
The five princes and Baylor were stripped of their titles by Emperor Kangxi, what is going on?

author:Shushan History Road


During the Kangxi period, the five princes and Baylor had prominent backgrounds, but they were suddenly stripped of their titles by Emperor Kangxi, which is a puzzling historical mystery. What kind of intrigue, strife, and power games were hidden behind these five princes, and why did Emperor Kangxi decide to cut off their titles, and what was the reason?

This preface will lead us into the court of the Kangxi Dynasty and reveal an era full of power struggles. Was it political struggles, family feuds, or other hidden factors that led to the downfall of these five princes? What were the complex considerations behind Emperor Kangxi's decision?

It's a court saga of power, betrayal, and family honor, but it's also a mystery that invites people to ask the truth of history. Follow us into this thrilling historical moment and unravel the story behind the five princes who were stripped of their titles.

The five princes and Baylor were stripped of their titles by Emperor Kangxi, what is going on?

1. The life history of the five princes

Rabu, Prince of Jane, was the great-grandson of Nurhachi's brother Shulhaqi, and his ancestor Zilharang was an assistant to the government; Shun Cheng County King Leerjin, also a descendant of Nurhachi, his ancestor Daishan and father Sakhalian are all famous generals; Belčani was the grandson of Nurhachi, and his father was Prince Duoduo of Yu; Fei Yangwu, the ancestor of Baylor Shangshan, was also prominent; Son of Baylor Cave Oydo Duoduo.

It can be said that all five of them are from famous families. To say that martial arts are not proficient, it is really unreasonable. Then, the reasons why they lost one after another on the battlefield are worth pondering.

The five princes and Baylor were stripped of their titles by Emperor Kangxi, what is going on?

2. The San Francisco Rebellion broke out, and the Five Kings commanded a heavy army

In the winter of 1673, Wu Sangui clearly raised his banner against the Qing Dynasty in Yunnan. This incident angered Kangxi, and he ordered Belenica to go to assist. Chani Xi art under Duoduo, and the Kangxi Emperor relied heavily on him. In the first month of the following year, Kangxi allocated heavy troops and recommended four princes, including Rabu, Leerjin, Dong'e, and Shangshan, to fight.

Rabu led an army of 20,000 and left Hubei; Le Erjin was appointed as the general of Ningnan and led 30,000 people; Shang Shan and Dong E are both Jingkou generals, each commanding 10,000 people. Chani was promoted to general of Jingkou the following year, and guarded the Huguang area with Shang Shan.

It can be said that Kangxi relied heavily on the five princes, especially Chani, who was entrusted with important tasks. At that time, the situation was grim, and Kangxi did not hesitate to love it. Unexpectedly, they lost one after another on the battlefield, and several people became infamous, and their families were ruined after that.

The five princes and Baylor were stripped of their titles by Emperor Kangxi, what is going on?

3. Cowardice in front of the battle, repeated defeats

In the first month of 1674, Rabu led his army to the Hubei front. In the years that followed, there was no success. In 1678, the Rabu army was besieged by the Wu army at Muzi Mountain, and they lost their armor and fled in a rout. Kangxi was furious when he heard the news, and immediately applied for the title to be removed. Rabu was ashamed of his ancestors and committed suicide by taking medicine in the army. When he died, he was unclothed, and he was very miserable.

Unlike Rab, the Le Jin soldiers never clashed, and were only reprimanded for their fear. He led 30,000 troops and stationed them in Badong, Hubei, only a river away from the enemy. Kangxi has repeatedly sent edicts to attack, but Leerjin does not want to forge ahead, and repeatedly asks for help. In the winter of 1678, Kangxi ordered Leerjin to attack Chongqing, but was prevaricated. Kangxi was furious, and Le Erjin had to lead his troops back to Beijing. The following year, the title was cut by the emperor, and the family was ruined.

The five princes and Baylor were stripped of their titles by Emperor Kangxi, what is going on?

The performance of Dong'e monk Shangshan is also ugly. Dong'e led 10,000 soldiers to defend Shaanxi, and it collapsed; Shang Shantun soldiers in Yuezhou actually "did not fight for eight years" and was denounced by Kangxi as "supporting women and enjoying themselves." In 1679, Shang Shan fell ill and died in the army, Kangxi chased after his Baylor, and his descendants were not allowed to inherit it.

It can be said that in the face of crisis, the five people abandoned their responsibilities and retreated every time. The demeanor of the ancestors disappeared, which disappointed Kangxi and angered. Now it seems that this matter is far more than cowardice, but also because of the disconnection between the system and the generals.

The five princes and Baylor were stripped of their titles by Emperor Kangxi, what is going on?

Fourth, the ills of the system that drive cowardice

It is true that the performance of the five princes on the battlefield is really unsatisfactory and does not match their status. However, on closer reflection, there must be institutional reasons for this.

First of all, most of the five are children of the royal family, and they can foresee fame from an early age, so they don't have to think deeply about how to start a career. Because of this, the five princes were too arrogant when they were young. And when he grows up, he still doesn't want to make progress, but indulges in lust. It was not until the outbreak of the rebellion of the three feudatories that the five people hurriedly answered the call and rushed into battle unprepared.

Second, the five of them galloped around the hunting grounds and drank alcohol on weekdays, and it was difficult for them to have real experience in commanding operations. In the face of Wu Jun, who was in full swing, he was naturally mentally timid. Kangxi blindly expects them to give full play to their ancestors, which is really wrong. The military generals of the royal family have always only Xi galloping field hunting, and the battlefield of real swords and real guns has rarely set foot in.

The five princes and Baylor were stripped of their titles by Emperor Kangxi, what is going on?

In the end, although the five of them commanded a heavy army, they were all Han green battalions. For the children of Eight Banners, it is not easy to command unfamiliar faces. Take 10,000 steps back and say, even if the five people are thoughtful, the Han soldiers may not obey the dispatch. The five of them are actually in a dilemma, teaching people to sympathize.

Therefore, the defeat of the five princes is only a thin line away from personal cowardice. Putting the system at that time, the five people were actually to blame. To punish severely

Kangxi was inevitably angry. Of course, chasing down the prince also made future generations dare not follow suit, and the effect of guarding against fear is enough. For various reasons, this matter is regrettable and worth playing.

The five princes and Baylor were stripped of their titles by Emperor Kangxi, what is going on?


It was really difficult for a few princes, and this assertion was too much. Looking at the overall situation of the three clans, the Qing court generals repeatedly performed miraculous achievements, such as Wang Fuming and Daniel Zhang. The fault of the prince is only a small corner. If the five of them make a little effort, they can also make up for their mistakes. However, a few people were arrogant and lost their fighting spirit, which was the biggest failure.

Moreover, after the five princes are all brave and good at fighting, if they are full of energy, they can still be ashamed. However, Chani, Dong E and others did not want to save themselves, and let their qi and blood weaken and their souls scattered. It's a pity to die unexpectedly.

The five princes and Baylor were stripped of their titles by Emperor Kangxi, what is going on?

In the end, even if the title is cut by the emperor, the descendants can still get ahead. In the later period of Kangxi, the descendants of Shangshan visited the holy car Jiancong, and finally restored Juelu to be inherited by the descendants. It shows that everything is prepared by man, and the court changes, because of a thought.

Therefore, the defeat of the five princes is certainly embarrassing, but after all, it is no wonder that others are to blame. Kangxi's reduction of the lord is harsh, but it is also reasonable. Do what you don't do, and come from behind, all kinds of truths are nothing less than life.