
Zelensky made a move, throwing the first fire at the Western allies, but unexpectedly, Putin couldn't help it

author:Global Defense Highlights

Israel is "blowing up golden flowers" in the Middle East, and Zelensky is not to be outdone, and has also prepared a one-way war of words.

The target of the crusade is aimed at the Western world.

Zelenskyy said that the source of his anger was not Russia's success, but the vacillation and indifference of his allies. To this end, he appealed: the West must stand with Ukraine, otherwise there are two paths, one to leave and the other to stand aside.

As for how to choose, it's up to them.

Zelensky made a move, throwing the first fire at the Western allies, but unexpectedly, Putin couldn't help it

At first glance, I didn't know this tone, but I thought it was the representative of Israel, and he opened his voice at the United Nations again.

It seems that in the second half of the ineffective counteroffensive of the Ukrainian army, Zelensky was not idle, and he even learned that Israel had no one in mind. The new year has begun, and he can't wait to use new methods.

If I remember correctly, on the last day of the end of 2023, Zelensky said in his speech that in the new year, Ukraine's anger will be released against Russia.

Unexpectedly, before 24 hours arrived, this first fire was thrown to the "good allies" who supported him.

It's a pity that Israel can point to the world and insult it, relying on its own unshakable position in the hearts of the United States, what confidence does Ukraine have?

Is it the sense of urgency brought by Russia, or is it an existential crisis for Ukrainians?

Zelensky made a move, throwing the first fire at the Western allies, but unexpectedly, Putin couldn't help it

In fact, Europe has been forced to calm down. They do not have the military industrial capacity of the United States, their economic development has come to a standstill, and domestic politics has reached the year of elections.

Talking about the Ukrainians, it is even less worth mentioning. When it comes to existential issues, the Gaza Strip is more serious than Ukraine, and even the attention of the whole world has not changed the way Israel is aggressive.

A Western group, even the "massacre" in the Middle East, can turn a blind eye, not to mention the Ukrainians.

Now, Zelensky is following Israel's example and intimidating Western allies to make choices, and the end is "following suit", which is ultimately due to two reasons:

On the one hand, Zelensky overestimates himself, as well as the greatness of Ukraine.

Zelensky made a move, throwing the first fire at the Western allies, but unexpectedly, Putin couldn't help it

In his eyes, the core of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is that Ukraine is resisting Russia's attack on Europe. Ukraine's role is to help European countries hold their gates.

In this case, all forces in the city naturally have an unshirkable responsibility to support.

On the other hand, Zelensky underestimated the calculations of the United States and the West.

With interests in front of them, Western countries can flock to them regardless of their scruples, but when there are few interests left and they have to take a piece of meat on their own, their abacus begins to "jingle".

Ukraine itself is a proxy, and if it loses, it will naturally become a bargaining chip for the West.

Of course, this fire is not only given to the allies behind him, but also the fire in front of him is about to burn himself.

Recently, Putin said that the Ukrainian army carried out a "terrorist attack" on civilians in Belgorod, and Russia will increase its strikes on Ukraine.

Zelensky made a move, throwing the first fire at the Western allies, but unexpectedly, Putin couldn't help it

In other words, Ukraine has not yet thrown "fire" into Russia's yard in the New Year, but Russia is going to increase its firepower.

At this time, can't Zelensky shout at his Western allies?

On the one hand, it is insufficient ammunition, and on the other hand, the enemy is intensifying its strikes, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Ukraine is "Russia's fish and meat".

Unfortunately, this is a remedy.

It can only be said that it will be difficult to get off the ship properly when you get on the thief ship of the West. Ukraine's ability to hold out until now is completely a tug-of-war between the United States, the West and Russia. They all have their own ghosts, and they all pursue egoism, only you, Zelensky, are on the top.

Changing Israel's lines is just annoying.