
[Exposure] Rural parents pick up garbage to pay off debts of 230,000!

author:Colorful lotus fXs

Fans reward, high debts, a counterattack trip

When we see such a story, we may admire it, or we may lament the impermanence of fate. However, today let's focus on the 38-year-old bachelor, whose name is Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming is an ordinary rural young man who has been working in the city for a long time, living a simple life, but he has the flame of pursuing his dreams in his heart. Although his life is not rich, his enthusiasm for online live broadcast has never diminished, and he will endure exhaustion to open his live broadcast room every night. He has always dreamed of becoming an internet celebrity and using his own efforts to change the status quo.

However, it backfired on his live broadcast

[Exposure] Rural parents pick up garbage to pay off debts of 230,000!

It has never attracted much attention from fans, and it has to be said that this competitive industry really needs some luck and opportunity. Gradually, Xiao Ming established a connection with the influencers, who shared their experiences and stories. Looking at those Internet celebrities who live luxuriously and are popular, Xiao Ming is jealous, and at the same time has a desire for the future.

One day, Xiao Ming saw a popular live broadcast room that is currently hot, and the Internet celebrities in it are Yi

[Exposure] Rural parents pick up garbage to pay off debts of 230,000!

Its sweet appearance and bubbly personality have attracted a large number of fans. Unable to control his curiosity, Xiao Ming couldn't help but watch it for a few days, and gradually fell into it. Soon, he began to "reward crazy" for this Internet celebrity, and once even loaned 230,000 yuan to support his bigger and bigger dreams.

In desperate situations, parents pick up garbage to feed hope

[Exposure] Rural parents pick up garbage to pay off debts of 230,000!

While Xiao Ming was mired in debt, his parents worked silently in the countryside, feeding Xiao Ming's hopes with the income from picking up garbage. Every morning, they bring their worn-out backpacks and look for recyclable waste products on the streets of the city, and their hard work has become a solid backing for Xiao Ming to pursue his dreams.

Despite the hard and undignified work of picking up garbage, the parents remained consistent in this position. They silently pick up every piece of waste paper, every empty wine bottle, and they believe that as long as they can let their children realize their dreams, everything is worth it.

Warm moments, rural parents incarnate "superheroes"

When Xiao Ming's debt is getting higher and higher, he is in an endless predicament. However, when he needed help the most, his parents stretched out their dark, rough hands. They did not hesitate to put all their savings into Xiao Ming's hands, helping him to relieve his huge burden.

[Exposure] Rural parents pick up garbage to pay off debts of 230,000!

In this way, with the support of his rural parents, Xiao Ming gradually paid off the arrears of 230,000 yuan. Whenever he insists on working hard to broadcast live, he can feel the warmth and strength from the countryside. He knew that he was no longer alone, and that there was a group of unknown people cheering him on and cheering him on.


This story tells us that on the road of life, everyone will encounter all kinds of setbacks and difficulties. However, as long as we stick to our dreams and never forget our original intentions, we can find the strength to move forward even in the face of adversity.

Xiao Ming's story is not only a counterattack by an Internet celebrity, but also a warm story of family affection. His rural parents used the hard work of picking up garbage to provide him with wings to pursue his dreams. Through their love and support, Xiao Ming finally ushered in a turning point in his life. Let's applaud this tenacious family and applaud their persistence!

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