
The mysterious rich man was refused to donate a huge amount of money to China, and after his death, his four sons-in-law divided 500 billion family assets

author:No. 5 Entertainment Detective


Bao Yugang of the "World Boat King" is a legendary figure.

Surrounded by "love" all his life, his love for his family is as strong as a tree, and his contribution to the country is selfless and fearless.

His life, from a Ningbo guy to a world ship king.

and then to the 500 billion family assets accumulated from scratch.

Now his four sons-in-law, because of their marriage to his daughters.

has also stepped into the ranks of the rich and has become a "less struggler" in the eyes of many people.

So, how did Bao Yugang achieve hegemony?

How was the huge inheritance that he couldn't spend in his lifetime distributed?

The mysterious rich man was refused to donate a huge amount of money to China, and after his death, his four sons-in-law divided 500 billion family assets

The son of a small merchant to a shipping overlord

Bao Yugang was born in a well-to-do family in Ningbo, Zhejiang.

Of the seven siblings, he was the most trustworthy.

In those days, having such a family background was definitely a dream for many people.

At that time, his father opened a factory in Wuhan, producing shoes and clothes and hats.

In the 40s, it also invested in the banking business in Shanghai.

At the age of 13, Bao Yugang was sent to Shanghai Wusong Merchant Marine College.

This year was doomed to his future fate.

Unfortunately, the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War disrupted his studies.

In 1937, Pao had to leave the campus and began his journey of survival.

Bao Yugang gave up college, and he chose to work part-time.

In 1938, he returned to Shanghai and started as an insurance employee.

The mysterious rich man was refused to donate a huge amount of money to China, and after his death, his four sons-in-law divided 500 billion family assets

Seven years later, he actually became the deputy general manager of the Bank of Shanghai.

In 1949 at the time of civil unrest.

Pao Yugang and his father chose to immigrate to Hong Kong and started a new life.

There, Pao founded Global Shipping Limited.

When he started, he only had an old cargo ship.

But don't underestimate this ship, this is the starting point of his legendary life.

In the mid-1970s, Pao shifted his vision from the sea to the land.

He ventured into real estate, hotels, and other industries, and his business empire gradually took shape.

By 1981, he already had 210 ships.

With a total tonnage of 21 million tons, it has become the king of ships in the world.

But his ambitions don't stop there.

The mysterious rich man was refused to donate a huge amount of money to China, and after his death, his four sons-in-law divided 500 billion family assets

In 1980 and 1985, he acquired two British conglomerates, Wharf and Wheelock.

This series of business operations has allowed people to see his business wisdom and courage.

But don't forget, Pao Yugang is not only a legend in the mall.

He was also an exemplary husband in family life.

The love life between him and his wife Huang Xiuying is perfect.

It is precisely because of his success in both career and family that he will be so grateful.

When faced with national problems, he will not hesitate to help.

The mysterious rich man was refused to donate a huge amount of money to China, and after his death, his four sons-in-law divided 500 billion family assets


Bao Yugang is not the kind of local tyrant who only shows off his wealth.

But a real ship king, philanthropist, and a fiery patriotic heart.

In 1978, Bao Yugang and his father Bao Zhaolong also gained the attention of the state.

Of course, the ship king did not disappoint us.

He took out $10 million and smashed it on the Zhaolong Hotel.

This is not only a brick throw, but also a kind of investment and confidence in the country.

But he didn't stop there.

When he found out that his hometown of Ningbo lacked a comprehensive university, he did not hesitate to donate $20 million.

This is not just a simple donation, but also cultivating more pillars for the future of China.

As for Shanghai Jiao Tong University, this big man also did not forget to give generous help.

The mysterious rich man was refused to donate a huge amount of money to China, and after his death, his four sons-in-law divided 500 billion family assets

His $10 million donation made the school's library the largest in the country.

Such a move was undoubtedly shocking at the time.

In 1981, in order to support the domestic shipbuilding industry, Pao Yugang even ordered six freighters.

This is not only a business act, but also an investment and expectation for the future of the country.

But then again, the ship's influence doesn't stop there.

In 1982, when the state revealed to him the decision to reclaim Hong Kong.

Not only did he not flinch at all, but began his actions more actively.

Especially in the Sino-British negotiations on the return of Hong Kong.

The ship's king has played a huge role.

His strong international connections gave him the weight to speak in this negotiation.

He not only conveyed China's position to the British government, but even personally participated in the persuasion.

It also put the deadlocked negotiations back on track.

The mysterious rich man was refused to donate a huge amount of money to China, and after his death, his four sons-in-law divided 500 billion family assets

When the Sino-British Joint Declaration was signed in 1984 and Hong Kong's return to China was a foregone conclusion, his contribution should not be underestimated.

Except for the remarkable things that help the country do things.

Pao Yugang is more like a philanthropist who constantly pays for the motherland and hometown.

He devoted his life to education and medical care, and has donated to build countless schools and hospitals.

Even at the end of his life, the ship king remained true to his beliefs.

"I was born in China, grew up in China, and my roots are in China, and it is my duty to contribute to the four modernizations of the motherland. ”

Such an entrepreneur who is admired by thousands of people, but when he was dying, he did not have his son by his side.

The mysterious rich man was refused to donate a huge amount of money to China, and after his death, his four sons-in-law divided 500 billion family assets

The division of billions of estates

In 1983, Pao was diagnosed with lung cancer.

But don't underestimate him, even lung cancer didn't slow him down.

He was also appointed Deputy Chairman of the Drafting Committee for the Basic Law of Hong Kong.

Actively running around the two battlefields of government affairs and business.

And just eight years later, in 1991, he finally collapsed at the age of 73.

Pao Yugang lived a frugal and clean life, and he and his beloved wife had four daughters.

Don't think these four daughters are ordinary.

They were married to Austrian entrepreneurs, Hong Kong tycoons, Japanese architects, and American professors of medicine.

The mysterious rich man was refused to donate a huge amount of money to China, and after his death, his four sons-in-law divided 500 billion family assets

The eldest daughter of the Bao family, Bao Baoqing, is not only a veritable international talent.

is still an authentic Chongqing girl, this name is her father Bao Yugang's special attachment to her.

and Bao Yugang's different family concept.

In those days, how many people dreamed of having a son to inherit the family business.

But Bao Yugang is different, he is single-minded to his wife, and the education of his four daughters is also free and open.

He did not force them to study Xi business, but supported them in their pursuit of art.

When Bao was at the University of Chicago in the United States, she met her Austrian Prince Charming Su Haiwen.

Su Haiwen later not only integrated into the Bao family, but also became Bao Yugang's right-hand man in business.

There is also a second daughter, Bao Rong, who prefers art.

But married to Wu Guangzheng, who also has an educational background.

The union of these two people is not only the crystallization of love, but also the fusion of the wisdom of the two families.

The mysterious rich man was refused to donate a huge amount of money to China, and after his death, his four sons-in-law divided 500 billion family assets

And the third daughter, Bao Guili, is a soul who is keen on art.

Her husband, Shinichiro Wata, is also an architect with a passion for art.

This couple can be described as the golden boy and girl of the art world.

The youngest Bao Beihui is not simple, she met Zheng Weijian, a doctor from a wealthy family, in the United States.

Who says doctors can't be in business?

Under the influence of Pao Yugang, Zheng Weijian also became a part of the family business.

Pao divided the business into four sons-in-law, each responsible for a different business area.

This is not only a trust in the daughters, but also a recognition of the ability of the sons-in-law.

Today, Bao Beiqing is active in the field of society and education, and Bao Beili is still exploring on the road of art.

As for Bao Rongrong and Bao Hui, they chose a more low-key life.

But no matter what, they are all the daughters of the legendary Bao Yugang.

The mysterious rich man was refused to donate a huge amount of money to China, and after his death, his four sons-in-law divided 500 billion family assets

That pride and wisdom can't be bought by money.

Bao Yugang had no sons in his life.

But it is not sloppy when it comes to distributing the 500 billion inheritance.

Pao Yugang founded five family trust funds, one for each person, and they were clearly divided.

But his brilliance doesn't stop there.

He handed over the management of the business to his four sons-in-law.

And the daughters hold control of the wealth.

The beauty of this strategy is that the sons-in-law do the coolies, and the daughters sit back and enjoy the results.

This not only guarantees the effective management of the property.

It also avoids fights within the family over the division of property.

The business areas of their four families are also diverse.

The mysterious rich man was refused to donate a huge amount of money to China, and after his death, his four sons-in-law divided 500 billion family assets

From global shipping to property and real estate, from trade to financial investment, every family has its own one-third of an acre.

And I heard that these businesses are divided according to the strengths and interests of each company.

Bao Yugang: This is really the ultimate use of "teaching students according to their aptitude".

Even his grandson Bao Wenjun was not idle.

The young man returned to his family's hometown of Ningbo and established the Overseas Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Committee.

A sailing fleet "China Ningbo No. 1" was also built.

It's simply a new generation of family heroes.

And now, the banner of the Bao family is supported by this son-in-law.

The mysterious rich man was refused to donate a huge amount of money to China, and after his death, his four sons-in-law divided 500 billion family assets

A son-in-law can also be extremely filial

Wu Guangzheng has hundreds of millions of assets in his early 30s, which makes countless people envious, jealous and hateful.

There are even more than 10,000 properties in Hong Kong's golden mile, which is an astonishing level of wealth.

Not to mention Harbour City, the largest shopping mall in Hong Kong.

Luxury goods are gathered, with an annual turnover of up to 50 billion.

Wu Guangzheng's father, Wu Shaolin, is a doctor of architecture who returned from studying in Germany.

is still a big guy who eats both black and white.

With such a network background, Wu Guangzheng has enjoyed top-level resources since he was a child.

There is no ambiguity in Xi, from architecture to physics.

To study for a master's degree in business administration, Wu Guangzheng's academic background is extremely solid.

After he met Bao Yugang's daughter Bao Xiangrong, the two quickly fell in love and got married.

With the support of the two families, Wu Guangzheng's business expanded rapidly.

The mysterious rich man was refused to donate a huge amount of money to China, and after his death, his four sons-in-law divided 500 billion family assets

In the late 70s, he helped his father-in-law buy the Wharf Group, which became an important part of Hong Kong's business empire.

In 1997, after Bao Yugang passed away.

Wu Guangzheng and his wife took over the entire family business and became the de facto head of the Bao family.

After helping my father-in-law take care of the business for half his life.

In 2022, Wu Guangzheng passed on most of his wealth and family business to his son Wu Zongquan.

Let the family's tradition of affluence continue.

The mysterious rich man was refused to donate a huge amount of money to China, and after his death, his four sons-in-law divided 500 billion family assets


Today, the descendants of the Bao family are shining in their own industries.

Bao Yugang in the sky may be very pleased.