
Liu Luanxiong held a press conference to laugh about the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, admitting that he married Gambi in order to keep his 100 billion property

author:Long Xue said history

Lu Lijun's investment failed and almost lost her family property, and Liu Luanxiong came forward to help trigger rumors of compounding

In 2011, Hong Kong tycoon Liu Luanxiong and his ex-wife Lu Lijun ended their married life for many years. They used to be very affectionate, but their relationship gradually drifted apart under the polishing of time, and they had to choose to break up.

That year, Liu Luanxiong admitted the breakdown of the relationship between the two parties and took the initiative to file for divorce, although Lu Lijun was unwilling, she finally accepted the reality.

Liu Luanxiong held a press conference to laugh about the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, admitting that he married Gambi in order to keep his 100 billion property

After the divorce, Lu Lijun's original wealth of 2 billion yuan was wiped out in her failed investments again and again. She was unwilling to be destitute, and began to borrow money everywhere, wanting to turn around and recreate her dream of being rich.

However, under the dual pressure of investment risks and usury, at the end of 2022, Lu Lijun went bankrupt completely, and only the last property of the family property remained.

At this moment, a reporter happened to photograph Lu Lijun and her ex-husband Liu Luanxiong appearing in the mall together.

These speculations quickly attracted Liu Luanxiong's great attention. In January 2023, he decided to come forward to clarify and held a press conference to make it clear that he and Lu Lijun only signed some financial contracts and provided a certain amount of funds to help her turnover.

Liu Luanxiong held a press conference to laugh about the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, admitting that he married Gambi in order to keep his 100 billion property

Liu Luanxiong has pity for his failed ex-wife in his heart, and is also wary that she will resurrect and join forces against him again. Therefore, he publicly stated that there was absolutely no possibility of getting back together, and hoped that the outside world would not over-interpret the chance encounter between the two.

The rumors of the will triggered a new clarification by Liu Luanxiong, revealing the truth of the marriage of the year

Just as the turmoil subsided, in mid-2023, rumors that Liu Luanxiong had changed his will suddenly spread in Hong Kong's high society, and immediately threw it into a calm lake like a pebble, stirring up a lot of turmoil.

It is rumored that Liu Luanxiong has left 80% of his property to his eldest son Liu Mingwei and eldest daughter Liu Xiurong, leaving only 20% to his current wife Gambi and their children.

Such an arrangement is tantamount to announcing to the outside world that Gambi's position in the Liu family has been shaken, and she and her children are likely to be excluded from the new will.

Liu Luanxiong held a press conference to laugh about the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, admitting that he married Gambi in order to keep his 100 billion property

As soon as the rumors came out, they immediately made headlines in major media, and Gambi also tried to overturn the case, and the two sides fell into a month-long public opinion wrestling.

In October, in order to quell the bad influence, Liu Luanxiong appeared again and held a press conference to refute the change of will. He stressed that the distribution of property in the will would be decided according to the attitude of Gambi and the children, and he never thought of curtailing their legal rights.

Liu Luanxiong also revealed that the real reason for marrying Gambi Lightning back then was to prevent his ex-wife Lu Lijun from using his children to encroach on his property.

He made it clear that if it weren't for the situation, he wouldn't have married Gambi in a hurry.

Liu Luanxiong held a press conference to laugh about the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, admitting that he married Gambi in order to keep his 100 billion property

"I know Lu Lijun's personality too well, she is not right-minded, and she can use her children to blackmail me with more property. Liu Luanxiong said. If you don't take decisive measures, you will not be able to protect your hard work for many years.

Now it seems that the decision made back then was very wise, so that Lu Lijun had no chance to take advantage of it, and she was able to save her career worth hundreds of billions.

Liu Luanxiong slammed Lu Lijun for spreading rumors and clarifying the rumors of critical illness

While denying the change of will, Liu Luanxiong also refuted some other rumors one by one. One of the most infuriating was the claim that he was critically ill and had had a kidney replaced.

"This is completely a rumor deliberately made up by Lu Lijun, the purpose is to discredit me!" When Liu Luanxiong said this, his tone was full of righteous indignation.

Liu Luanxiong held a press conference to laugh about the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, admitting that he married Gambi in order to keep his 100 billion property

He criticized that Lu Lijun took this testamentary turmoil as an opportunity to deliberately spread rumors in the media that he was critically ill and dying, and he had a kidney replacement to continue to prolong his life. This is a completely baseless slander, I have never had a serious illness, and my body has always been tough.

"I really helped Lu Lijun back then, but I didn't expect her to be ungrateful and abuse me in my most difficult time. Liu Luanxiong talked about this past, and tears were faintly groomed in his eyes.

Many years ago, Liu Luanxiong did wishful thinking that Lu Lijun would reform herself, so he gave her help and funding several times. Now it seems that he was ridiculously wrong. The essence of a person is difficult to change, and Lu Lijun obviously still harbors malice and hopes to bring down herself.

"I will never let Lu Lijun's children get any independent property. Liu Luanxiong said solemnly. Because she knows Lu Lijun too well, she can use her children to achieve her goals by any means.

Liu Luanxiong held a press conference to laugh about the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, admitting that he married Gambi in order to keep his 100 billion property

In the face of his ex-wife's various smear methods, Liu Luanxiong said that he could only take precautions. He will do his best to protect his current family and not let Lu Lijun have any chance.

Liu Luanxiong expressed his full support for Gambi and was wary of Lu Lijun's use of her children

"The main purpose of this press conference is to justify my current wife, Gambi!" At the press conference, Liu Luanxiong looked extremely excited.

He sternly refuted all kinds of criticism from the outside world about Gambi, saying that these were all caused by Lu Lijun. In fact, for years, Gambi has quietly supported himself and never asked about business decisions.

She has proved her ability with practical actions, and has created tens of billions of profits for the group by investing in artworks.

Liu Luanxiong held a press conference to laugh about the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, admitting that he married Gambi in order to keep his 100 billion property

In contrast, Lu Lijun always instigated right and wrong, and almost dragged her career to the brink of bankruptcy. Now Gambi has gradually won his trust and is his strongest backing.

"Gambi and I will face all kinds of difficulties together. Liu Luanxiong said in a firm tone. He believes that Gambi and his children will abide by their last wishes and will not let any external force shake the family.

At the same time, Liu Luanxiong also showed a high degree of vigilance against Lu Lijun. Lu Lijun once hinted that she has the ability to let her children choose sides, which is not good for Liu Luanxiong.

In response to this threat, Liu Luanxiong said that he would definitely take effective measures to resolutely prevent Lu Lijun from succeeding.

Liu Luanxiong held a press conference to laugh about the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, admitting that he married Gambi in order to keep his 100 billion property

"I will never allow Lu Lijun to become a source of interference for this family again!" Liu Luanxiong's face was resolute. He said that he would not hesitate to let Lu Lijun's children become financially independent if necessary, but he would definitely not let Lu Lijun get any more benefits through them.

Years of family ugliness have made Liu Luanxiong feel tired, and he just wants to grow old with Gambi and reunite with his children. He believes that as long as strong trust is re-established between family members, the gossip will eventually fade and they will still find true happiness.

Regarding whether his son Liu Mingwei can take over the family business, Liu Luanxiong has a wise attitude and said that he will choose the most capable candidate. He hopes that the public will not pay too much attention to their private lives and give the whole family more space to be alone.


Liu Luanxiong held a press conference to laugh about the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, admitting that he married Gambi in order to keep his 100 billion property

When the reporter asked Liu Luanxiong if he regretted choosing to help Lu Lijun in the first place, he sighed softly.

When people reach middle age, many young and frivolous choices are no longer important. At this moment, he just wants to take Gambi to grow old slowly, the children will eventually start a family, the husband and wife will love, and the children will love their parents.

Liu Luanxiong said that he knows that money cannot buy true happiness. If the husband and wife fall in love again, they will feel satisfied even if they are poor. He hopes that the public will not pay too much attention to their private lives and give the whole family more time and space to communicate.

Maybe after this turmoil, everyone can finally repair the broken relationship and regain a happy life.

Liu Luanxiong held a press conference to laugh about the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, admitting that he married Gambi in order to keep his 100 billion property

Liu Luanxiong believes that as long as there is love between family members, any external blows will eventually be gradually smoothed out. He will cherish everything he has in front of him even more and spend the rest of his life with his beloved.