
How to write a golden resume?

author:Chicken soup brother in the workplace

An insight

When it comes to writing resumes, there are several types of partners around you and me:

1) The elderly in the workplace do not know how to write resumes, have never left the company, and the internal job transfer is based on the introduction of acquaintances.

2) I don't have to write a resume for newcomers in the workplace? I just started to fight monsters and upgrade, my workplace experience is limited, and I am still brushing up on experience.

3) The resume of the workplace bastard is too fancy? Indulge in the report summary, can't stand scrutiny, but has a good appearance.

Let's talk about how to write a golden resume of your own today.

Quite simply, in the whole job search process, the resume is the link with the highest input-output ratio, and you only need to spend a small amount of time to optimize your resume, which can significantly improve your job search success rate and open up three ways:

Channel 1, the explicit function of the resume, is to send you to the interview room, we often say, education is a stepping stone, experience is a stepping stone, but without a clear resume, you bricks, even the door can not be found, first open up the road between you and HR/headhunters.

Channel 2, the core value of the resume is to impress your direct superiors, no matter how rich the experience is, you can't tell it all, so the resume is the most efficient form of presentation of experience knots, especially in the face of expert leaders, look at the resume to judge whether you are competent.

Path three, the hidden buried point of the resume, is a sharp tool for self-development planning, a good resume combing can help us understand ourselves better, which many people ignore, do not interview but also regularly update the resume, is to open up your past and future link this road.

How to write a golden resume?

Two cores:

1. The anchor point of the resume: not "how good am I", but "why am I suitable for this position?"

Before talking about how to write, let's confirm one thing, what should be anchored in writing a resume?

Do you find that many people write resumes and are full of enthusiasm, but they only convey one message: Look at how powerful I am, how good I am!

Of course, resumes should write about highlights, and that's right. But the premise is, are the highlight moments you write about around the position you want to win? All the muscles that are out of the post are interference.

For example, I met an interviewer who was obviously interviewing for a community operations position, and as a result, his resume was full of pages describing his exploration in the field of personal growth. Of course I turned him down. Because as an interviewer, I don't care how good you are in other aspects, I just want to repeatedly check and confirm whether your experience and ability are better than others for this position.

Therefore, the target position is the only compass for your resume.

If a resume is also an essay, then this is a propositional essay with the theme of "Why am I suitable for this position?".

There are also more powerful interviewers, who will not only explain "why I am suitable for this position", but even "why I am suitable for this position in your company", and make a customized version of the resume.

Second, the essence of the resume: not "resume", but "skills".

The easiest pitfall to step on when writing a resume is that many people don't know the difference between a "resume resume" and a "skills resume". In my opinion, work experience and having skills with you are two different things.

A resume is a timeline that shows how your role and company have changed. To put it bluntly, it is what the first job did and what the second job did is a work history book.

Competency resume is to start with ability and find evidence in the work process. What have you done, so what have you been able to, what have you done, what have you been able to do......

Which is more important, curriculum vitae or ability? This is the most critical basis for the interviewer to match the position, and it should account for more than 60%. If I only have a job history in my resume, I basically pass it out.

How to write a golden resume?

So, how do you write the ability part? I have three suggestions:

First, productize virtual capabilities.

If you have a lot of experience in the past, don't just say that you have been a copywriter for a few years, a few years in sales, and a few years in operation. It's easy to get the impression that you've done a lot of things, but you don't seem to be proficient in everything.

I suggest that you directly extract the competency modules: writing ability, sales ability, and operational ability. After each ability, write about the relevant experience.

For example, after the writing ability, you can write: 2 years of copywriting for an advertising company, and 1 year of copywriting for a real estate company. What type of copywriting content has been written, how many readings have been received, how many conversions have been brought, what awards have been won, and so on.

The advantage of this is that it helps the interviewer quickly confirm what competency modules you have that can be transferred.

One more technique to emphasize here is to use as few adjectives as possible, and use specific numbers and nouns.

For example, instead of just writing "proficient in computer skills", write "proficient in Excel and Python".

Don't write "achieved very good results", but write how many yuan of sales flow, what percentage of praise rate is, what is the repurchase rate, etc.

The second suggestion is to show a "case" after each competency.

In other words, based on this ability, what is the most successful project you've ever worked on? Tell a good story.

Here I recommend a method called the STAR model.


T: Task - The goal of the task

A: Action – Action

R:Result - the result

For example, in the area of sales ability, you have done a successful sales campaign. What was the background at that time, what was the goal of the event, what actions you used, what strategies you used, what resources you mobilized, and even what Xi training you went to for it. Then, in the end, what was achieved. The advantage of writing this way is that through a story, your ability is more three-dimensional and more visual.

Another advantage is that because the story is very gripping, the interviewer will definitely ask this detail, and you can answer it in the framework you have prepared, without being stopped by the sudden question, so that the success rate will be much higher.

Therefore, be sure to dismantle the case in advance.

The third piece of advice is: prepare a portfolio.

The presentation of the work is more intuitive than the case description. It is recommended that you include at least 3 complete works in your resume. For example, a complete plan for a project, an article you wrote, an activity flow you designed, and so on. If it's a collaborative work, remember to highlight the role and contribution you played in the work.

Regarding skills, if you have the above three elements, that is, "ability + case + work", it is an excellent resume.

Finally, if you are not changing jobs in the industry, but want to change careers, there are two more pieces of information to be added to your work experience:

The first is to explain why you changed careers, what opportunities you see, and why your work experience in the old industry is still applicable in the new position in the new industry. The second is to highlight their initiative and professional soft skills, such as problem-solving ability, Xi learning ability, data analysis ability, etc. Because these abilities are especially useful when changing careers!

Okay, we've got the hardest part of the resume done, so how do you write the resume part?

The simpler and clearer, the better. Here's a reference format for you:

  • Time period
  • Company name
  • Job Title:
  • Who to report to
  • Job Responsibilities

Finally, different people have different opinions on how many pieces of work experience are appropriate. Some people say that job hopping is unstable, while others say that there are many job hopping and job transfers, indicating that they have strong learning Xi ability and adaptability.

How to write a golden resume?

Both of these statements make sense, and the key depends on the nature of the position. If I want an operations position, and I need this person to think flexibly, have more perspectives, and have more experience, then more experience may be a plus. If I want an R&D position, it must be as stable as possible. But some things are taboo, if you only have 6 months in each position, less than a year, the company will doubt your stability because they don't want to be the next springboard either, if there is such an experience, it would be better not to write.

If you have a large blank period, be prepared on how to answer the corresponding questions. I met an interviewee who said, "Because I spent 2 years learning Xi investing with peace of mind, now I am financially free and can devote myself to a new job that I love." "Full marks for the answer!

Three Thoughts:

How to write hobbies?

After writing the main part of the resume, that is, the work ability and resume, it is not the end. I suggest you add a little bit and talk about your hobbies.

You may think, what's there to talk about? Don't underestimate it. An experienced interviewer can get a glimpse of your true personality and abilities from this link.

It's a pity that most people fill in randomly, such as reading books and watching movies that have not changed for thousands of years, which is actually a waste of an opportunity to strengthen their ability advantages.

For example, once when I was interviewing, I asked him, "What are your hobbies?" and he said, "I like cycling and mountaineering." Then I have a judgment in my heart, he has good physical fitness, stamina, and even research ability. But the limitation is that he is not good at communicating with people, because they are all one-person sports. You see, this is a very good auxiliary judgment for me to arrange his position.

If someone interviews for a sales position tells me that he likes to do Tai Chi, the interviewer tends to think that he doesn't have the drive and wolf nature that sales requires.

Therefore, hobbies should also be close to your ability advantages and position.

How do you answer "Why did you leave"?

Let me talk about how to answer the interviewer's must-ask question: Why did you leave your job?

Hearing this, you may be stunned: Isn't this the time for the interview? What does it have to do with the resume? This is also a mystery that few people know. To put it simply, you need to bury the questions that may be asked by the interviewer in your resume in advance.

When asked why you left your job, you wouldn't say that you quarreled with the boss and that the company was low, right? Then, you should have buried clues in your resume in advance to avoid making people think that you are made up.

How to write a golden resume?

For example, if your resume states that your old company was operations-driven, it makes sense for you to say that you left because you wanted to go to a technology-driven company. For example, if you were working for a small company or family business, then you will not lose points if you leave because you have no promotion channels. You can describe that you are a person who expects more space and more challenges.

In fact, not only "why did you leave", but also "why do you want to transform" and "what is your core competitiveness", the answers must be embedded in your resume to appear real and credible.

Expectations management for resumes: Don't over-drive expectations.

Earlier, I was talking about how to optimize my resume and rush forward. At this point, I'm going to have to pull you back a little bit more - be careful, don't push too hard.

Do you know what a stand-up comedian is most afraid of before he takes the stage? It was the host who said, "The funniest actor is invited: classical." ”

As soon as these words came out, I wanted to amuse the audience, but it was difficult, because the audience's expectations were raised.

The same goes for resumes. Although it is a stepping stone, it can be overly decorated and will raise the interviewer's psychological expectations. I was very excited to read my resume, but when I talked to you in person, I felt that you were nothing more than that. In fact, you are good, but an overly dazzling resume creates a psychological gap, which outweighs the loss.

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