
Li Kuncheng died of illness, and he dated Lin Jingen, who was 40 years younger, for ten years, and his son posted an article revealing the details of the inheritance

author:School to read history

Introduction to Li Kuncheng's life

Li Kuncheng, a 66-year-old Taiwanese musician, has gone through a glorious 40 years in the music industry. In the 80s, he made a name for himself in the music scene with his classic songs for many singers.

In 1992, he created a masterpiece "The Direction of the Heart" for singer Lin Yilian, a folk song full of Taiwanese flavor, which was deeply loved by the public as soon as it was launched, with sales of up to 650,000 and became a classic golden song in Taiwan's music scene.

Li Kuncheng died of illness, and he dated Lin Jingen, who was 40 years younger, for ten years, and his son posted an article revealing the details of the inheritance

Since then, Li Kuncheng has become famous and entered the golden period of his music career.

In the 90s, Li Kuncheng released a number of popular works, including the beautiful lyric song "I Completely Lost You" for singer Feng Feifei, and the dynamic pop song "Happy Worship" for Liu Wenzheng.

These classics brought him three nominations for the Golden Melody Award and established his status in the Taiwanese music scene. In 2005, Li Kuncheng's personal vinyl record collection reached 20,000 copies, breaking the Taiwan record, and thus won the reputation of "Vinyl Godfather".

It can be said that Li Kuncheng is not only an excellent creative talent, but also the inheritor of music culture.

Li Kuncheng died of illness, and he dated Lin Jingen, who was 40 years younger, for ten years, and his son posted an article revealing the details of the inheritance

Li Kuncheng created more than 500 excellent works in his lifetime, and sold 6.5 million copies. He has made great contributions to Taiwan's pop music industry, cultivated many outstanding singers, and had a profound impact on Taiwan's music culture.

Li Kuncheng's life is the best footnote to the career of a musician.

The car accident met Lin Jingen

One summer in 2012, 66-year-old Li Kuncheng traveled alone to Qinghai, looking for inspiration for music at the foot of the Qilian Mountains. Unexpectedly, this seemingly ordinary trip turned out to be an important turning point in his life.

One day in July, Li Kuncheng drove to the Qinghai Lake Scenic Area and drove on the winding mountain road. On the way, an oncoming truck lost control and crashed directly into the lane where Li Kuncheng was located.

Li Kuncheng died of illness, and he dated Lin Jingen, who was 40 years younger, for ten years, and his son posted an article revealing the details of the inheritance

At this critical moment, Li Kuncheng slammed the steering wheel, and although the car avoided the oncoming truck, it immediately lost control and drove down the cliff, rolled several times and stopped at the foot of the mountain.

The car accident caused Li Kuncheng to be seriously injured and unconscious, and his life was in critical condition.

After the news broke, Lin Jingen, who was still in his third year of high school, immediately rushed to Qinghai. It turned out that Lin Jingen's father was friends with Li Kuncheng, and she and Li Kuncheng had known each other for many years.

Despite his father's opposition, Lin Jingen decided to take care of Li Kuncheng, who fell into a coma. For three months, Lin Jingen, who was only 17 years old, took care of Li Kuncheng on the hospital bed and never left an inch.

Li Kuncheng died of illness, and he dated Lin Jingen, who was 40 years younger, for ten years, and his son posted an article revealing the details of the inheritance

She knows very well that the only thing that can save Li Kuncheng is time and love.

Three months later, Li Kuncheng finally ushered in a miracle and slowly woke up. When he first woke up, he saw Lin Jingen holding his hand and burst into tears. Li Kuncheng realized that this little girl did not hesitate to abandon everything, just to take care of herself and wake up.

Moved mixed with guilt, filled in Li Kuncheng's heart. Perhaps, this is the arrangement of fate.

My father strongly opposed it and stayed together for 10 years

After Lin Jingen woke up Li Kuncheng, the relationship between the two quickly warmed up, and finally fell into a relationship. But this cross-age relationship was strongly opposed by Lin Jingen's father.

Li Kuncheng died of illness, and he dated Lin Jingen, who was 40 years younger, for ten years, and his son posted an article revealing the details of the inheritance

Lin Jingen's father believes that Li Kuncheng is completely taking advantage of other people's difficulties. How could a 66-year-old man fall in love with his 17-year-old daughter? He even warned Lin Jingen that if he did not cut off relations with Li Kuncheng, he would kick her out of the house.

In desperation, Lin Jingen's father could only report the case to the police, accusing Li Kuncheng of seducing an underage girl. Li Kuncheng was already seriously injured in a car accident, and he was exhausted by this fierce opposition.

But he couldn't let go of his feelings for Lin Jingen, so he could only continue to fall in love with her secretly.

Despite repeated criticism from the outside world, Li Lin and the two have been together for 10 years. Li Kuncheng once stated that he would marry Lin Jingen when she was 20 years old.

Li Kuncheng died of illness, and he dated Lin Jingen, who was 40 years younger, for ten years, and his son posted an article revealing the details of the inheritance

However, due to the opposition of the family, the wedding did not take place in the end. For 10 years, they have been under pressure silently, just hoping to be together.

After ten years of mutual affection, Li Kuncheng and Lin Jingen proved the essence of love with perseverance. Perhaps to the outside world, their relationship is absurd; But for the two, the bond between each other has become eternal.

Li Kuncheng died suddenly

After Li Kuncheng and Lin Jingen fell in love for 10 years, the relationship between the two seems to be getting better. In 2021, there were reports that Li Kuncheng was critically ill, but soon after, he himself immediately refuted the rumors in person, and said that he would pay attention to his body and accompany Lin Jingen for a longer time.

However, the good times did not last long, and on April 9, 2022, Li Kuncheng suddenly announced the news of his death. On the morning of the same day, Li Kuncheng's son first posted a brief obituary on social media, and then Lin Jingen also confirmed the bad news on his account.

Li Kuncheng died of illness, and he dated Lin Jingen, who was 40 years younger, for ten years, and his son posted an article revealing the details of the inheritance

Everyone was surprised by Li Kuncheng's sudden death, because he was still in good spirits only 1 year ago.

It is unclear the specific cause of Li Kuncheng's death, but it can be speculated that his condition should have taken a sharp turn for the worse recently. As relatives and friends, in addition to mourning, we must respect the privacy of the Li family.

Li Kuncheng devoted his life to music creation and left many beautiful melodies. His sudden departure is saddening, but his spirit lives on through the music on the lower left.

We have lost a master musician, but the touching and warmth he brought to the world continues. Mr. Li Kuncheng, may your spirit rest in peace.

Li Kuncheng died of illness, and he dated Lin Jingen, who was 40 years younger, for ten years, and his son posted an article revealing the details of the inheritance

Conjectures sparked by legacy

Li Kuncheng's sudden death, as well as his various decisions during his lifetime, have caused speculation about the true relationship between the lovers.

Li Kuncheng's son revealed on social media that his father did not leave him any inheritance. The news came as a surprise. As Li Kuncheng's only son, according to common sense, he should be the first heir to the inheritance.

Li Kuncheng's approach is full of emotional rejection of this family.

This also led to speculation about the relationship between Li Lin and the two. They have been in love for 10 years, but have never officially married.

Many of Li Kuncheng's relatives and friends also said that they had not been in contact with him for many years and did not know anything about his recent situation. This fully shows that Li Kuncheng should have been estranged from his past interpersonal relationships.

Li Kuncheng died of illness, and he dated Lin Jingen, who was 40 years younger, for ten years, and his son posted an article revealing the details of the inheritance

Among them, it is inseparable from Lin Jingen's relationship.

Li Kuncheng's various signs before his death are puzzling. We can't jump to conclusions, but it is true that the real relationship between him, Lin Jingen and his family is full of unsolved mysteries.

Over time, perhaps more hidden secrets will surface.

The truth of 10 years of love is difficult to solve

Li Kuncheng and Lin Jingen's 10-year love was shattered by his sudden death. This cross-age relationship has always been prejudiced and suspicious by the outside world. Today, there are signs that the story is not as simple as it seems.

The first is the age difference between the two. Li Kuncheng is 40 years older than Lin Jingen, which is still considered taboo in normal society. And the way the two met was also quite sensitive, Li Kuncheng was seriously injured, which was not completely voluntary.

Li Kuncheng died of illness, and he dated Lin Jingen, who was 40 years younger, for ten years, and his son posted an article revealing the details of the inheritance

The origins of this relationship are disputed.

Moreover, Lin Jingen's father strongly opposed this relationship, and even called the police to report Li Kuncheng. It stands to reason that the change in the attitude of the family will directly affect the "lovers".

But the strange thing is that Li Lin and the two have still been in love for many years, and their father's opposition seems to have no real impact, and there may be a hidden meaning behind this.

Finally, the handling of Li Kuncheng's estate after his death is also puzzling. He didn't leave Lin Jingen a penny, but treated her and his own son equally. This is very different from the image of the two people on the surface who are more affectionate than Jin Jian.

Li Kuncheng died of illness, and he dated Lin Jingen, who was 40 years younger, for ten years, and his son posted an article revealing the details of the inheritance

All kinds of signs show that the story of Li Lin and his two for 10 years is not the true destination, but the truth under layers of fog is difficult to solve. We can't tell what kind of love is the right solution, but the truth will come out.

Mr. Li Kuncheng, may you go to a better paradise.