
Cultural masters "break the circle", why are they "applauded and applauded"

author:Hebei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

#这么近 so beautiful to Hebei on the weekend ##燕赵腔调点亮 "Northern Opera Nest" #

Cultural masters "break the circle", why are they "applauded and applauded"

On January 1st, the "Cultural Masters Accompany You for the New Year" activity was held in Renyuan Art Space in Shijiazhuang City. Wu Guiyun (middle), winner of the Plum Blossom Award for Chinese Theatre, explains the knowledge of opera to the audience while performing. Photo by Hebei Daily reporter Zhang Xiaochao

On one side is the "dragon" in the hands of the calligrapher and the inheritor of paper-cutting, which is lifelike and has a myriad of postures, and on the other hand, a young audience dressed in Hanfu, with fluttering clothes and holding their breath.

On January 1, at Renyuan Art Space in Qiaoxi District, Shijiazhuang City, an event called "Cultural Masters Accompany You for the New Year" was held. In the activity room of more than 50 square meters, the audience surrounded the three floors inside and three floors outside, and a wonderful cross-border lecture was underway, with applause and laughter one after another.

This is a new exploration to expand public cultural services, initiated by Renyuan Art Space and jointly organized by five cultural master studios. There are many celebrities at the scene, including Wu Guiyun, winner of the Plum Blossom Award for Chinese Theatre, Liang Yong, librarian of the Provincial Research Museum of Culture and History, and Zhao Chenglong, the representative inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage "Xingtang Paper-cutting".

Cultural masters "break the circle", why are they "applauded and applauded"?

Breaking the "Circle" of Physical Space

Explore a new model of "famous +" cross-border cooperation

"Change your clothes ...... in the Dragon and Phoenix Pavilion" Wu Guiyun raised his voice, and immediately amazed the four seats, attracting the audience to cheer in unison. But at the beginning of receiving the invitation, she also had a difficulty: how should this "circle" be broken when a famous opera artist crosses over to a calligrapher's studio to perform?

"We have to find a 'right interface' to activate traditional culture, so that the audience likes to watch and understand. Wu Guiyun thought twice and decided to use the form of non-physical performance to take everyone to explore the mystery of Chinese opera.

"The horsewhip represents the red-maned horse, three or four people represent thousands of troops, and six or seven steps means that they have walked through thousands of rivers and mountains. Wu Guiyun took out props such as horse whips and mustaches, and explained while performing. In a while, the excellent traditional Chinese culture has become tangible and understandable from abstraction.

"After listening to Mr. Wu's introduction, I found that Chinese opera is really interesting, and every action and expression has connotation. Following the famous artist through time and space, the 12-year-old young audience Wang Hanyu felt the charm.

Why do you want to "break the circle" and engage in activities with other famous artists?

In the view of Ren Yuan, the founder of Ren Yuan Art Space and a calligrapher, with the improvement of citizens' cultural needs, cultural services should also be accurately reformed on the supply side. "Radish greens have their own love, we need to break the 'circle' of physical space and build a platform for communication and display, so that people who like radishes can find radishes, and people who like green vegetables can find green vegetables. ”

As soon as the idea came out, the famous artists hit it off - cross-border cooperation to provide more professional and closer cultural services to the audience. Relying on the resources of famous experts in various fields to ensure the quality and level of activities, this is also the ingenuity behind their cooperation.

Famous artists "break the circle", so that the cultural master studio "breaks" a way. The lofty theme, down-to-earth presentation, knowledgeable masters, and high-quality cultural supply have attracted more audiences to come, people who know calligraphy, people who love opera, and people who want to learn paper-cutting.

"You can see a famous calligrapher at the door of your home, from posture to penmanship hand-in-hand guidance, children shouting to go back to learn, what a good artistic edification!" Tian Yongping, who lives in Shihui Community, Shijiazhuang City, specially brought his 10-year-old daughter to participate.

From "breaking the circle" to "fusion", the enthusiasm of the famous artists has also increased.

"It's a two-way empowerment that allows us to better take root among the masses. Wu Guiyun said that through this platform, she is constantly exploring how to better meet the needs of the masses and draw more nutrients from the masses, which is also a very important point in the inheritance of opera.

"Through the studio of cultural masters, cultural masters can go out of their own circles and combine communication and inheritance, so as to better promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture. Liang Yong said with deep feelings.

Breaking the "circle" of traditional thinking

Expand the "culture +" multicultural ecology

Cultural masters "break the circle", why are they "applauded and applauded"

On January 1, 2024, the "Cultural Masters Accompany You for the New Year" event was held at Renyuan Art Space in Shijiazhuang. Ren Yuan (right), the founder of Ren Yuan Art Space and calligrapher, and other cultural masters wrote the word "Fu" for the masses. Photo by Hebei Daily reporter Zhang Xiaochao

With the green bamboo in front of you, the ancient music in your ears, and the smell of tea, it's hard not to be attracted by the atmosphere here when you walk into Renyuan Art Space.

"Seeing the announcement of the event, I rushed over from the high-tech zone early in the morning. Bai Yunfei, a calligraphy enthusiast, can see in front of a work: the top is the official script "dragon" written by Ren Yuan, and the bottom is the "dragon" cut out according to the glyph.

"This work is called 'More than Every Year'. Seeing Mr. Ren Yuan's calligraphy work, I was inspired to create this paper-cut work. Author Zhao Chenglong introduced on the side.

Such a precious on-site discussion made Bai Yunfei excited: "My understanding of the work is deeper, and this trip is worth it!"

How to better push out cultural services and let more people participate?

"What is more important than the famous artists is the colorful cultural ecology. Ren Yuan believes that "it is necessary to break the 'circle' of traditional thinking, expand the 'culture +' multicultural ecology, and create a public cultural space that everyone can participate in and have a multicultural ecology, so that public cultural services can be seen everywhere and within reach." ”

Ren Yuan Art Space uses the name of "space" rather than "calligraphy" because it wants to use an open attitude of "doing addition", rather than being limited to a single calligraphy, and constantly explore new possibilities of "culture +".

Nowadays, there are not only calligraphy, but also exhibitions of art, seal carving, paper-cutting, opera, etc., free teaching and exchange and interactive activities such as training, salons, and pen clubs, as well as concerts at the entrance of the community, calligraphy, art, and recitation classes in communities, schools, and barracks, attracting different groups of people to come in, so that more people can meet "beauty".

After retiring, Li Huaqun, a 69-year-old resident of the Spring Community, went to Renyuan Art Space in front of his house every day to "soak" for an afternoon. "In addition to calligraphy exhibitions and painting exhibitions, I love to listen to all kinds of lectures, and while my spirit is constantly 'jointed', I also have a deeper understanding of the beauty of traditional culture. The old man was excited.

"In the new year, I will invite more cultural experts in various fields to come here and spend a more cultural time with you, so that the 'cultural living room' at the door of my home can play a better role in inheriting and promoting the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Ren Yuan said.

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