
The old man said, "I am most afraid that the third nine is a sunny day", what is the sign of a sunny day?

author:Effort is an attitude

The old man said, "I am most afraid that the third nine is a sunny day", what is the sign of a sunny day?

The cold winter has officially begun, and the word "Sanjiu" has gradually spread in people's mouths. Have you ever heard the old man say, "The most feared thing is a sunny day"? What makes the old people so afraid of a sunny day? Today, I will uncover this mystery for you!

First, let's understand what "39" is. It refers to the last nine days of the lunar winter, usually from January 20 to January 29. During this period, the cold weather is more severe, the cold index is higher, and the weather changes greatly. Therefore, the elderly often warn young people to be careful about the cold and keep warm.

So, why do the old people say that "the most feared day is a sunny day"? The reason is that the meteorological conditions on a sunny day often bring some unfavorable omens. Below, I will list some of the omen of a sunny day, so let's find out together:

1. Sunny and windy

The old man said, "I am most afraid that the third nine is a sunny day", what is the sign of a sunny day?

In winter, sunny days are often accompanied by strong winds. When the sky is clear, the atmospheric quality is stable and the wind strengthens. The cold wind blowing through our bodies can make us feel even colder. In addition, strong winds can take away the heat around us, making it feel cooler, which can lead to colds and other cold-related illnesses.

2. Sunny days with few clouds

The old man said, "I am most afraid that the third nine is a sunny day", what is the sign of a sunny day?

In sunny days with few clouds, radiant heat dissipation from the ground is rapid, causing temperatures to plummet. Especially at night, when there are no clouds to cover it, the heat from the ground can quickly dissipate, leading to even colder temperatures. This is also why many people wear a little more clothes on sunny days, and although it looks sunny, the cold temperatures should not be underestimated.

3. Sunny and hot

The old man said, "I am most afraid that the third nine is a sunny day", what is the sign of a sunny day?

Although winter is the cold season, the temperature in some places can be unusually hot. If this is the case, although the sky is clear and the sun is shining, you will feel the hot breath. This unusual weather can be uncomfortable for the human body, especially the elderly and those who are physically weak.


During the "March Nine" period, the weather was unusually cold, which made people pay more attention to keeping warm and healthy. The old people say that "the most afraid of Sanjiu is a sunny day", also because sunny days often bring some unfavorable omens, such as windy, less cloudy and hot. Therefore, during this period, we must strengthen cold protection and warmth, pay attention to increasing clothing, reduce going out, and avoid being attacked by cold weather.

Hopefully, the above explanations will help you better understand what the old people are saying. At the same time, it also reminds everyone to always pay attention to weather changes in this cold winter and take corresponding protective measures to stay healthy and warm.

*This article is for reference only, please make reasonable judgments and adjustments according to the actual situation. *