the most easily ignored, is our blood vessels!

And once the blood vessels are "frozen", they are most likely to break out "cerebral infarction"!

Is cerebral infarction closely related to weather?

20 times a day, knock through 6 meridians, prevent cerebral infarction, activate qi and blood, and the brain reacts quickly!

Cerebral infarction, also known as "ischemic stroke", refers to the softening and necrosis of local brain tissue due to blood circulation disorders, ischemia and hypoxia.

To put it bluntly, cerebral infarction is that the blood vessels in the braincase are blocked, and some parts of the brain suddenly have no blood to provide oxygen and nutrients, and this part of the braincase will strike, and the related functions will naturally not be easy to use.

Blood vessels are like a large net all over the body, delivering blood to the organs of the whole body, and the colder the weather, the harder the blood vessels, coupled with the narrowing of blood vessels, the blood runs very slowly, and it is easier to form congestion, and then block the cerebral blood vessels, forming a "cerebral infarction".

According to WHO statistics, 1 in 6 people in the world suffer from stroke, 1 person dies of stroke every 6 seconds, and 1 person is permanently disabled because of stroke every 6 seconds, and cerebral infarction is the most common type of stroke.

What are the typical symptoms of such a terrible cerebral infarction?

Generally speaking, cerebral infarction has a rapid onset, and the main typical symptoms are "5 sudden":

Sudden numbness and weakness in the hands, feet, or face;

sudden blurring of vision on one or both sides;

Sudden dizziness and unsteady walking;

Sudden slurred speech and crooked corners of the mouth;

Suddenly lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

People who find a sudden cerebral infarction must grasp the golden time for treatment, and they can save their lives at critical moments.

After cerebral infarction:

The "golden time" is the sooner the better, try to control it within 6 hours, if you miss the golden time, it will not only affect the recovery after the illness, leave sequelae, and seriously will be life-threatening.

20 times a day, knock through 6 meridians, prevent cerebral infarction, activate qi and blood, and the brain reacts quickly!

In addition to the acute onset of cerebral infarction, there is also a very mild cerebral infarction symptom, which is estimated to be unnoticed by 99% of people.

This mild symptom is the gaze.

When both eyeballs gaze to one side, that is, the eyeballs involuntarily turn to one side, unable to return to the position, and the eyes do not obey the call, this often indicates that the cortical structure of the cerebral hemisphere on the same side has an infarction, if it is ignored at this time, then it is likely to be hemiplegia.

So, sometimes, the body reminds you that it's not right, and don't take it seriously!

Sometimes, when your parents tell you that something is wrong with your body, don't think it's a fuss!

Be sure to adjust and seek medical attention in time!

Cerebral infarction is terrible, in addition to early detection and early treatment, we must engrave these 6 words in our hearts: prevention is greater than cure!

So what measures should we take to reduce the incidence of cerebral infarction?

20 times a day, knock through 6 meridians, prevent cerebral infarction, activate qi and blood, and the brain reacts quickly!

1 action to prevent cerebral infarction!

In addition to healthy diet, healthy life, reducing the "three highs" and other underlying diseases, how can we maintain heart health and prevent brain disease outbreaks?

Cerebral infarction is mainly caused by cerebral ischemia, and the pain area is mainly the brain, teach you 1 action to dredge the brain meridians, activate qi and blood, and prevent brain problems from the root.

Ten Xuan acupoints position (10 points in total with two hands)

20 times a day, knock through 6 meridians, prevent cerebral infarction, activate qi and blood, and the brain reacts quickly!

The ten fingers are slightly flexed, at the tip of the ten fingers of the hand, 0.1 inch away from the free edge of the nail is this acupoint.

Action Points:

Step 1: First use the tips of your fingers, which is where the Shixuan acupoints are located, to tap the direction of the three yang veins of the entire head (Zuyang Ming Stomach Meridian, Zu Sun Bladder Meridian, Zu Shao Yang Gall Meridian) 20 times;

20 times a day, knock through 6 meridians, prevent cerebral infarction, activate qi and blood, and the brain reacts quickly!

Step 2: Wrap the whole head with both hands, rub the temples with your thumb and press the rest of your fingers on the scalp, first rubbing the temples 3 times with the tips of your thumbs.

20 times a day, knock through 6 meridians, prevent cerebral infarction, activate qi and blood, and the brain reacts quickly!

Step 3: Hold down the scalp and use the fingertips to exert force, press and knead the five fingers in circles at the same time, and rotate 3 times at each position along the direction of the three yang veins to the next position.

20 times a day, knock through 6 meridians, prevent cerebral infarction, activate qi and blood, and the brain reacts quickly!

In this way, if you repeat it about 20 times, you can generally feel that our scalp is heating up, and qi and blood are running along our movements.

Why can this action awaken the mind and strengthen the brain and prevent cerebral infarction?

One of the most direct functions of the Ten Xuan acupoints is to nourish the heart, the heart is the king, it can mobilize all the energy of the human body to help us generate yang energy, and the heart and brain are connected, the main blood of the heart is supplied to the brain, and the blood foot is full of cerebral marrow, and clinically encephalopathy can be treated from the heart, or the heart and brain are treated together.

Gently rubbing the temples can alleviate the lack of blood supply to the brain, and it is also very helpful to prevent cerebral infarction.

And this percussion and kneading action fuses the head meridians and 2 very important acupuncture points to interact with each other to achieve the real "prevention" effect. Friends like blocked nose and pain in the middle of the head have an effect, and our scalp is stretching downward while pushing.