
In the face of pressure, the DPRK adheres to the principle of strong against strong and demonstrates its military strength.

author:Elegant starry sky aeZ

On the peninsula, every day seems to be a game hanging on the brink of storms. North Korean artillery roars in the cold wind, South Korea's defenses are tense and the world gazes with concern at the disputed land thousands of miles away. As the bell rings in 2024, the sky of the peninsula seems to be filled with electric charges, and a tense military game is about to begin in this land that has been heavily marked by history.

At this very moment, I stand in this world on the edge of chaos, mired in tension on the peninsula. In the confrontation between the two Koreas, the whistling sound of every shell seems to tell a historical legend. Let's travel through the flames of war and delve into the heart of the peninsula to see if the weavers of history will reinterpret this poignant chapter.

Tensions pervade the skies over the peninsula, and North Korean military's naval artillery drills have become the fuse of the storm, challenging the former 9/19 inter-Korean military agreement.

In this artillery training, the DPRK army chose the western waters of the peninsula and conducted coastal artillery fire again after 13 months. The move not only made local residents nervous, but also prompted South Korea's Joint Staff Headquarters to urgently hold a press conference to show that North Korea's actions were a direct challenge to the agreement.

In the face of pressure, the DPRK adheres to the principle of strong against strong and demonstrates its military strength.

Hundreds of rounds of coastal artillery shells whizzed and landed in the buffer zone of the two sides along the "northern limit" between the two Koreas. This zone is a maritime buffer zone established under the 9/19 inter-Korean military agreement signed in 2018 to prevent armed conflict at sea. The North Korean shelling is a clear violation of this agreement and makes the situation on the peninsula even worse.

The shelling was not only a demonstration at the technical level, but also a provocation at the political and military levels. North Korea's choice to resume artillery training after the abrogation of the 9/19 inter-Korean military agreement demonstrates its disagreement with the agreement and its hardline stance on the situation on the peninsula.

The details of the whole incident make one ponder, the rupture of the agreement, the conduct of the shelling, every step is advanced in this dangerous arena of the peninsula. Such a move undoubtedly raises concerns about the future of the peninsula, and at the same time triggers calls for peace and stability in the international community.

South Korea's Joint Staff Headquarters quickly responded urgently after the North's emergency artillery drills, expressing strong condemnation of the DPRK while accusing the North of further escalating tensions on the peninsula for its provocative actions.

At an emergency press conference, a spokesman for the South Korean Joint Staff Headquarters expressed strong dissatisfaction with the North Korean army's artillery training in the waters west of the peninsula. The spokesman stressed that this action is a direct violation of the 9/19 inter-Korean military agreement signed between the two sides and is another provocation after the DPRK unilaterally abrogated the agreement.

In the face of pressure, the DPRK adheres to the principle of strong against strong and demonstrates its military strength.

In the accusation, the South Korean Joint Staff Headquarters stressed that the DPRK's military action is a threat to peace on the peninsula and that the violation of the "9/19 inter-Korean military agreement" is intolerable. They warned that North Korea's actions would further escalate tensions and pose unpredictable dangers to the entire region.

The emergency response was filled with strong tones that underscored South Korea's resolute stance on maintaining stability on the peninsula. This is also a manifestation of South Korea's keen and decisive defense of national security in the face of crisis. This development of this incident not only has repercussions at the geopolitical level, but has also aroused widespread concern from the international community about the stability of the peninsula.

South Korea took emergency measures after North Korea conducted emergency shelling drills, issuing an evacuation order for residents to ensure public safety. This order is a precautionary measure taken against the backdrop of tensions on the peninsula in order to deal with a possible military conflict.

According to the report of the South Korean Ministry of National Defense, at 12:02 and 12:30 local time, the South Korean military issued an evacuation order to Yeonpyeong Island and Baeknyeong Island. This indicates that the South Korean side is on high alert for possible further military actions by the DPRK and hopes that residents will take refuge in potentially dangerous areas as soon as possible.

In the face of pressure, the DPRK adheres to the principle of strong against strong and demonstrates its military strength.
In the face of pressure, the DPRK adheres to the principle of strong against strong and demonstrates its military strength.

As the exercises ended, the South Korean military conducted large-scale military drills aimed at demonstrating the country's military strength and responding decisively to potential threats. The 6th Brigade of the Navy and the Yeonpyeong Unit of Yeonpyeong Island, located on Paeknyeong Island, began to conduct sea firing training with K9 self-propelled guns and tank guns at around 15 o'clock local time on the same day. This marks the first time that the ROK military has deployed marines deployed in the northwest islands to conduct a maritime shooting Xi to strengthen its ability to respond to possible military challenges.

The whole process shows that the Korean government attaches great importance to the safety of residents and responds quickly in the face of crises. This also shows that the South Korean military has a high degree of combat readiness and response capabilities in maintaining national security and responding to potential threats.

In his speech, Kim Yo-jong, vice director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, expressed strong criticism of the military action of the South Korean government. She criticized South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol's New Year's address as "stupid and reckless" and accused South Korea of launching military provocations that make 2024 "the year most likely for conflict between the two Koreas."

Kim Yo-jong said that Yoon Suk-yeol's proposal to complete the construction of an upgraded version of the ROK-US extended deterrence mechanism will provide more legitimacy for North Korea to accelerate the development of nuclear weapons. This accusation directly blames the actions of the South Korean side as a threat to the security of the DPRK and further inflames tensions on the peninsula.

In the face of tremendous pressure from the United States and its allies, the DPRK side is obviously unwilling to show weakness and adheres to the principle of "strong against strong." Kim Yo-jong's remarks underscored the North Korean government's hard-line stance, while also expressing their strong dissatisfaction with the South Korean government's tough military moves.

Such criticism from the North Korean side has not only exacerbated tensions on the peninsula, but also caused the international community to worry that 2024 will become "the year of the most likely conflict between the two Koreas." This assessment has raised global concerns about the future development of the situation on the Korean Peninsula and called on all parties to remain calm, resolve differences through dialogue, and avoid further deterioration of the situation.

In the face of pressure, the DPRK adheres to the principle of strong against strong and demonstrates its military strength.
In the face of pressure, the DPRK adheres to the principle of strong against strong and demonstrates its military strength.

In the face of international pressure, the DPRK government has firmly adhered to the principle of "strong for strong" and emphasized its position in the affairs of the peninsula through a display of military strength.

First, the North Korean government not only conducted large-scale artillery training during military Xi, but also carried out a series of military activities in the country, such as the successful launch of ballistic missiles, military reconnaissance satellites, and the launch of the first attack nuclear submarine. The series of military moves clearly conveyed North Korea's resolute stance in the face of external pressure, emphasizing its ability to defend national security.

Second, the North Korean government has expressed its dissatisfaction with external threats through public criticism of the ROK-US joint exercise Xi. They condemned the joint South Korea-US military exercises in the media, calling them a provocation against North Korea and firmly opposing any action that could threaten its sovereignty.

This adherence to the principle of "strong for strong" and the use of military strength to take a stand is intended to send a clear message to the international community that North Korea will not show weakness in the face of pressure, but will defend its rights and interests by strengthening its national defense capabilities.

This attitude also has some support at home, as the emphasis on national independence, autonomy, and self-defense is a core concept of the North Korean regime. However, this has also complicated the situation on the peninsula, with the international community expressing concern and caution about North Korea's military assertiveness.

In the face of pressure, the DPRK adheres to the principle of strong against strong and demonstrates its military strength.

The clouds of war loom over the peninsula, but we must not forget that peace is our common aspiration. Stay sane in the midst of a crisis and use wisdom to create the future

At this critical juncture, let us pray that the stormy weather on the peninsula will pass as soon as possible. What is your view on the situation on the Korean Peninsula?

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