
Another superstar of Chinese basketball has risen: 19 points, 15 rebounds and 6 assists, Yu Jiahao beat Yang Hansen

author:Lao Wang Sports talks

Another superstar of Chinese basketball has risen: 19 points, 15 rebounds and 6 assists, Yu Jiahao beat Yang Hansen

On this basketball battlefield filled with blood and passion, the new generation of players are like butterflies breaking out of the cocoon, injecting new vitality into Chinese basketball with their ingenuity and hard training! Among them, the name Yu Jiahao is like a bright star, and has become a new idol in the hearts of many fans.

Another superstar of Chinese basketball has risen: 19 points, 15 rebounds and 6 assists, Yu Jiahao beat Yang Hansen

Yu Jiahao, who is only 20 years old, has already made a name for himself in the basketball field. His 2.20-meter stature, excellent physical fitness and unparalleled basketball talent are indispensable backbones of the Zhejiang team. In a recent game, Yu Jiahao scored 19 points, 15 rebounds and 6 assists, successfully helping the Zhejiang team beat the Qingdao team. This match is not only a vivid demonstration of Yu Jiahao's personal strength, but also adds infinite charm to the fierce collision between him and Yang Hansen, who is known as "China's Jokic".

Another superstar of Chinese basketball has risen: 19 points, 15 rebounds and 6 assists, Yu Jiahao beat Yang Hansen

Yang Hansen, despite being only 18 years old, has already shown impressive talent in the game. His basketball skills are extremely exquisite, and his style is similar to "Jokic", which is quite a bit of a "teenager and an old man". However, in the showdown with Yu Jiahao this time, he also encountered a lot of challenges. Yu has a slight advantage in physical confrontation and height, using his strength and skill to constantly highlight his attacking ability, while also taking advantage of his height to control the rebound. In the defensive part, his giant palm block and basket defense made Qingdao's offense repeatedly hindered. Under the leadership of Yu Jiahao, Zhejiang's offense was smooth and efficient, which made Qingdao fall into a passive situation throughout the game.

Another superstar of Chinese basketball has risen: 19 points, 15 rebounds and 6 assists, Yu Jiahao beat Yang Hansen

The victory in this game made Yu Jiahao receive warm cheers and praise from the audience, and he himself became a popular figure in major media reports. As the leaders of the new generation of Chinese basketball players, the demeanor of Yu Jiahao and Yang Hansen has ignited a new flame of hope for Chinese basketball. With their talent and hard work, they have completely broken people's stereotypes of Chinese basketball.

Another superstar of Chinese basketball has risen: 19 points, 15 rebounds and 6 assists, Yu Jiahao beat Yang Hansen

The rise is not due to the favor of the god of luck, Yu Jiahao has shown a passion and talent for basketball since he was a child. Through countless trials and tribulations, his skills have become more and more refined. His journey in basketball has not been easy, full of twists and turns. However, Yu Jiahao has always adhered to his original intention, and with firm perseverance and fighting spirit, he has gradually emerged in the professional league and shines brightly!

Another superstar of Chinese basketball has risen: 19 points, 15 rebounds and 6 assists, Yu Jiahao beat Yang Hansen

Yu Jiahao not only has outstanding physical fitness and superb basketball skills, but also has a never-say-die determination. Whenever he stepped on the court, he was always full of fighting spirit and fearlessly challenged formidable foes. This indomitable spirit gives him a leadership style, while his deep teamwork skills have kept him at the heart of the team. It is gratifying to congratulate Yu Jiahao that the rise of Yu Jiahao has injected new and full vitality into Chinese basketball, and it is also like a bright light that illuminates the forefront of the younger generation. His struggle has always inspired more and more enthusiastic young people to devote themselves to basketball and bravely pursue their own dreams.

Another superstar of Chinese basketball has risen: 19 points, 15 rebounds and 6 assists, Yu Jiahao beat Yang Hansen

As an outstanding basketball player, Yu Jiahao is also under great challenges and pressure. In order to adapt to the higher levels of competition and stronger opponents, he must constantly improve his skills and adaptability, and he also needs to pay close attention to his physical and mental health and fitness management to ensure that he can continue to play strongly.

Yu Jiahao has enough strength to face these great difficulties and pressures. His talented, hard-working, and courageous spirit is the driving force behind him to move to a higher level of football. As his supporters and fans, we look forward to his future with enthusiasm and expectation, and are convinced that he will lead Chinese basketball to a magnificent and brilliant future.

Another superstar of Chinese basketball has risen: 19 points, 15 rebounds and 6 assists, Yu Jiahao beat Yang Hansen

In this great era of coexistence of opportunities and challenges, Chinese basketball is facing an unprecedented opportunity for vigorous development. For the hard work and continuous struggle of the young players, we have full trust and reason to firmly believe that Chinese basketball will open up a more dazzling tomorrow. Let's join in the grand event and look forward to the early arrival of this moment!

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