
The Great Contest of Ancient Heroes: Revealing the First Person to Fight Alone in Ancient Provinces, Is There Your Hometown

author:Zhao Zhao's expectation


In the long scrolls of ancient history, the fierce generals are like bright stars, and a hero who fights alone emerges in each province. This ancient canonical contest will reveal the first person in each province to fight alone, and perhaps your hometown hides a hero who is amazing in the history books.

This great competition of ancient official history, like an ancient war, shows the courage of the fierce generals of various provinces to fight alone on the historical stage. Each province has produced a remarkable hero, who is either wise and brave or invincible, becoming an independent warrior in the canonical history. And now, we're going to reveal the first person to fight alone in these provinces one by one, so that you can find out if there is a heroic legend in your hometown that has swept through the enemy.

The Great Contest of Ancient Heroes: Revealing the First Person to Fight Alone in Ancient Provinces, Is There Your Hometown

1. Aobai, a fierce general of the cross-border generation, but it is difficult to escape the power struggle

"Nurhachi's subordinates have both Shelun Xian and Zhang Boying. This poem speaks of the status of Aobai in the early Qing Dynasty. He, together with Shelunxian and Zhang Boying, is known as the "Three Ying", and is the three fierce generals under Nurhachi.

In 1592, Ao Bai defected to the Jianzhou Jurchens with his brother Buyan, and soon became known for his bravery and skillful warfare. In 1619, Huang Taiji ascended the throne and appointed Ao Bai as the leader of the yellow flag. Since then, he has participated in and commanded many important battles and made great achievements. Whether it is to capture the important town of Phi Island guarded by the Ming army, or to break the main force of the Ming Dynasty in the Battle of Ningyuan, every time the enemy is meritorious.

The Great Contest of Ancient Heroes: Revealing the First Person to Fight Alone in Ancient Provinces, Is There Your Hometown

However, the power struggle is relentless. In the early years of Kangxi, Ao Bai and Su Ke Saha were both auxiliary ministers, and the two were at odds, and Su Ke Saha finally imprisoned Ao Bai to death by means of the "Tongning Change". A fierce general who spanned two dynasties disappeared silently in the power struggle.

Ao Bai was brave and good at fighting when he was young, and he once made great achievements, but in his later years, he was framed by his colleagues and died in prison. This seems to have become the common ending of many ancient fierce generals. Just like the Tang Dynasty, when he was young, he made many miraculous achievements in the frontier, but he also died in the struggle for central power. This also seems to warn us that no matter how heroic a person is, the final outcome will not escape the decision of fate.

The Great Contest of Ancient Heroes: Revealing the First Person to Fight Alone in Ancient Provinces, Is There Your Hometown

Second, Hailancha, the border hero has no regrets in his life

Hailancha, whose real name is Doral Hailancha, was a brave and warlike general during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. He once took the lead in pacifying the Zhu Yigui turmoil in Taiwan; led the army deep into Jinchuan, broke the Gurkha, and defended Houzang; Pacify the chaos and stabilize Xinjiang.

This fierce general from the Yehe frontier regards the frontier as home. In order to protect his family and defend the country, he did not hesitate to fight bloodily, just to fulfill his duties. However, after many years of travel, at the age of 55, he died of illness on the way back to his division on a western expedition. Before he died, his last words were: "I have not failed in life, and I will not be ashamed after death." ”

A frontier pawn, he has no regrets or regrets in his life, just to dedicate himself to serving the country. Hailancha's life shows the most authentic and pure spirit of a fierce general. His courage to face death and his innocence of loyalty to the country are worthy of Xi from every Chinese son.

The Great Contest of Ancient Heroes: Revealing the First Person to Fight Alone in Ancient Provinces, Is There Your Hometown

3. Wu Sangui, a traitor or a national hero?

When it comes to Wu Sangui, the historical evaluation is mixed. The leader of the most powerful border armed forces in the last years of the Ming Dynasty was defeated and killed in his later years when he raised troops against the Qing Dynasty, and was labeled as a "traitor". However, when he was young, he was a fierce general who fought against Houjin.

In the 1630s, the border passes of the Ming Dynasty were full of dangers. At this time, Wu Sangui, who was only in his early 30s, was already a prince. He successively rescued the besieged Zu Dashou and Hong Chengchou, and defended the last line of defense in eastern Liaodong for the Ming Dynasty. On the eve of Li Zicheng's invasion of Beijing in 1644, he also defeated the Qing soldiers at Yuguan, saving the lives of more than 100,000 people.

The Great Contest of Ancient Heroes: Revealing the First Person to Fight Alone in Ancient Provinces, Is There Your Hometown

However, at this moment, Li Zicheng brutally murdered his entire family. Wu Sangui, who was filled with grief and indignation, chose to surrender to the Qing Dynasty. Eight years later, he raised troops under the call of King Nanmingfu, but finally died on the battlefield. Wu Sangui's life is a portrayal of a tragic hero in a period of national crisis.

The tragedy of Wu Sangui's eventual failure is not uncommon in Chinese history. Like Song Jiang, who finally surrendered to the Yuan Dynasty, and Chang Yuchun, who was killed by his whole family, all reflect a common trait of tragic heroes in times of crisis. They have all made great contributions to the country and the nation, but they have become tragic due to bad luck. This also seems to remind us to look at history, understand heroes, and avoid simplistic labeling.

The Great Contest of Ancient Heroes: Revealing the First Person to Fight Alone in Ancient Provinces, Is There Your Hometown

Fourth, Feng Zicai, a fierce general in the national crisis of the late Qing Dynasty

In the late Qing Dynasty, the Western powers continued to invade China by force. At this time, the Qing Dynasty was corrupt and incompetent, and some local officials chose to resist the war in the face of foreign enemies. Feng Zicai is one of them.

In 1882, the French invaded northern Vietnam, and the Qing government relented and compromised. This aroused the indignation of Feng Zicai, the governor of Guangxi. He volunteered to lead his troops and declare war on the French invaders. After many fierce battles, Feng Zicai led the army to recover Langshan and Zhennan Pass, successfully repelled the French army, and made great achievements.

The Great Contest of Ancient Heroes: Revealing the First Person to Fight Alone in Ancient Provinces, Is There Your Hometown

However, the Qing Dynasty, which coexisted with internal and external troubles, could not escape the fate of destruction after all. As a patriotic general, Feng Zicai is also powerless to return to the sky. But he became a heroic symbol of sacrificing his life for the country in the national crisis of the late Qing Dynasty.

Feng Zicai's enthusiasm and courage to fight against a strong enemy are incomparable to thousands of lives. Just like Yue Fei of the Song Dynasty and Tang He of the Jin Dynasty, their courage in the face of death has become an important pillar for the Chinese nation to resist foreign enemies. This also reminds us that if a nation wants to be self-reliant, it cannot do without Feng Zicai's fearless spirit of seeing death as home.

The Great Contest of Ancient Heroes: Revealing the First Person to Fight Alone in Ancient Provinces, Is There Your Hometown

Fifth, often meet spring, the fierce generals at the beginning of the founding of the country have no regrets

Chang Yuchun, Xu Da, and others are known as the "Eight Tiger Generals" of the founding of the Ming Dynasty. He once fought in Huguang and captured Yunyang, and made great achievements. But what is even more admirable is his pure heart that follows the Lord.

In the thirteenth year of Hongwu, he was ordered to guard the frontier. Soon Zhu Yuanzhang died, and the outbreak of Jingjing. Chang Yuchun heard the news without saying a word, and rushed back to Nanjing from the border to protect the car. He fought side by side with Li Wenzhong and fought against Wang Fangqing, so that the crown prince Zhu Biao successfully ascended the throne as emperor.

The Great Contest of Ancient Heroes: Revealing the First Person to Fight Alone in Ancient Provinces, Is There Your Hometown

At the beginning of the founding of the country, Chang Yuchun guarded the nascent dynasty he helped open up with loyalty and bravery. Until he died of illness in his fifties, he did not violate that pure heart. This absolute loyalty to the monarch as life may seem incomprehensible today, but in the context of the time, it was the highest value of life.

Chang Yuchun is different from Xu Da, Wen Tianxiang and other loyal teachers, they more reflect the absolute loyalty of military generals to the monarch, this loyalty is interpreted by later generations as blind obedience, but at that time, they were undoubtedly models of practicing life ideals.

The Great Contest of Ancient Heroes: Revealing the First Person to Fight Alone in Ancient Provinces, Is There Your Hometown

6. Qin Qiong, Han Shizhong...... A loyal and brave army that has endured through the ages

In addition to those famous fierce generals, there are indeed many loyal and brave generals like Qin Qiong and Han Shizhong in Chinese history, but few people know about them. They may not have many opportunities to shine on the center stage of history, but the courage to move forward and look at death as if it were home will always be remembered and Xi by people.

Loyal and brave teachers like Qin Qiong and Han Shizhong, they are brave and resolute, loyal, and always ready to sacrifice their lives for the country. There are countless such characters in Chinese history, who either died because of the monarch or died for the country, some of them are famous in history, and some of them are not cared for. However, no matter what their ultimate fate is, the spirit of going to the soup and seeing death as if it were their home has shone in the long river of thousands of years of history. It is precisely with such spiritual pillars as them that the Chinese nation has been able to stand firm in the storms of history and pass on the torch from generation to generation.

The Great Contest of Ancient Heroes: Revealing the First Person to Fight Alone in Ancient Provinces, Is There Your Hometown


Such a magnificent history, such a national hero, and the blood and sacrifice flowing in their bodies have built the Great Wall of the Chinese nation and guarded the continuous progress of the Chinese nation. When we recall history and cherish the memory of the martyrs, we will be able to more deeply understand the responsibility and mission that we should shoulder as sons and daughters of China.