
has not yet been broadcast by CCTV, this 40-episode period drama has the potential to be the "drama king" in 2024

author:Yu Big-Mouthed Booth


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has not yet been broadcast by CCTV, this 40-episode period drama has the potential to be the "drama king" in 2024

Text: Yu Dazui Booth

Editor|Yu Dazui Booth

According to the grapevine, CCTV's long-held 40-episode official drama "South to North" is actually an unfinished drama that has been relaunched in a new guise. This original unfinished drama was completed two years ago, but it was repackaged by CCTV and launched as a major drama in 2024. As fans of the drama, we have been fooled by CCTV for two years, and it was not until the show was about to be released that we learned the truth from industry insiders.

has not yet been broadcast by CCTV, this 40-episode period drama has the potential to be the "drama king" in 2024

This is simply an insult to the audience's IQ! A unfinished drama dares to take it out and repackage it, and even made up a script for 40 episodes, but it was obviously unfinished after only a few episodes. As veteran drama fans, we have been watching dramas for almost 10 years, and we can see through CCTV's intentions to fool the audience at a glance. At the same time, we also warn the audience and friends not to be deceived and resolutely resist this kind of unscrupulous propaganda.

This "South to North" was originally a small-production unfinished drama, and the quality of the content was uneven, so it couldn't be broadcast at all. But CCTV took a fancy to several first-line stars in the play, and wanted to reuse this unfinished drama. In order to fool the audience, CCTV compiled a 40-episode script outline, and also invited famous directors and screenwriters to whitewash the peace. In fact, this is only on the basis of an unfinished drama, and it can't produce 40 episodes at all.

has not yet been broadcast by CCTV, this 40-episode period drama has the potential to be the "drama king" in 2024

According to industry insiders, the first few episodes of this drama were yellow, and most of the plot in the middle was blank. In order to fill this gap, CCTV made up a fanciful script, but it couldn't even connect the main line, and the plot was illogical.

The most terrible thing is that the source of this drama has expired two years ago. The crew only kept the source film of the first episode, and everything else has been destroyed. CCTV wants to create 40 episodes at the beginning, and the difficulty can be imagined.

Not only that, the positioning of this drama at the time of filming is an urban light comedy, which is completely different from the plot advertised by CCTV The important thing is that a bad end drama, no matter how well packaged it is, the core quality cannot be changed.

CCTV found these first-line stars just to fool the audience with big-name names. These actors may have only participated in the first one or two episodes, but CCTV deliberately wrote their names in front to make people think that they starred in the whole drama.

In fact, even the actors themselves don't know that this unfinished drama is going to be re-released. The whole process is operated unilaterally by CCTV, deliberately packaged into a luxury lineup. We strongly condemn this propaganda tactic to deceive the audience.

has not yet been broadcast by CCTV, this 40-episode period drama has the potential to be the "drama king" in 2024

CCTV spends a lot of money on these first-line stars, which also shows how much it has invested in this drama. An unfinished drama has a makeover, and it has to be blown into a tens of millions of masterpieces, and the commercial calculations behind this are self-evident.

CCTV has only one purpose, which is to use the traffic of these stars to falsely promote and attract attention. This kind of stardom style has seriously lacked the sincerity of creation.

After this "South to North" exposed the truth of the unfinished drama, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet. A large number of netizens expressed strong protest, believing that this was a great insult to the audience's IQ by CCTV.

"A bad drama has a makeover, and it is simply mentally retarded to fool the audience so blatantly!"

"Does CCTV treat us as fools? A shell drama still wants to make 40 episodes, isn't this filming the audience's sycophants? ”

"Please be sure to resist this kind of unscrupulous propaganda, and you can't let CCTV do whatever it wants and fool the audience at will!"

However, there are also some netizens who claim to be "positive energy" to defend CCTV's approach.

"CCTV must have put a lot of effort into adapting an unfinished drama into such a large plot, as an audience, we should be grateful. ”

has not yet been broadcast by CCTV, this 40-episode period drama has the potential to be the "drama king" in 2024

"With these first-line stars joining, at least we can attract more audiences to pay attention to this drama. It is also a means of propaganda. ”

"Anyway, one more big-budget period drama is a good thing for the audience, and we should actively support it. ”

This is clearly a double standard that cares for human life. Most netizens have clearly seen through that no matter how packaged a bad drama is, it can't change its inferior nature.

We appeal to the audience to keep a clear head and not be confused by CCTV's rhetoric. This kind of behavior of using celebrities to fool the audience must be resisted!

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and everyone had mixed opinions about CCTV's approach. As viewers with the ability to think independently, we should not listen to CCTV's one-sided words, let alone be deceived. If an unfinished drama wants to rely on the packaging of stars to reinvent itself, it is simply untenable.

We must resolutely resist such unhealthy trends, so that CCTV will no longer dare to take the audience as fools. How do you think we should respond to this kind of "bad news" propaganda tactics? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section to express your views.