
Song Qian and Fan Chengcheng performed on the same stage, attracted by the action of the two looking at each other, are you sure that this is not funny?

author:Colorful Entertainment Valley
Song Qian and Fan Chengcheng performed on the same stage, attracted by the action of the two looking at each other, are you sure that this is not funny?

Song Qian and Fan Chengcheng cooperated hotly! looked at each other and laughed at the audience, is this funny?

Song Qian and Fan Chengcheng performed on the same stage, attracted by the action of the two looking at each other, are you sure that this is not funny?

Have you ever watched the festival in Japan as a shopping carnival, but the party in the entertainment industry is also a big attraction, with a luxurious lineup and full of highlights! Among them, the cooperation stage between Song Qian and Fan Chengcheng has become a major highlight, and the partnership of the two powerful artists makes people look forward to it.

Song Qian and Fan Chengcheng performed on the same stage, attracted by the action of the two looking at each other, are you sure that this is not funny?

In this hot party, Song Qian and Fan Chengcheng sang a cheerful rap song together, and the two even put on uniforms, bringing the double enjoyment of handsomeness and appearance. It's just that the tacit understanding between them doesn't seem to have the desired effect, resulting in some hilarious pictures.

Song Qian and Fan Chengcheng performed on the same stage, attracted by the action of the two looking at each other, are you sure that this is not funny?

Although Song Qian and Fan Chengcheng are both celebrities in the entertainment industry, this cooperation does not seem to have reached the expected level of tacit understanding. The two performed together for the first time, wearing uniforms on stage together, and their appearance was outstanding, which attracted a lot of amazement. However, the problem lies in their tacit understanding.

Song Qian and Fan Chengcheng performed on the same stage, attracted by the action of the two looking at each other, are you sure that this is not funny?

During the singing, in order to echo the content of the song, Fan Chengcheng looked at Song Qian, but unfortunately Song Qian did not receive his eye hints, and still looked at the camera with a serious face. Such a contrast makes people laugh, as if the two artists did not have time to rehearse in private.

Song Qian and Fan Chengcheng performed on the same stage, attracted by the action of the two looking at each other, are you sure that this is not funny?

What's even more interesting is that when Fan Chengcheng looked at Song Qian and she didn't respond, he could only turn to the camera, but he didn't expect Song Qian to look at Fan Chengcheng at this time. This scene illustrates the hilarious situation of "perfect miss", which caused bursts of laughter from the audience.

Song Qian and Fan Chengcheng performed on the same stage, attracted by the action of the two looking at each other, are you sure that this is not funny?

Although the tacit understanding at the beginning seemed unattainable, as the singing deepened, the two finally broke the silence and successfully looked at each other. And this sudden tacit understanding makes people return from laughter to careful listening to singing.

Song Qian and Fan Chengcheng performed on the same stage, attracted by the action of the two looking at each other, are you sure that this is not funny?

Although the eye contact at the beginning was not perfect, it was this unexpected and funny moment that made the whole collaboration even more highlight. Song Qian and Fan Chengcheng's professional performances and impromptu interactions on the scene presented a unique performance for the audience.

Everyone couldn't help but smile when they saw such a cheerful picture. In the entertainment industry, the road to acting is not always smooth, even if the tacit understanding is insufficient, laughter can become the best spice. I look forward to Song Qian and Fan Chengcheng continuing to bring more laughter and surprises on the stage in the future!

Okay, that's it. What do you think of this cooperation between Song Qian and Fan Chengcheng? Feel free to leave a message below and share your thoughts with the editor!

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