
The policewoman's "ice and snow makeup" is on fire!

author:Smart wine brews Xiao Yuanzi

Recently, a short documentary has attracted attention on social networks. The video records the touching scenes of the Inner Mongolia border police still sticking to their posts in the extremely cold environment, patrolling on horseback to ensure border security. They interpreted the responsibility and perseverance of border guardians with practical actions, which touched countless netizens.

The policewoman's "ice and snow makeup" is on fire!

Since the beginning of winter this year, large areas of the mainland have been affected by continuous cold waves, and the temperature in some parts of Inner Mongolia has dropped to -39 °C. In this extremely harsh climate, a special team in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the horseback police force, still chooses to carry out daily patrol tasks on horseback, a staff member of the Xilin Gol League Border Management Detachment of the Inner Mongolia Border Inspection Station said in an interview, this is to be able to reach the destination more effectively when the snow is too deep to make it difficult for cars to drive.

The policewoman's "ice and snow makeup" is on fire!

In the video, a post-00s female immigration management police officer who participated in the patrol work for the first time began her riding experience under the guidance of her teammates. However, what she didn't expect was that her ice and snow makeup became a highlight during the patrol, attracting praise from netizens to express their recognition of her hard work. Despite being in such a cold environment, her face was full of pride, because she knew that this moment was not just a personal honor for her, but the result of the joint efforts of every border police officer who stayed at her post and ensured the security of the border.

The policewoman's "ice and snow makeup" is on fire!

As for why the ancient and difficult way of riding horses is still used to conduct patrols in today's modern technology, the members of the Horseback Police Force gave a detailed explanation: "In the Wulagai Wetland Nature Reserve of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, 60% of the land is occupied by wetlands and mountains, especially in winter, when the road is blocked due to snow accumulation, and the importance of cavalry is highlighted. Despite the hardships, in the past, it has been the norm to rescue vehicles and pedestrians from the wind and snow, and to rescue distressed herders and lost livestock. ”

The policewoman's "ice and snow makeup" is on fire!

There are many more stories like this. One day in winter, the Horseback Police Unit rescued five stranded cars and 18 trapped passengers in a snowstorm, and in the spring, they helped the herders recover the lost 19 cattle through an arduous trek of more than 40 kilometers and eight hours.

The policewoman's "ice and snow makeup" is on fire!

It has been learned that the primary task of the horseback police force is to protect the motherland's borders, and in the face of the scorching heat of more than 30 degrees Celsius in the scorching summer and the severe cold of more than minus 30 degrees in winter, they silently stick to their posts and guard the territory of the motherland in their own way. We have the deepest respect for these brave warriors and our highest respect to the defenders of the border!

The policewoman's "ice and snow makeup" is on fire!