
The head of the 4 major crimes of the Ming Dynasty: He was tortured by Li Zicheng for 5 days and 5 nights, and finally died of a split brain

author:Asano Gureiro

In the twilight of the Ming Dynasty, a name hung like a heavy shadow over the long river of history - Wei Zaode.

In the wave of the end of the empire, his fate and the fate of the Ming Dynasty were closely linked, and they came to a suspenseful and thrilling ending together.

When Li Zicheng's iron cavalry broke through the gate of the capital, the lifeblood of the empire was in jeopardy, and Wei Zaode's every decision and action was unconsciously pushing the giant wheel of history, rolling in a direction that no one could predict.

The head of the 4 major crimes of the Ming Dynasty: He was tortured by Li Zicheng for 5 days and 5 nights, and finally died of a split brain

The Late Ming Dynasty: The Glory and Fall of Wei Zaode

At that magnificent historical moment, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, a figure named Wei Zaode became a key figure in this history.

His story is not only a microcosm of his personal destiny, but also a witness to the changes of the times.

Born into a prominent family, he spent his childhood surrounded by the sound of books.

His family background has given him a deep foundation of knowledge.

Since childhood, he has shown extraordinary talent, and he became famous in the imperial examination, and won the top prize, which made him stand out in the court.

His talent and knowledge were highly recognized in the imperial court.

The head of the 4 major crimes of the Ming Dynasty: He was tortured by Li Zicheng for 5 days and 5 nights, and finally died of a split brain

Once, at a court meeting, when the emperor asked for opinions on national policies, Wei Zaode won the admiration of everyone present with his unique insights and thoughtful strategies.

The emperor also praised him, which made Wei Zaode's reputation even greater.

Over time, Wei Zaode gradually became an important figure in the court.

With his intellect and the power of his family, he quickly rose through the political arena and eventually held the important position of first assistant to the cabinet.

In this position, he needs to face not only daily government affairs, but also major national decisions.

The head of the 4 major crimes of the Ming Dynasty: He was tortured by Li Zicheng for 5 days and 5 nights, and finally died of a split brain

However, just as Wei Zao's power was tilting towards the government and the opposition, the Ming Dynasty's national power was declining, and internal and external troubles were continuous.

The northern frontier was frequently harassed by foreign tribes, the treasury was gradually emptied, and civil contradictions intensified.

This series of problems is a huge challenge for Wei Zaode.

At the critical moment of facing the national crisis, Wei Zaode's heart began to waver.

He began to think about his political position and the path ahead.

Once, at a cabinet meeting, he faced many officials and put forward his own opinion: "The survival of the country is the responsibility of the husband." However, if the situation is not possible, how should we deal with ourselves?" these words revealed his hesitation and indecision.

The head of the 4 major crimes of the Ming Dynasty: He was tortured by Li Zicheng for 5 days and 5 nights, and finally died of a split brain

His stance and ideas caused a stir in the DPRK and China.

Some officials thought he was too pessimistic, while others thought he was actually planning for his future retreat. This contradictory voice made Wei Zaode's image begin to crack.

With the rise of Li Zicheng's army, the situation in the country became more complicated.

At this critical moment, Wei Zaode faced unprecedented challenges. He swings the scales of power, trying to protect himself and his family, while having to think about how to deal with the country's crisis.

In that turbulent era, Wei Zaode's figure was like a microcosm of an era.

His talent and ambition seem insignificant in the tide of the rise and fall of the country.

The head of the 4 major crimes of the Ming Dynasty: He was tortured by Li Zicheng for 5 days and 5 nights, and finally died of a split brain

The End of the Ming Dynasty: The Crimes of Wei Zaode and the Fall of the Empire

As the Ming Dynasty weakened, Wei Zaode's actions and decisions began to have a profound impact on the empire.

During this period, his crimes were not only deeply rooted in the history of the Ming Dynasty, but also became one of the key factors that drove the empire to its demise.

Faced with the country's increasingly severe internal and external situation, Wei Zaode began to pay more attention to personal security and interests.

His political tactics began to blur, sometimes leaning towards the traditional imperial power, and at other times appearing intent on colluding with the rebels. His behavior within the imperial court aroused the dissatisfaction and suspicion of many officials.

The head of the 4 major crimes of the Ming Dynasty: He was tortured by Li Zicheng for 5 days and 5 nights, and finally died of a split brain

When Li Zicheng's army approached the capital, Wei Zaode faced a real test.

Faced with the impending war and chaos, he began to plan his own retreat.

At this critical moment, he did not choose to stick to the capital, but began to secretly contact Li Zicheng's army, trying to seek a safe position for himself.

As the capital's defense line was breached, Wei Zaode's behavior became more obvious.

He began to make overtures to Li Zicheng, even at the cost of betraying his former colleagues and monarchs.

In a secret letter, he wrote: "In troubled times, survival comes first. Willing to serve the new Lord. The existence of this letter later became ironclad evidence of his betrayal.

The head of the 4 major crimes of the Ming Dynasty: He was tortured by Li Zicheng for 5 days and 5 nights, and finally died of a split brain

When Li Zicheng's army captured the capital, Wei Zaode's crimes began to be gradually exposed.

His former colleagues and the public were shocked and outraged by his betrayal.

His name began to become the focus of popular discussion and became one of the symbols of the fall of the Ming Dynasty.

Wei Zaode's image completely collapsed in the hearts of the people and became an object of spurning.

In the last days of the Ming Dynasty, Wei Zaode became a tragic figure.

His life, from glory to sinking, and then to being spurned by everyone, became a symbol of turmoil and decay in the last years of the Ming Dynasty.

When he was captured by Li Zicheng's army, he tried to trade money and power for his own life.

The head of the 4 major crimes of the Ming Dynasty: He was tortured by Li Zicheng for 5 days and 5 nights, and finally died of a split brain

The Twilight of the Empire: The End of Wei Zaode and the End of the Ming Dynasty

In the final stages of the Ming Dynasty, the fate of Wei Zaode, the once prominent cabinet chief, was intertwined with the fate of the empire, and together they came to a tragic end.

As Li Zicheng's army broke through the capital, the entire empire fell into chaos and panic.

Faced with a powerful rebel army, Weizaod chose to surrender, hoping to save his life by giving in.

He bowed his proud head in front of Li Zicheng in order to be forgiven.

However, Li Zicheng was extremely disgusted by his betrayal and did not give him any leniency.

In retaliation for the suffering he had caused to the people, Li Zicheng ordered him to be tortured.

The ordeal lasted five days and five nights, during which time unimaginable pain was inflicted.

The head of the 4 major crimes of the Ming Dynasty: He was tortured by Li Zicheng for 5 days and 5 nights, and finally died of a split brain

At first, Li Zicheng's men subjected Wei Zaode to relatively simple physical torture.

They tied him to a cold stone pillar with rough hemp rope in a dark, damp dungeon.

Every time the whip fell, it left a deep mark on his back.

As time passed, Li Zicheng's men began to use more brutal methods. Not only did they use thick sticks to beat them, but they also introduced various ancient torture instruments, such as iron tongs, fire branding, tiger chairs, etc.

Each instrument of torture brought unimaginable pain, as if every breath became a torture.

Under these painful torments, Weizaod's arrogance began to turn into helplessness.

The head of the 4 major crimes of the Ming Dynasty: He was tortured by Li Zicheng for 5 days and 5 nights, and finally died of a split brain

In the midst of his anguish, he began to curse loudly, his voice filled with anger and despair. He cursed the rebels, cursed the injustice of fate. But as time passed, his curses waned and turned into bleak pleas.

He began to beg for mercy, to end this endless suffering.

However, these pleas did not bring any mercy, and the rebels remained unrelenting in their torture of him.

After five days and five nights of continuous torture, this once high-ranking criminal minister was on the verge of collapse, both physically and mentally. His health deteriorated dramatically, his face was haggard, and the sparkle in his eyes faded.

Eventually, in extreme pain and despair, his life came to an end.

The head of the 4 major crimes of the Ming Dynasty: He was tortured by Li Zicheng for 5 days and 5 nights, and finally died of a split brain

In his final moments, his head cracked open because he could not bear such great pain, which was not only the end of his life, but also the ultimate punishment for his crimes, and his son was subsequently put to death. ("History of the Ming Dynasty" volume 253 records: Zaode lost 10,000 gold, the thief thought it was little, tortured for five days and nights, and died of brain splitting.) )

Wei Zaode's death became a symbol of the turmoil and decay of the last years of the Ming Dynasty.

The trajectory of his life, from the glory of the past to the tragedy at the end, reflects the cruelty and ruthlessness of that era.

His story has left a deep imprint on history.

On the ruins of the Ming Dynasty, a new era is being born. And the story of Wei Zaode has become a microcosm of that turbulent era, reminding future generations of the temptation of power and the weight of responsibility.

His life became a part of history, forever engraved in the memory of that era.

The head of the 4 major crimes of the Ming Dynasty: He was tortured by Li Zicheng for 5 days and 5 nights, and finally died of a split brain


Wei Zaode's life is like a tragic epic, with both power struggles and twists and turns in personal fate. His every choice and action invisibly affected the fate of the empire, and eventually led to his own demise.

The trajectory of his life, from its former glory to its final tragedy, reflects the cruelty and ruthlessness of that era.

In the long course of history, the story of Wei Zaode has become an important chapter, reminding future generations of the temptation of power and the importance of responsibility.

At the moment when the giant ship of the Ming Dynasty sank, Wei Zaode's life was like a microcosm of that era, reflecting the rise and fall of a dynasty and the honor and disgrace of a person.

The head of the 4 major crimes of the Ming Dynasty: He was tortured by Li Zicheng for 5 days and 5 nights, and finally died of a split brain

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