
TO B Product Design Process Requirements Analysis - Stakeholder Analysis

author:Everybody is a product manager
In order to make the product project successful, it is indispensable to do a good job in stakeholder management. In this article, the author has interpreted the definition of stakeholders and the analysis methods of stakeholders.
TO B Product Design Process Requirements Analysis - Stakeholder Analysis

Customer needs are constantly changing, how to quickly and efficiently launch products that meet customer needs, have differentiated advantages and competitive advantages, and ultimately achieve market success, this is the problem that every product manager and project manager thinks about, and it is also an important factor in the success or failure of the project.

There are many reasons for how to develop a product that satisfies users, especially in the product design process of TO B, the satisfaction of functional requirements does not necessarily play a decisive role in the success of the project, because there are too many stakeholders involved in this project, and each stakeholder represents their own interests, so to weigh the interests of these stakeholders, it is necessary to analyze the interests of stakeholders in the project establishment stage.

1. What is a stakeholder?

A project stakeholder, also known as a stakeholder, is an individual or organization that actively participates in a project, or whose interests are affected by the execution or completion of the project.

  1. People who are related to the project and have various influences on the project;
  2. Signs of success of the project: the results meet the needs of the main project stakeholders;
  3. Manage project thanks: Get more resources, understanding, and support.

Second, the source of stakeholders

Stakeholder analysis is obtained through market research, user interviews, data analysis, etc., and relevant information can also be obtained from the demand side, business side, project manager, and team members.

3. The purpose of stakeholder analysis

The purpose of analyzing stakeholders is not to accurately find out the target users, but to clarify which important people may put forward what requirements for the operation plan, so as to obtain the expectations of the operation plan, so what are the demands of these stakeholders, what are their expectations, what are their importances, what are their roles, and what are their benefits?

Fourth, stakeholder analysis methods

Step 1: Categorize and define each stakeholder by writing the Stakeholder Name and Role in the Project.

Step 2: Determine the importance of each stakeholder by analyzing the degree of influence of stakeholders on product requirements and design;

Step 3: Describe the stakeholders' interests in the project, the negative impact of the project on the stakeholders, and the stakeholders' expectations/requirements for the product;

Step 4: Extract the functional requirements or scenarios from the stakeholders' benefits, negative impacts, and expectations.

Name Explanation:

1) Stakeholder classification

Stakeholders may be funders, task orderers, target users, partners, rights departments, competitors, interested parties, etc., and the product manager should list stakeholders as an important part of product usage scenario analysis.

2) Stakeholder roles

Define what role stakeholders play in the project, such as decision-maker, acceptor, builder, etc.

TO B Product Design Process Requirements Analysis - Stakeholder Analysis

3) Stakeholder importance

According to the size of the stakeholder's authority (power) and the degree of active participation (influence) of the project, the importance analysis of the stakeholder can be divided into three levels (high, medium and low).

TO B Product Design Process Requirements Analysis - Stakeholder Analysis

4) Stakeholders' interests in the project

Analyze the stakeholders' interests in the project, including officials, money, fame, social contributions, emotions, cost performance, negative impacts, etc.

5) The requirements of the stakeholders for the project

Consider the positive and negative expectations of your stakeholders. It can be deduced from the interests of stakeholders, the negative impact on stakeholders, and the expectations or needs that stakeholders want to obtain in the project.

6) Functional refinement

Through the analysis of the interests, requirements, and positive and negative impacts of stakeholders in the project, we can understand the pain points of customers, and preliminarily obtain the functional points required by customers, which should cater to the pain points of stakeholders in specific use scenarios of the project.


These are some of my thoughts in the process of making products, and you are welcome to discuss them together.

This article was originally published by @闯爷 on Everyone is a Product Manager. Reproduction without permission is prohibited

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