
2 marriages and 2 divorced ex-wives are all beautiful women, and at the age of 61, he was confessed by a rich woman, why does he look like this?

author:Oh yes sauce


Is he really just "China's No. 1 Male Matchmaker"?

61-year-old Wang Weinian has been divorced twice, but he still makes countless women crazy for him.

He is like an old blooming rose, exuding a charming charm.

Many people are puzzled, how can a middle-aged man with a mediocre appearance, without money and power, become a "dream lover" in women's hearts just by hosting emotional programs?

2 marriages and 2 divorced ex-wives are all beautiful women, and at the age of 61, he was confessed by a rich woman, why does he look like this?

Wang Weinian's story seems to be full of dramatic reversals.

He has experienced two failed marriages, but has reached the pinnacle of his career.

When everyone was asking him how he did it, the answer was surprising.

Because in him, there is not only the aura of a top host, but also the sincere heart of an ordinary person.

Fateful Encounter: A Beautiful Encounter with Little Xiangyu

In 1994, Wang Weinian of Shanxi TV had a bold idea - to promote the traditional Chinese stage drama Henan Opera to Shanxi.

So he looked around, hoping to find a partner who had the heart to go.

At this time, a woman named "Xiao Xiangyu" appeared.

2 marriages and 2 divorced ex-wives are all beautiful women, and at the age of 61, he was confessed by a rich woman, why does he look like this?

Her real name is Chen Bailing, and she is a Henan Opera performance artist from Henan.

Xiao Xiangyu is full of ideals and wants to open an art school in Shanxi to inherit the culture of Henan Opera.

But due to her ignorance of the world, her plan has not been implemented.

At a literary event, Wang Weinian met Xiao Xiangyu who was sitting on the side.

The popular host of the TV station in front of him looked inconspicuous, but Xiao Xiangyu noticed the firmness in his eyes.

Wang Weinian was also attracted by the persistence of Xiao Xiangyu.

An opera cultural worker who is eager to promote Henan Opera, and a woman who wants to win her heart through the cause of Henan Opera.

The two began to communicate and dialogue, and Wang Weinian was gradually infected by Xiao Xiangyu's dream and enthusiasm.

Xiao Xiangyu also faintly had a good impression of him, and finally, Wang Weinian became the most solid backing for this Beipiao girl.

2 marriages and 2 divorced ex-wives are all beautiful women, and at the age of 61, he was confessed by a rich woman, why does he look like this?

Affection is a good match, but the steps are tortuous

In the days that followed, Wang Weinian did his best to help Xiao Xiangyu promote the school.

He used his connections to solve many formalities for him.

And Xiao Xiangyu also received Wang Weinian's care and care in the preparation of the school.

It seems to be smooth sailing, but the emotional road of this "man of destiny" is not smooth.

Because Xiao Xiangyu has a strong personality and a short temper, while Wang Weinian is meticulous and sharp-tongued.

The two often quarrel over trivial matters, and even almost break up.

However, after calming down a little, they still chose to continue to understand and support each other.

Perhaps, it was this run-in spark that made their feelings warm and sublimated, and finally entered the palace of marriage.

2 marriages and 2 divorced ex-wives are all beautiful women, and at the age of 61, he was confessed by a rich woman, why does he look like this?

The tearing and compromise of married life

In 2006, Wang Weinian and Xiao Xiangyu got married.

After getting married, the two moved to Beijing to settle down, and each of them has made great progress in their careers.

Wang Weinian served as the director of the Spring Festival Gala, while Xiao Xiangyu participated in the work of the opera cultural inheritance judge.

However, success in life and career does not lead to a happy marriage.

Xiao Xiangyu has a tough and stubborn attitude in pursuing her career, she doesn't want Wang Weinian to interfere too much with her, and Wang Weinian often cares about Xiao Xiangyu's daily life and rest, and wants to share more family and work for her.

The difference in the personalities of the two is becoming more and more obvious, coupled with the accumulation of trivial things in life, which makes the couple go farther and farther.

In this way, Wang Weinian's dream of growing old with Xiao Xiangyu finally ended in divorce in 2009.

2 marriages and 2 divorced ex-wives are all beautiful women, and at the age of 61, he was confessed by a rich woman, why does he look like this?

The breakdown of the marriage is certainly embarrassing, but it also allows the two to get their true selves.

Wang Weinian chooses to concentrate on his career and achieve a kingdom of career, and Xiao Xiangyu is determined to find true love again and live a stable family life.

Compensation and relief: the understanding and tolerance of the first lady

Wang Weinian's first marriage was actually not perfect.

He entered the marriage hall with his girlfriend who has known him for many years, but the busyness of work soon made him a little neglected by the family.

The wife began to complain about her husband's inaction, and the relationship between the husband and wife also cracked.

Despite this, Wang Weinian still tried his best to spend time with his wife and children to express his love.

In 1998, the birth of his son made Wang Weinian cherish this small family even more.

2 marriages and 2 divorced ex-wives are all beautiful women, and at the age of 61, he was confessed by a rich woman, why does he look like this?

However, he also has his own little Jiujiu in his heart.

If you succeed in your career, you can let your wife and children live a good life in the future.

As a result, he began to neglect his family and focus more on his work and career.

The wife's complaints also increased, and the relationship between the two came to an end.

In 2000, Wang Weinian was relieved to choose divorce as an answer.

Maybe it was the guilt in his heart, or maybe it was to compensate his wife, he made the choice to leave the house.

After maintaining a certain connection with his ex-wife, he began a new journey in life.

This time, he's going to fight for himself!

Longing and blooming: recasting the brilliance of emotional hosts

After entering CCTV, Wang Weinian studied hard and participated in the production of many important programs.

2 marriages and 2 divorced ex-wives are all beautiful women, and at the age of 61, he was confessed by a rich woman, why does he look like this?

After more than ten years of struggle, Wang Weinian gradually transformed into a director and producer, he participated in the 12th Spring Festival Gala and produced the very successful song and dance program "Chinese Drum".

The singing and dancing were eye-catching, and the show was well received after it was broadcast.

Wang Weinian also became famous because of this, and ushered in the bloom of spring in his career.

However, the brilliance of his career can't resist the vicissitudes of loneliness in his heart after all.

Wang Weinian's two marriages ended in failure, leaving him confused about his feelings.

Just when he was about to give up on love, the opportunity crept up.

In 2017, in the process of hosting emotional programs, Wang Weinian publicly expressed his desire to find true love again.

He not only solved the family problems of many audiences, but also became "China's No. 1 Male Matchmaker".

This time, he not only wants to help others find true love, but also fights for his own happiness.

2 marriages and 2 divorced ex-wives are all beautiful women, and at the age of 61, he was confessed by a rich woman, why does he look like this?

At the age of 61, Wang Weinian not only reached the peak of his career, but also bloomed on the emotional road.

He exudes a ripe charm with an old blooming rose.

Many young women were also attracted to him, and even rich women proposed to him in a high-profile manner.

Perhaps, this is the most beautiful scenery in Wang Weinian's life.

The Waiting of True Love: The Bloom of Little Xiangyu Again

Unlike Wang Weinian, Xiao Xiangyu quickly found her true love after the divorce.

She fell in love with a low-key and reserved fan and entered into marriage.

Her husband's gentle personality is just right for her, and Xiao Xiangyu feels that the two are like a match made in heaven.

2 marriages and 2 divorced ex-wives are all beautiful women, and at the age of 61, he was confessed by a rich woman, why does he look like this?

After marriage, Xiao Xiangyu not only has a happy family life, but also has made great progress in her career.

Today, she is already a mother and a successful woman.

Xiao Xiangyu and Wang Weinian are like two dandelions blown away by the wind, each finding new soil.

They are no longer the couple in love when they were young and frivolous, but they have grown up on their own tracks and bloomed with unique brilliance.

Maybe the love of the year has faded after the divorce, but they did gain the precipitated life experience from it.


Wang Weinian's life is like a drama, accompanied by failure, despair and rebirth.

We see an ordinary man in the ups and downs of work and love, and finally finds his own happy life.

2 marriages and 2 divorced ex-wives are all beautiful women, and at the age of 61, he was confessed by a rich woman, why does he look like this?

He is not rich and mediocre in appearance, but he exudes a unique charm inside and out.

Perhaps, this is the reason why he can become "China's No. 1 male matchmaker", and this is the secret why he can attract countless women to fall in love.

While we applaud his success in his career and rejoice that he has found true love again, we should not forget that he experienced the pain of marriage twice.

In those days and nights, Wang Weinian used his sincere heart to warm and heal others, and he was also slowly healing his own inner wounds.

2 marriages and 2 divorced ex-wives are all beautiful women, and at the age of 61, he was confessed by a rich woman, why does he look like this?

No matter what the road ahead is, we sincerely hope that this "China's No. 1 Male Matchmaker", the 61-year-old old rose, can bloom with more brilliant brilliance.

After all, what he deserves is never just career success.

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