
Sixteen years ago, he drove a luxury car and lived in a villa, but died of exhaustion at the age of 46, and asked for assistance before his death

author:Smart pineapple 1jP

Yu Leiming: A guardian dedicated to animals all his life

Sixteen years ago, he drove a luxury car and lived in a villa, but died of exhaustion at the age of 46, and asked for assistance before his death

Hey, have you ever heard of Yu Leiming? No, he's not a superhero in a movie, and he's not a rich celebrity. But let me tell you, he did something that warmed everyone's hearts - this guy, but he gave everything he had to those shaggy, four-legged little ones!

Sixteen years ago, he drove a luxury car and lived in a villa, but died of exhaustion at the age of 46, and asked for assistance before his death

The story has to start when Comrade Xiaoyu was a child. While other children were still dreaming of becoming astronauts and doctors, he already knew what he wanted to do in the future. And guess what? He dreams of one day building his own animal shelter! It's a unique idea for a little kid, right?

Sixteen years ago, he drove a luxury car and lived in a villa, but died of exhaustion at the age of 46, and asked for assistance before his death

When he grew up, Yu Leiming faced many challenges and difficulties. We know that there are always people in this world who look down on these "small careers" and feel that they are meaningless. But what about Brother Yu? He didn't care about those cold words. It's like when we were kids when we learned to ride a bicycle – we fell and got back up.

Sixteen years ago, he drove a luxury car and lived in a villa, but died of exhaustion at the age of 46, and asked for assistance before his death

I once went to visit him, and found that the guardian of the animal kingdom had sold his own place to raise money for the maintenance of those wandering macers and cats! I asked him if it was worth it? He smiled and told me, "As long as they are happy, everything is worth it!"

Sixteen years ago, he drove a luxury car and lived in a villa, but died of exhaustion at the age of 46, and asked for assistance before his death

Day after day, year after year, countless abandoned and injured animals have found new homes in that small rescue station established by Yu Leiming. Although Brother Yu's health is gradually failing - who makes him have little time to take care of himself every day except caring for animals?, but every time he sees a life rejuvenated because of him, all the hard work seems to turn into sweetness.

Sixteen years ago, he drove a luxury car and lived in a villa, but died of exhaustion at the age of 46, and asked for assistance before his death

Not long ago, the local community finally noticed this kind man who gave silently. They reached out to him – because it finally came to pass: our attitudes and behaviours towards the disadvantaged in our shared living spaces reflect our fundamental sense of responsibility as members of society.

Sixteen years ago, he drove a luxury car and lived in a villa, but died of exhaustion at the age of 46, and asked for assistance before his death

When the name Yu Leiming is mentioned today, not many people may still know him on the street, but in the hearts of those furry children who have been helped and are now living happily in their new families, he has long been a legend.

Sixteen years ago, he drove a luxury car and lived in a villa, but died of exhaustion at the age of 46, and asked for assistance before his death

So, friends, when this world is full of hustle and bustle, please don't forget that there is still a beautiful stream like Yu Leiming, who is selfless and silently guards life. The next time you pass by a neighborhood park and see a star man running around or a cat napping in the corner, remember: maybe it's because there is a person who has chosen to love them with all his own.