
2024 Practical Calendar!

author:Kun-kun Fusions

Job hunting, graduate school entrance examination, study abroad, enlistment...... The 2024 college students' employment calendar has been prepared, let's take a look at it with the education micro-

January 2024


Take advantage of the winter vacation to enrich your resume Xi prepare for the spring recruitment after the holiday.

studying abroad

Take the initiative to contact the school, track the admission situation, and make up the application in a timely manner.

public servant

The results of the written examination of the national examination can be checked on the website, and the minimum passing score of the written examination and the list of the first batch of interview candidates can be checked, and the interview announcements of various departments will be released one after another.

Publicly-funded normal students

The relevant job requirements are generally released in January.


The registration for the first half of 2024 for the National Conscription (Female Soldiers) will begin on January 1, and you can log on to the "National Conscription Network" to register for military service and apply for conscription.

For graduates of ordinary colleges, graduating students, and students enrolled in the army, the central government shall compensate them for their tuition fees and state student loans. High school graduates who have been admitted to colleges and universities in the current year retain their enrollment qualifications after enlisting in the army, and enjoy the national tuition waiver policy after retiring from military service.

February 2024

Graduate school entrance examination

The results of the preliminary examination will be announced one after another, and the re-examination will be prepared in time.

If you fail in the graduate school entrance examination, you can hurry up and prepare for spring recruitment.


Those who are interested in working in their hometown can use the time to go home for the Chinese New Year to understand the employment environment in their hometown and look for employment opportunities.


The application for the first half of the 2024 national conscription (male and female soldiers) will close on February 18.

March 2024

Graduate school entrance examination

The independent line and the national line have been released one after another, and those who meet the conditions and have not entered the retest can be considered for adjustment.


During the peak period of spring school recruitment, online applications, job fairs and recruitment information can be obtained through multiple channels.

studying abroad

Check the status of your application and decide which school to go to based on the situation.

public servant

The recruitment of the national civil service examination begins, and the specific time of the interview is determined by the recruitment agency, which is generally held before the end of March 2024.

Recruitment announcements in some provinces and cities have been released one after another.


It is recommended to pay close attention to the latest announcements and arrange a job search plan.

Three branches and one support

All localities generally issue recruitment announcements from March each year to announce specific requirements, and you can pay attention to the recruitment and application announcements of relevant provinces and cities.

Special post teacher

Some provinces and cities began to register as early as March, pay attention to the dynamics of relevant education departments and examination institutes, and obtain the latest information.

April 2024

Graduate school entrance examination

The re-examination for graduate school is generally completed in mid-to-late April.


If you need to apply for postgraduate adjustment, it is recommended to pay close attention to the adjustment information announced by each unit and contact as soon as possible.


Pay attention to corporate recruitment information and job fairs, actively submit resumes to participate in interviews, and seize the tail of the recruitment season.

University Student Village Officer

All provinces and municipalities shall carry out the registration and examination of village officials according to the arrangements of their own provinces, and pay attention to the recruitment announcements of relevant provinces and cities for details.

Three branches and one support

According to the recruitment announcement arrangement, participate in the examination and pay attention to the examination information of specific provinces and cities.

Plan West

Generally, starting in April, log on to the official website of the "College Student Volunteer Service Program in the West" to register.

Special post teacher

The recruitment work of various provinces and cities is in progress, and the details should be paid attention to the recruitment announcements of relevant provinces and cities.

May 2024


Graduates who have not yet secured employment should seize the time to submit their resumes and actively seek job opportunities.

studying abroad

Contact the school, prepare your visa, book your flight, and prepare for your trip.

Three branches and one support

Recruitment announcements continue to be released, and some provinces have begun to recruit written exams.

Plan West

Recruitment continues, pay attention to the relevant announcements of each recruiting province, register on time, and complete the follow-up selection in accordance with the relevant requirements.

Special post teacher

Some provinces and cities have successively announced the results of the written examination, and candidates can check them through the website;

Shortlisted interviews require the completion of a qualification check.

June 2024

Graduate school entrance examination

Acceptance letters have been received one after another


Complete the school's employment procedures.


(1) When going through the procedures for leaving the school, all of them must be left behind, such as household registration, files, and organizational relations;

(2) When the enterprise cannot settle down, remember to link the hukou to the talent market or move back to the place of origin.

Three branches and one support

In some provinces, the registration and examination work is ongoing, and you can pay attention to the relevant information release platform.

Plan West

Each recruiting province completes the selection, physical examination, and signing of the recruitment agreement.

Special post teacher

Some provinces and cities conduct interviews, physical examinations and other links.

July 2024

Three branches and one support

In some provinces, the registration and examination work is ongoing, and you can pay attention to the relevant information release platform.


Log in to the "National Conscription Network" to register for military service and apply for conscription.

Plan West

Carry out centralized check-in and training dispatch.

Special post teacher

All provinces and cities continue to complete the recruitment process (interviews, physical examinations, etc.), and candidates can pay close attention to the latest notices.

August 2024

Graduate school entrance examination

The enrollment brochure and professional catalog of each enrollment unit have been released one after another, and the goals are established and the preparation plan is formulated.


Actively participate in summer Xi; some companies open autumn recruitment, improve resume, study Xi pen, interview skills.

studying abroad

Improve language scores, clarify personal goals for further education, choose colleges and majors, and make overall plans to study abroad.

public servant

Formulate a plan for resuming Xi, and actively prepare for the national examination and provincial and municipal recruitment.


In the second half of the year, the national conscription registration will be closed on August 10, and after the online registration, the enlistment will be finally approved after the preliminary examination, physical examination, political examination, visit and investigation, scheduled recruits, and public announcement.

September 2024

Graduate school entrance examination

The syllabus of public courses and professional courses for the unified examination was released, and online pre-registration was carried out

Fill in the candidate's information on the online application platform for the research and recruitment of the online research and recruitment examination, and pre-registration will generally be carried out in late September.


The autumn recruitment continues, improve the job search resume, the school recruitment online application has started one after another, pay attention to the campus information and recruitment information of the favorite company, and submit the resume in a timely manner.


(1) Pay more attention to the dynamics of your favorite company, corporate culture, recruitment requirements, etc.;

(2) Prepare multiple resumes, according to different units, and highlight keywords. When submitting to different companies, you can optimize your resume according to the specific needs of the position;

(3) Many companies carry out online recruitment, and it is recommended to learn more about the skills of online written tests and video interviews.

studying abroad

The online application system for postgraduate programs in universities in various countries has been opened one after another, and applications can be submitted in a timely manner.

public servant

Pay attention to the announcement of the second half of the year registration information by some provinces and cities, and prepare for the exam.

University Student Village Officer

The registration time is different in each province and city, so pay attention to the registration and examination information of relevant provinces and cities in time.

October 2024

Graduate school entrance examination

According to the experience of previous years, some provinces began to confirm online at the end of October, and the specific time was determined and announced by the provincial education admissions examination institutions.


During the peak period of campus recruitment, pay attention to the information of enterprise campus information meetings, job fairs and online applications, and search and query the information of units closely related to your major

studying abroad

Apply online and prepare self-recommendation and recommendation materials

public servant

The announcement of the national civil service examination and the job list are released, and the online registration begins, and the qualification review results need to be checked in time after registration.

November 2024

Graduate school entrance examination

In the online (on-site) confirmation stage, please pay attention to the announcement of each provincial enrollment examination agency for the specific time and arrangement.


During the most intensive period of recruitment information, major colleges and universities have successively held on-site and on-air job fairs, and enterprises have started written examinations and interviews.


(1) Pay attention to the information of various job fairs released by the career guidance center of colleges and universities, and prepare resumes in advance to participate in job fairs.

(2) After receiving the written interview notice, check the relevant "pen scriptures" and "face scriptures", and you can also ask your brothers and sisters for advice.

studying abroad

Apply online, send documents, etc.

public servant

The online registration confirmation and payment for the national examination generally starts in early November, the download and printing of the admission ticket is generally arranged at the end of November, and the written examination for public subjects is held in November or December.

December 2024

Graduate school entrance examination

In the sprint preparation stage, candidates download and print the admission ticket by themselves and participate in the preliminary examination for graduate admissions.


The peak period of written examinations and interviews for autumn recruitment. While participating in the recruitment, you can continue to pay attention to the latest recruitment information, continue to submit resumes, and increase employment opportunities.

studying abroad

Check the status of your application, check the results of your application, and apply in a timely manner.

public servant

The written examination of public subjects of the national examination is generally held in November or December.

Note: The time schedule of various recruitment examinations may be subject to change and adjustment, please refer to the official announcement.

Source: WeChat account of college students' employment information

Editor: Wang Na

Editor in charge: Niu Dong