
Three policemen were shot one after another, and the murderer disappeared for 3 years before being arrested, and his identity made people break out in a cold sweat

author:Governor of Longjiang

Hit the scene of the crime

"Bang, bang" There were two knocks on the door, and then someone outside the door shouted, "Excuse me, is Policeman Wang at home?"

The host opened the door and saw that two guests had arrived, and one of them felt strange. Then he said enthusiastically: "Rare guest, please come in and drink tea." ”

"No need. As soon as the words fell, the strange man among the guests suddenly took out a pistol from his pocket and shot the master twice, and the man fell to the ground and died on the spot.

The shocking scene just now happened at the home of Wang Jianmin, head of the Vehicle Management Unit of the Hailin City Public Security Bureau.

It was 5:30 p.m. on January 17, 1994.

After killing Wang Jianmin, two men with guns immediately shot his eldest daughter, youngest daughter, and youngest son brutally, and all four members of the family were shot to death by the gangsters.

And the bloody scene that happened in the house just now was clearly seen by a girl, she was Wang Jianming's second daughter.

Just as his father opened the door to welcome the "guest", she was cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks in the kitchen, planning to make dinner. At this time, she heard a knock on the door, and then her father and the two gangsters were talking in a low voice, and suddenly she heard two gunshots.

She turned her head to see that her father was lying in a pool of blood, she immediately understood what was happening, and when the gangsters continued to shoot at other family members, she quietly ran to the bathroom, locked the door, and the two gangsters found that there was another person alive, so they desperately twisted the lock handle of the bathroom outside.

Three policemen were shot one after another, and the murderer disappeared for 3 years before being arrested, and his identity made people break out in a cold sweat

The scene of Wang Jianmin's murder (picture from the Internet)

The second daughter, who stayed in the bathroom, knew that after a long time, the gangsters would definitely break in. Fortunately, she had trained in the city sports team before, and her physical fitness was good, so she quickly climbed through the window of the bathroom, hugged the outside sewer pipe, escaped to the first floor, and then ran to the public security bureau to report the case.

After receiving the report, I heard that the gangsters had guns, and it was another bloody case of shooting and killing a policeman, and then more than 20 heavily armed special police officers rushed to the scene. At this time, the criminals had fled, and the house was miserable, except for a toddler about one year old, who was sacrificed by his eldest daughter to protect him, no one else had vital signs.

The investigators and technicians of the Hailin City Criminal Police Brigade rushed to the scene one after another, and after on-site investigation, they found six bullet casings, which had traces of turning in the room, and bloody glove prints on the bathroom wall, which had no detection value.

After careful examination, the investigators extracted two clear fingerprints left by the criminals on the bathroom door handle that had been unscrewed on the ground.

Three policemen were shot one after another, and the murderer disappeared for 3 years before being arrested, and his identity made people break out in a cold sweat

The scene of Wang Jianmin's murder, the traces left by the criminal (picture from the Internet)

Later, after the detection of bullet casing traces, the bullet casings left at the scene were shot from the guns of the two policemen who were killed two years ago. The results confirmed that the criminals who killed the two policemen and seized the guns were the two people who shot Wang Jianmin.

Sort out the facts of the case

As soon as the situation came out, it immediately aroused the great attention of the special case group, and immediately carefully sorted out and analyzed the first two cases of killing policemen.

On April 22, 1991, Zhao Weishi, a police officer in the Criminal Investigation Department of the Chaihe Forestry Public Security Bureau, and his 9-year-old daughter were also killed at home;

Three policemen were shot one after another, and the murderer disappeared for 3 years before being arrested, and his identity made people break out in a cold sweat

The scene of Zhao Weishi's murder (picture from the Internet)

On October 6, 1993, Ding Guochun, deputy director of the Shihe Township Police Station in Dinglin City, was shot dead by gangsters at home, and his wife was also killed by the murderer.

At that time, the murderer snatched the guns of the two men.

On January 18, 1994, the day after Wang Jianmin was killed, the Heilongjiang Provincial Department and the Mudanjiang City Public Security Bureau held a meeting in Hailin to analyze the case, and the police meticulously sorted out the shooting cases that had occurred in recent years: In 1993, in addition to the murder of Ding Guochun, there were three other major cases that occurred in succession.

After sorting it out, the police suddenly found that five of the six cases that occurred from 1991 to mid-1994 were targeted at police officers, and one was also indirectly related to the police.

A number of police murders have caused several great shocks in the local public security system, and social rumors have become more and more evil: criminals kill police officers and come and go without a trace.

The police found that in several cases, the criminals entered the room to commit crimes through peaceful means, which shows that the criminals and the victims are familiar, and the victims are all policemen, and what is the identity of the people who are familiar with the police?

After careful reasoning, there is only one possibility, and the criminal is likely to be an insider of the Hailin City Public Security System.

After the analysis of the task force, it felt very heavy, the murderous criminal is within the public security system, and if he does not get rid of it for a day, there will be endless troubles, but which one of them is the real criminal around?

Wang Jianming's daughter is the only survivor who has seen the appearance of the criminal. According to her description, the police grasped the basic characteristics of the criminals: two criminals, one tall and one short, one young, about 35 years old, and the other in his 40s.

The police immediately intensified the investigation, and the criminals were two people, and since it was impossible to determine which one was the "ghost" of the public security for the time being, it was necessary to start with another investigation.

After a large-scale investigation and screening in the city, after excluding a part of the time that did not commit the crime, the scope was narrowed to 200 suspects, and finally eight key suspects were determined.

The first criminal appeared

Just as the task force was preparing to interrogate them, it was reported that one of the eight targets had suddenly left his place of residence: Wang Chengyan, a former worker at the Chaihe Timber Storage and Processing Factory, who had been dismissed from public office in 1990 for rape and had been dealt with by the police.

Later, I learned that Wang Chengyan let off his mouth to others, saying that he was going to Harbin, and when he rented a taxi, he lied to the driver, saying that he was going to Dalian, and when the taxi got on the highway, he forced the driver to drive to Kaiyuan County again with a gun.

When the driver saw this person holding a gun, he was already frightened and had to follow the criminal's request. Along the way, the driver waited for an opportunity to escape in order to make the criminal relax his guard against him, so he chatted with him while driving.

"Big brother, you pointed a gun at me, I was panicking when I was driving, I promise to send you to your destination according to your requirements, and I will pay for the road by myself, this is always okay. The driver said carefully.

Wang Chengyan said: "I can put the gun away, but you must keep it open, otherwise it will kill you at any time, and Lao Tzu killed many people with this gun." ”

The driver knew that he had encountered a vicious gangster today, and if he didn't want to escape, he might never see his wife and children again.

So he said to Wang Chengyan: "Big brother, the car doesn't have much fuel anymore, and you need to find a gas station to refuel, and you can't run far." ”

Wang Chengyan looked at the oil gauge and saw that there was indeed not much oil, so he granted his request.

When the car drove to a service area to refuel, the driver had to get out of the car to pay, and Wang Chengyan also got out of the car to buy water, because chatting all the way, the criminal's vigilance was relaxed. At this time, the driver did not wait for the fuel to be filled, and quickly drove away by taking advantage of his unpreparedness.

Wang Chengyan saw the taxi driver escape, and he didn't know what to do at once, because he didn't dare to take the bus, he was afraid that the police would check the car on the road and expose his whereabouts, so he had to walk on his own, where the desert went, and it took several days to actually go to Kaiyuan.

The money was almost spent, Wang Chengyan had no choice, he risked revealing his identity and decided to rob.

In the evening of the afternoon of January 30, 1994, he hid beside a provincial highway and waited for an opportunity to move, he stopped a bus and forced the bus driver to take money at gunpoint.

After receiving the alarm, a large number of police forces quickly arrived at the scene and rounded up Wang Chengyan, who knew that the death penalty could not be escaped, and carried out frantic resistance, and was killed on the spot by snipers at about 8 o'clock in the evening.

Three policemen were shot one after another, and the murderer disappeared for 3 years before being arrested, and his identity made people break out in a cold sweat

The criminal was killed by a sniper (picture from the Internet)

The police found two pistols from Wang Chengyan's body, and after the identification of the gun numbers, these two were the matching guns of the murdered policemen Zhao Weishi and Ding Guochun.

Three policemen were shot one after another, and the murderer disappeared for 3 years before being arrested, and his identity made people break out in a cold sweat

This person is the suspect who has killed the police many times, and the police immediately grasped the identity of the gangster.

Every time a criminal commits a crime, he is an accomplice of two people, so who is the other one? Now that Wang Chengyan has been killed, how can he find another hidden criminal as soon as possible?

First of all, the police summoned Wang's wife, and after many interrogations, her wife just said one sentence: Wang Chengyan had never told her about it, and she didn't know anything.

Since the police did not have more clues, they had to put it back, but the police knew that she must know the situation, and it was likely that Wang Chengyan had explained to her how to deal with the police's questions.

Dig out the inner ghost

Wang Chengyan also has a 12-year-old daughter, a sixth-grade elementary school student, and the police decided to look for a breakthrough from her.

After two investigators, a man and a woman, found his daughter at school, they did not go straight to the point, but chatted about her Xi at school in a very friendly atmosphere, and when the little girl gradually eliminated her nervousness, the female investigator asked: "Who often comes to your house to find your father?"

"There was an Uncle Zhang who often came to play with my father, and once sent a letter to my father. ”

Upon receiving this information, the police immediately summoned Wang Chengyan's wife. After a round, she immediately confessed to the Uncle Zhang mentioned by her daughter, named Zhang Siwei, and also explained that Zhang Siwei not only sent a letter to Wang Chengyan's house, but also sent bullets.

Three policemen were shot one after another, and the murderer disappeared for 3 years before being arrested, and his identity made people break out in a cold sweat

Zhang Siwei, 43, is the deputy director of the office of the Chaihe Forestry Public Security Bureau. What's even more creepy is that he is actually a member of the task force of the 4.22 series of police murders.

Sure enough, without the police's prior reasoning, there was a public security ghost among the criminals, and it turned out to be him, no wonder the task force had just included Wang Chengyan as a key suspect in Chaihe, and he immediately fled the next day.

The police immediately summoned Zhang Siwei for questioning. Since he was a member of the task force, he knew how well the police knew the case, he also knew that Wang Chengyan was dead, and that both guns were on the deceased, and his only concern was the eyewitness who escaped by hiding in the bathroom.

Although Zhang Siwei did not participate in the interrogation work, he was well aware of the police's trial strategy, so when asked about sending the bullets, he flatly denied it, and only admitted that he had sent the letter.

The police immediately conducted an inventory of his home and found some unidentified gold and silver jewelry. Another investigation team reported that Zhang Siwei had a concubine named Li.

According to Li's confession: Once she casually talked to Zhang Siwei that Ding Guochun sold the house and might have hundreds of thousands of cash. He asked her about the exact location of Ding Guochun's home and asked her to draw a detailed map. It didn't take long for Ding Guochun to be shot.

When the police interrogated Zhang Siwei, they showed him the gold and silver jewelry they had found at home and the map of Ding Guochun's house that he had drawn, but he would not confess. For several days, Zhang Siwei held on to the luck mentality and tried to get by.

Three policemen were shot one after another, and the murderer disappeared for 3 years before being arrested, and his identity made people break out in a cold sweat

Later, during the trial, the examiners answered a phone call on the spot, so they deliberately said: "The hospital called just now and said that Wang Chengyan had come back to life after being rescued, and he would be interrogated immediately." ”

As a member of the task force, he heard that Wang Chengyan was killed by snipers, but how did he come back to life? However, because he was not at the scene at the time, he did not fully know the real situation, so was he not really killed on the spot?

At this time, the interrogators looked at him and began to sweat slightly on his forehead, knowing that his heart had collapsed, and if Wang Chengyan was really alive, everything would be clear.

The course of the crime

Soon, he confessed the facts of the crime of conspiring with Wang Chengyan to commit six crimes and killing 17 people.

In 1990, when he tried Wang Chengyan's rape case, he received benefits from the Wang family, so the two got acquainted, and later, at the instigation of Wang Chengyan, the two determined a common goal: to make money.

To make money, you must have a gun, only the identity of the police will have a gun, so he began to look for the target of the crime, he used his police identity, first identified Zhao Weishi, a police officer in the Criminal Investigation Department of the Chaihe Forestry Public Security Bureau, as the preferred target.

On April 22, 1991, he used his acquaintance to enter Zhao Weishi's home with Wang Chengyan, and then the two strangled him to death with a prepared rope and snatched his gun.

With guns, the two began to look for people to rob money, and deliberately collected relevant information, usually when colleagues chatted with each other, as long as they heard that someone had money, or felt that someone was in a key position, they would be the target of robbery.

As a member of the task force, he knew that Wang had been included as a key suspect, and when the police were about to interrogate Wang, he promptly sent a letter asking him to flee with two guns, with the purpose of transferring Wang out of Chaihe, because the provincial task force had already made Chaihe a key investigation area.

He hoped that Wang Chengyan would flee to other places and use these two guns to commit crimes in other places again, so as to disrupt the police's investigation thinking and make the police mistakenly believe that people from other places were running around to commit crimes.

Three policemen were shot one after another, and the murderer disappeared for 3 years before being arrested, and his identity made people break out in a cold sweat

The police used superb detection strategies to successfully solve the four-year-long series of police murders, and this "inner ghost" hidden in the public security department finally got the punishment he deserved.

(Source: Records & Transmission)