
Jackie Chan's only banned movie: spent 150 million, but the final box office was only 13 million

author:Lin Huan 626

Jackie Chan, as a legend in the Chinese film industry, has created countless classic action movies. However, one of his films, "The Shinjuku Incident", became a blemish in his career to some extent. Not only did the film invest hugely, but it ended up being a dismal box office and was banned due to its sensitive content, becoming the only work to be treated in this way.

The story of "Shinjuku Incident" revolves around the smuggling of Chinese, and the iron head has to choose to smuggle in order to find his fiancée, only to get caught up in a gang dispute.

Jackie Chan's only banned movie: spent 150 million, but the final box office was only 13 million

Wu Yanzu plays Applejack in the film, and his character gradually transforms from a timid person to a drug dealer in a harsh environment, and the brutal nature of survival is vividly displayed in the film.

The main reason why movies are banned is because the subject matter and content involved are too sensitive. Social issues such as smuggling, gangsters, and drugs have always attracted much attention in Chinese society, and the film's treatment of these sensitive topics may touch some sensitive nerves. China's censorship system is often wary of these subjects, and the sensitivity and impact of content can lead to difficulties in censorship or even banning of some works.

Jackie Chan's only banned movie: spent 150 million, but the final box office was only 13 million

However, being banned does not mean that the film itself lacks value. "The Shinjuku Incident," despite its box office failure, was not entirely without its highlights. The film tries to reflect the plight of the people at the bottom of society through a cruel story, showing the transformation and struggle of human nature in extreme environments, and this exploration is to some extent a revelation and reflection on social reality.

As a filmmaker, Jackie Chan did not stop at this despite such a failure.

Jackie Chan's only banned movie: spent 150 million, but the final box office was only 13 million

He has created many successful works in his career, and his perseverance and love for the film industry are still worthy of admiration and Xi. Even if "Shinjuku Incident" failed to succeed, Jackie Chan maintained his passion for filmmaking with his perseverance.

In filmmaking, there is often a certain contradiction between censorship and artistic creation. On the one hand, censorship helps to maintain social harmony and regulate the film market, and on the other hand, it may also impose a certain degree of restriction on the creative freedom of films.

Jackie Chan's only banned movie: spent 150 million, but the final box office was only 13 million

Film censorship needs to be more open and inclusive to promote the healthy development of China's film industry.

In short, the ban on "Shinjuku Incident" is not an isolated incident, but reflects the rigor of Chinese film censorship and its sensitivity to specific genres. For film, the balance between art and censorship remains an urgent issue that needs more discussion and exploration.

Jackie Chan's only banned movie: spent 150 million, but the final box office was only 13 million