
Why do I have to take a film first when I go to the hospital for a check-up?

author:Lao Zhang's medical science
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  • On the second day of the New Year's Day holiday, Li Qiang woke up with a headache and stomach pain, which were all the consequences of drinking with friends last night. Li Qiang is an ordinary middle school history teacher, who is strict and disciplined on weekdays, and rarely indulges in this way.

    But today, his body seemed to protest against last night's excesses. So, he decided to go to the hospital for a check-up.

    Why do I have to take a film first when I go to the hospital for a check-up?

    In the waiting area of the hospital, Li Qiang sat there, replaying the laughter and laughter of last night in his mind. Soon after, he was called into the examination room. He was greeted by Dr. Zhao, an amiable-looking old doctor.

    "Sir, I see your situation, I have to make a film first. Dr. Zhao said lightly while examining Li Qiang's body.

    Li Qiang felt a little puzzled, why every time he came to the hospital, no matter what the disease, the doctor had to take a film first? He asked the question in his heart.

    Why do I have to take a film first when I go to the hospital for a check-up?

    Dr. Zhao smiled and began to explain, "Taking a film is actually like us doing a comprehensive physical examination for a patient. Just like you, headaches and stomach aches can be caused by a variety of causes, and we can determine the cause more accurately through imaging tests. ”

    Li Qiang listened and felt very reasonable. He asked, "Is it really useful to make so many films?"

    Why do I have to take a film first when I go to the hospital for a check-up?

    Dr. Zhao went on to explain: "Of course it works. For example, X-rays can help us see the state of bones and some soft tissues, which is very helpful for diagnosing fractures, pneumonia and other diseases.

    CT and MRI, on the other hand, provide more detailed images of the inside of the body and are important for diagnosing more complex diseases. ”

    Li Qiang nodded in understanding, and Dr. Zhao's explanation made him feel that medicine was really a magical field. Dr. Zhao also told him about some interesting cases that were accurately diagnosed through imaging tests.

    Why do I have to take a film first when I go to the hospital for a check-up?

    After a series of tests, Dr. Zhao told Li Qiang that he was only suffering from a temporary stomach pain caused by excessive alcohol intake, and that there was no major problem. But he also reminded Li Qiang that he should pay attention to his diet and living Xi.

    As Li Qiang was about to leave, Dr. Zhao added, "Remember, medical check-ups only help us understand our condition better, and the most important thing is our usual self-care. ”

    On the way home, Zhao Qiang had a lot of thoughts. He decided that from now on, he should pay more attention to his health and try to avoid physical discomfort caused by overindulgence.

    Why do I have to take a film first when I go to the hospital for a check-up?

    At the end of the story, I would like to ask a question: since medical imaging is so important, how can we minimize the financial burden and physical discomfort caused by over-examination while ensuring medical results?

    First of all, we need to strengthen doctor-patient communication so that patients fully understand the necessity and possible risks of testing.

    Secondly, the doctor should reasonably arrange the necessary examinations according to the specific situation of the patient and avoid unnecessary repetition. In addition, the promotion of an electronic medical record system can help doctors quickly obtain patients' past examination records and reduce duplication of examinations.

    Why do I have to take a film first when I go to the hospital for a check-up?

    Finally, improving the accuracy of medical imaging technology can reduce misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis, and reduce unnecessary follow-up examinations. Through these methods, we can reduce the financial and physical burden on patients while ensuring the quality of medical care.

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    Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!