
The "big formaldehyde household" has been found out: the "4 things" in the house should be thrown away as soon as possible, and formaldehyde is being released every day

author:Lee erudite Dane

In recent years, cancer, leukemia and other diseases have occurred frequently, and whenever I see such reports on news TV, I feel very sad, and the spearhead is pointed at decoration pollution.

This makes many owners of new house decoration panic!

This year's 3-year-old Xiaobei (pseudonym) frequently caught colds and fell ill, at first parents thought that the child was young and weak, and did not pay enough attention until the symptoms became more and more serious...

A few days ago, Xiaobei was diagnosed with leukemia in the hospital. It is understood that Xiaobei had lived in a new house that had been renovated for less than three months before being diagnosed, and the doctor considered that the formaldehyde in the decoration materials affected the child's health and induced leukemia.

The "big formaldehyde household" has been found out: the "4 things" in the house should be thrown away as soon as possible, and formaldehyde is being released every day

This disease is so dangerous that the baby has to draw blood, prick needles almost every day, and often have to do bone punctures. The baby is only three years old, what a sin!

After the incident, after testing, the new house they lived in seriously exceeded the formaldehyde standard!

The "big formaldehyde household" has been found out: the "4 things" in the house should be thrown away as soon as possible, and formaldehyde is being released every day

According to statistics from the Department of Hematology at the Children's Hospital for more than a year, nine-tenths of children who come to the hospital for leukemia treatment have had their homes renovated within six months before the onset of the disease.

The indoor pollution caused by home decoration is very serious, and substandard decoration materials will emit a variety of toxic and harmful substances, including formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, radon, volatile organic compounds (TVOC), etc. And the most common of them is excessive formaldehyde.

In a sense, the real zero formaldehyde is tantamount to a fantasy, the difficulty of the world without formaldehyde is equivalent to the world without thieves, we do our best is nothing more than to minimize the harm value, to the human body can bear the range.

The "big formaldehyde household" has been found out: the "4 things" in the house should be thrown away as soon as possible, and formaldehyde is being released every day

Long-term indoor air circulation is not good, but it is easy to cause formaldehyde to exceed the standard.

After entering the winter, the temperature decreases, the climate in the north and south is dry and stuffy, and the formaldehyde released for a long time in summer and autumn is lurking indoors, and if it is not treated in time, it is easy to cause formaldehyde to exceed the standard.

Winter winds are frequent, the weather becomes cooler, families with children or the elderly, and begin to close the windows for a long time to block the cold wind, and the long-term indoor air circulation is easy to cause formaldehyde to exceed the standard.

The "big formaldehyde household" has been found out: the "4 things" in the house should be thrown away as soon as possible, and formaldehyde is being released every day

Many people think that formaldehyde is far away from us, in fact, it is not, as an expert environmental experts pointed out: a few inconspicuous things in the home are the "source" of formaldehyde, which should be avoided, but unfortunately too many uninformed people are still buying at home, and it is recommended to throw away or replace them.

1. Textile products

There are many places in our homes that need to use textile products, such as curtains, sofa covers, bedding four-piece sets, etc., these substances will be added to formaldehyde in the processing process.

The purpose is to make the product more durable and wear-resistant, and also to make the color more full and beautiful.

The "big formaldehyde household" has been found out: the "4 things" in the house should be thrown away as soon as possible, and formaldehyde is being released every day

Especially for some inferior products, the formaldehyde content will be more, so we must buy qualified products when buying, and don't rush to use them after buying them, it is best to wash them first before using them.

2. Wallpaper and other soft decorations

Many families will choose some wallpaper, blankets and other soft decorations to decorate the family when decorating, and these soft decorations, if the material is not good, will release a large amount of formaldehyde.

Therefore, we should avoid using glass fiber wallpaper and chemical fiber carpet with high formaldehyde emissions, and try to choose environmentally friendly materials.

The "big formaldehyde household" has been found out: the "4 things" in the house should be thrown away as soon as possible, and formaldehyde is being released every day

3. Wrapping film for mattresses

Many people are reluctant to remove the plastic film for new mattresses, because they are afraid of soiling the mattress, so they choose to sleep directly on the plastic film, but they don't know that these films are also the hardest hit areas of formaldehyde.

The "big formaldehyde household" has been found out: the "4 things" in the house should be thrown away as soon as possible, and formaldehyde is being released every day

There are also mattresses that have some synthetic templates in them, which is even more serious.

Therefore, I suggest that you must remove the plastic film, and often take it out to bask in the sun, which can accelerate the release of formaldehyde.

The "big formaldehyde household" has been found out: the "4 things" in the house should be thrown away as soon as possible, and formaldehyde is being released every day

Here we also need to remind everyone that the evaporation period of carcinogens such as formaldehyde is very long, which can reach more than 10 years, so we need to remove formaldehyde as a normalized work, just like cleaning.

4. Wood-based panel furniture

Whether you're moving into a new home or adding new items, buying some new furniture is essential, but there are thousands of furniture brands on the market and the quality varies.

Some owners found that after buying furniture, the smell in their homes increased significantly. The third-party organization found that the formaldehyde exceeded the standard by 10 times, and the formaldehyde in the new furniture bedroom exceeded the standard by 15 times!

The "big formaldehyde household" has been found out: the "4 things" in the house should be thrown away as soon as possible, and formaldehyde is being released every day

Excessive indoor formaldehyde is extremely harmful to the human body!

1. Stimulation of the eyes and mucous membranes

Long-term exposure to formaldehyde and inhalation of high concentrations of formaldehyde are easy to irritate the eyes and cause tears, and formaldehyde will also produce strong irritation to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and cause symptoms such as edema, throat discomfort, sneezing, coughing, etc.

In severe cases, it can also cause inflammation such as conjunctivitis, rhinitis, and bronchitis. The more the concentration of formaldehyde in the air exceeds the national health standards, the greater the harm to human health.

The "big formaldehyde household" has been found out: the "4 things" in the house should be thrown away as soon as possible, and formaldehyde is being released every day

2. Impact on the immunization system

Formaldehyde is an environmental allergen that can act on the skin and respiratory tract, causing allergic dermatitis and asthma, and can cause Henoch-Schonlein purpura at concentrations of 0.05%.

According to relevant studies, compared with those who do not work in the renovated environment, the serum IgG and IgA levels will change, and the proportion of IgG antibodies and T lymphocytes will be reduced.

The "big formaldehyde household" has been found out: the "4 things" in the house should be thrown away as soon as possible, and formaldehyde is being released every day

3. Sudden changes and even cancer

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) considers formaldehyde to be a suspected carcinogen. Experiments have shown that formaldehyde can be covalently bound to DNA, which is manifested as single-strand DNA destruction.

Formaldehyde can also produce dominant lethal mutations in mice, and inhalation of high concentrations of formaldehyde in rats can induce nasal squamous cell carcinoma. The carcinogenic basis of formaldehyde in humans needs to be further studied.

The "big formaldehyde household" has been found out: the "4 things" in the house should be thrown away as soon as possible, and formaldehyde is being released every day

In fact, the best way to deal with formaldehyde is to solve it from the source, with scientific and safe formaldehyde scavengers, so that the formaldehyde problem can be well solved.

Formaldehyde removal is not a project that can be completed in a short period of time, the formaldehyde emission time is generally 3-6 months, it is necessary for us to continue to remove formaldehyde, the following Xiaobian will share with you a few effective formaldehyde removal products, the first of which is Xiaobian himself used one, the effect is very good.

1: Olvway formaldehyde scavenger:

The "big formaldehyde household" has been found out: the "4 things" in the house should be thrown away as soon as possible, and formaldehyde is being released every day

Allova formaldehyde scavenger adopts a new "amino acid + photocatalyst" formaldehyde removal technology, which combines the characteristics of physical removal and chemical decomposition, and provides an innovative solution for the rapid and efficient degradation of formaldehyde molecules. The core is the fusion of amino acid technology and photocatalyst technology, which reacts with air to produce carbon dioxide and water, and does not produce harmful components to the human body. Through adsorption and chelation, amino acid technology effectively adsorbs harmful gas atoms and molecules such as formaldehyde on the surface of materials and fixes them, improving degradation and removal efficiency.

The "big formaldehyde household" has been found out: the "4 things" in the house should be thrown away as soon as possible, and formaldehyde is being released every day

Olvway Formaldehyde Scavenger: The ingredients are safe and reliable, free of oxidants, alcohol and fragrance, and very safe for home use. Tested by professional testing institutions, the efficiency of this product to remove formaldehyde is as high as 91%, which is a favorable player for removing formaldehyde.

2: Activated carbon:

The "big formaldehyde household" has been found out: the "4 things" in the house should be thrown away as soon as possible, and formaldehyde is being released every day

Activated carbon itself has a certain effect on the adsorption of harmful substances and volatile harmful gases, so it can be used to effectively adsorb formaldehyde, especially in the newly renovated indoor environment or in the case of excessive formaldehyde, it is an effective choice.

Three: Yiya formaldehyde deep scavenger: The composition of this formaldehyde scavenger is mild, which effectively improves the free state and the formaldehyde inside the plate, and the decomposition products are pollution-free.