
Icy taunt: The powerlessness of the Northeasterners to plate frozen pears

author:Xiao Wang loves to say

It seems to be a cold winter, but it has detonated a stormy controversy. When the winter sun shone on the thin slices of frozen pears and thinly sliced sugar cane on the table, the mood of the people of Northeast China was filled with silent ridicule. This controversy over the plating of frozen pears highlights the sense of powerlessness of the people of the Northeast who have nowhere to escape.


Adapted from a true event: In a restaurant, a friend from the Northeast ordered a signature dessert - frozen pear plating with anticipation. The cool and sweet taste of his imagination made it difficult for him to suppress the joy in his heart. However, when it came time to serve, he was faced with a small plate of thinly sliced sugar cane. He was stunned, and his heart was not only disappointed, but also a sense of powerlessness that could not be expressed.

Icy taunt: The powerlessness of the Northeasterners to plate frozen pears

As Northeasterners, we have a special dedication and pride in food. Whenever we mention Northeast cuisine, we are always full of confidence. With just a bowl of stew and a barbecue, we can make the world feel the warmth and hospitality of the people of Northeast China. This time, however, in the case of the pear-plating incident, our self-confidence was torn apart by silent mockery.

The problem with the plating of frozen pears is not simply the food itself, but the deep meaning contained in it. For people in the Northeast, frozen fruits are no stranger, and eating pear slices in winter has long become commonplace. However, the plating of frozen pears and replacing them with thinly sliced sugar cane is tantamount to a blow to the people of the Northeast.

Icy taunt: The powerlessness of the Northeasterners to plate frozen pears

Northeast people treat food not only to satisfy their appetites, but also to embody a culture. Under the careful preparation of the Northeast chefs, the food is not only delicious, but also shows the tenacity and wisdom of the Northeast people. However, the powerlessness of the frozen pear plating makes us reflect: in this era of diversity, can we keep our own characteristics and not be changed by others?

Perhaps, this controversy is just a small incident, but it highlights the deep sense of powerlessness in the hearts of Northeast people. In the modern world, we are in a free and open era, where various food cultures are blended, and we should also accept and respect diversity. However, when we see the changed and misinterpreted Northeast cuisine, we inevitably have a sense of loss.

Icy taunt: The powerlessness of the Northeasterners to plate frozen pears

Frozen pear plating brings Northeast people an opportunity to re-understand themselves. Perhaps we can't rely on the traditions of the past forever, and we can't cling to our uniqueness. This era is changing too fast, we must learn to adapt and accept new things, create in our own unique way, and protect the authenticity of Northeast cuisine.

In this controversy, the powerlessness of the Northeast people may only be a momentary emotion, but it has caused greater thinking. We need to be clear about our culture and identity, and we strive to preserve and pass on our unique values. Only by sticking to oneself can we be invincible in the tide of the times.

Icy taunt: The powerlessness of the Northeasterners to plate frozen pears

Perhaps, this frozen pear plating incident is just a small setback for us people in the Northeast. But it is through such reflections and controversies that we are able to understand our culture more firmly and find what makes us unique. Let us turn this sense of powerlessness into motivation, and use our own actions to protect the essence of Northeast cuisine, so that the world can know and love Northeast China.