
The veterans return to their "home", recount the comradeship, and remember the place they loyally guarded

author:Southern Metropolis Daily
The veterans return to their "home", recount the comradeship, and remember the place they loyally guarded

On November 14, 2023, Hui Xingfu, a veteran soldier who has been discharged from the army for 43 years, returned to the barracks where he served that year and returned to the place where he was loyal and guarded. In the honor room of the Linghai Squadron of the Jinzhou Detachment of the Liaoning Provincial Armed Police Corps, the old man couldn't help but burst into tears when he saw his exclusive numbered plate. The front of the number plate is inlaid with his photo and enlistment information, and the back records the story of his three-year service in the squadron and the honors he has achieved. Staring at the numbered plate for a long time, his mind was drawn back to the eventful years when he was a comrade-in-arms and fought side by side.

Return to the barracks and relive the taste of soldiers

This time, the Linghai squadron invited four veterans, veteran soldier Hui Xingfu, the 11th political instructor of the squadron, Yuan Guichang, the 23rd squadron leader, and Wang Quan, the former platoon commander, to go home, so that they could feel the changes of "home", awarded them exclusive numbered plates, and presented them with gifts carefully prepared by the officers and men. The four veterans talked about tradition and history for the officers and soldiers, and slept on a hard bed again in the squad dormitory to relive the taste of the soldiers of the past.

The veterans return to their "home", recount the comradeship, and remember the place they loyally guarded

The Linghai Squadron of the Jinzhou Detachment of the Armed Police invited veterans to return to their "homes".

The Linghai Squadron of the Jinzhou Detachment of the Armed Police is mainly responsible for the armed vigilance of the periphery of the detention center in Linghai City (county-level city) and the task of handling emergencies in the station. The history of the squadron can be traced back to 1948, formerly known as the Panshan County Public Security Brigade of Liaoning Province, which has experienced the baptism of the War of Liberation and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and has been tempered by urgent, difficult, dangerous and heavy tasks such as flood fighting and rescue, and handling emergencies on duty, and has continued to grow in the cause of strengthening the military in the new era.

In the course of 75 years of ups and downs, although the squadron has undergone 9 adjustments and reorganizations, the barracks have been moved 5 times, nearly 30 commanders have been replaced, and the soldiers have gone one after another, the heirloom of the squadron's "unity of officers and soldiers" has been carried forward, and the squadron has always been like a magnet, condensing the fighters and attracting officers and men to win glory for the squadron construction with one heart and one mind.

The veterans return to their "home", recount the comradeship, and remember the place they loyally guarded

Items on display in the honor room of the Linghai Squadron of the Jinzhou Detachment of the Armed Police.

In the squadron honor room, a simple rice spoon and a rusty steel fork on display brought the veterans back to military life, and when they joined the army, they knew that this was the honor created by their ancestors with blood and sweat:

On the battlefield of the Liaoshen Campaign to attack Jinzhou, in order to let the officers and soldiers at the front and the masses in front of the support have something to eat, eight soldiers wore straw sandals, walked more than 90 kilometers, carried 600 catties of grain, and distributed them to the masses one by one along the way, but they were reluctant to eat a bite, but only relied on drinking water to satisfy their hunger, and performed the good story of the unity of the army and the people.

On August 15, 1971, the wall on the west side of the target unit cracked and collapsed due to heavy rain for several days, forming a gap of 2 meters wide.

The veterans return to their "home", recount the comradeship, and remember the place they loyally guarded

The honor room of the Linghai Squadron of the Jinzhou Detachment of the Armed Police is full of awards.

There are unforgettable stories behind the old objects and awards in the honor room, which are engraved in the hearts of every officer and soldier, becoming the spiritual source of the squadron's construction and development, and continuing to draw strength from the glorious tradition: the squadron has remained advanced for 59 consecutive years, has been rated as a grassroots construction pacesetter squadron for 25 consecutive years, has been commended as an "advanced grassroots party organization" by the armed police force for 4 times, was rated as a "grassroots construction pacesetter squadron" of the armed police force in 2019, and was rated as the "four irons" of the armed police force in 2021 Advanced units.

Unforgettable military brigade, unity of officers and soldiers

The veterans looked back on their unforgettable military careers.

Hui Xingfu enlisted in the army in 1977 and came to Linghai and retired in 1980. He remembered that in the sixties and seventies of the 20 th century, when communications were blocked and communications were backward, the cadres of the squadron had to visit the homes of the fighters with difficult families one by one every year on their vacations and report to their parents about the situation of the fighters. After returning to the team, he immediately introduced the recent situation of the family and the entrustment of his relatives to the soldiers, bringing back family affection and warmth.

After serving in the army for 3 years, Hui Xingfu returned to his hometown after retiring from the army and led the villagers to start a business and get rich. He said, I am a soldier from the Linghai Squadron, and wherever I go, I can't discredit the Linghai Squadron.

In July 2007, Hui Xingfu wrote a letter of thanks to the squadron, in which he said that the party organization cares about every soldier, the revolutionary university is full of sunshine, helping him to learn culture, technology, life, and hardship...... He dreamed of going back to the squadron again. Now, this letter is also displayed in the honor room, so that the latecomers can feel a strong sense of comradeship.

The veterans return to their "home", recount the comradeship, and remember the place they loyally guarded

A letter of thanks from Hui Xingfu to the Linghai squadron.

In November 2023, Hui Xingfu returned to the squadron again and insisted on staying in the squad dormitory for one night to relive the taste of the soldiers of the year. This confirms the sentence that the officers and men of the Linghai Squadron often recite, "If you enter the Linghai Gate, you are a Linghai person, a Linghai person for a few years, and a Linghai soul for a lifetime."

The veterans return to their "home", recount the comradeship, and remember the place they loyally guarded

The squadron welcomed veteran Hui Xingfu back to his "home".

Yuan Gui often reminisced about the past of the squadron. In the decades since the establishment of the squadron, whether it is living in the old barracks or the new barracks, the sewers of the squadron have never been blocked, and the squadron's books have never been lost without being reminded to return them...... Bit by bit, it reflects the cognitive bottom line and style of the Linghai squadron of "not taking evil as small, not doing good as small".

Wang Yu recalled that the most memorable thing when he was in the army was when he saw off the veterans, and everyone was especially reluctant to leave the squadron. One year, a veteran who was about to be discharged from the army, on the last day of his post, carefully broke the pig food with his hands, and after other soldiers saw it, they joked, they were all about to retire from the army, and they were reluctant to let these pigs be? He said, I am leaving, feed the pigs, and improve the food for the later comrades-in-arms.

Such trivial things abound in the memories of veterans, and ordinary stories condense four words: unity of officers and soldiers.

The veterans return to their "home", recount the comradeship, and remember the place they loyally guarded

December 2023 veteran Xiao Kang.

The memories of the veteran also resonated with First Class Sergeant Xiao Kang, who had served in the squadron for 16 years and was about to take off his uniform and leave the squadron, and his heart was full of reluctance.

Xiao Kang said: Only by cherishing the honor of the "family" can we better continue to write the glorious history of the "family," and the honor is more precious than life in the minds of officers and men. In the 2019 pacesetter squadron assessment, the squadron left only Zhang Wei, the leader of the cooking squad, who was not careful, and the kitchen knife cut into his hand. "When I saw Zhang Wei, one of his hands was wrapped in a plastic bag, and his blood was soaked red, and the first thing he said when he saw me was, 'Squad leader, how is the squadron assessment results?' I'm sorry, I affected the assessment, if I don't cut my hands, I can do better.' I was very touched when I heard this, patted him on the shoulder, and told him that you have made great contributions because of your excellent results in the assessment. I immediately took him to the infirmary to have his wounds bandaged. ”

A place of loyalty

Time flies, the veterans return to the dream barracks, and the squadron has changed greatly.

Walking into the gate of the squadron, you can see a striking big tree at a glance, with three sturdy trunks growing on the thick taproot, relying on each other and supporting each other, and the officers and soldiers named it "Three Mutual Trees", symbolizing mutual learning and mutual help and mutual education, and expressing the good wishes of everyone to take root in the barracks, have the same root and grow together.

On a weekend in the summer of 2013, officers and men paved the road with their own hands and used cobblestones to form the words "Unity Company", and "Unity Road" slowly sounded in the squadron. Nowadays, the "Loyalty Stone", "Three Mutual Trees", "Unity Road" and "Endeavor Corridor" are strung together and integrated, and have become an important carrier for the squadron to carry out mass self-education.

Every time a new recruit enlists in the army or a veteran retires, the "three mutual trees" will be watered, the tradition will be remembered, the original intention will not be forgotten, and "the team will prosper and I will be honored, and the team will be disgraced" will take deep root in the minds of officers and men.

The veterans return to their "home", recount the comradeship, and remember the place they loyally guarded

Three Mutual Trees (left) and Tuanjie Road.

In the scholarly barracks and Xi room on the third floor of the squadron, in addition to all kinds of Xi books, there are also barracks singing bars and cultural and sports activity rooms. This is the end of 2021, the armed police force "10,000 miles of frontier digital culture into the barracks" into the squadron, every officer and soldier is vying to be a "dream painter", outlining the "dream home" in their hearts, the soldiers work together to design and build, here is now a "happy home" for officers and soldiers to learn Xi knowledge, strengthen their physique, and relax their minds.

The veterans return to their "home", recount the comradeship, and remember the place they loyally guarded

Soldiers share their reading experiences in the Xi room.

The veterans return to their "home", recount the comradeship, and remember the place they loyally guarded

Fighters play billiards in the recreation room.

On the wall of the cultural and sports room, there is a clock in the shape of a helmsman, which also hides a warm story. The cadres of the squadron learned that his father was sick and hospitalized, and the family was raising money everywhere, and the squadron immediately applied for a special hardship subsidy for him and organized a collective donation, and he said with tears in his eyes: "Everyone is my relatives, as warm as Abba and Grandma." It was this Xinjiang guy who specially bought a helmsman-shaped clock and sent it to the squadron after retiring, and said: "It was the squadron that helped me find the right direction when I was in difficulty, and the squadron was the helmsman on my life path."

The veterans return to their "home", recount the comradeship, and remember the place they loyally guarded

The wall clock presented by Slanbek was hung in the cultural and sports activity room of the Linghai squadron.

In recent years, the Linghai squadron has not slept on the past honor book, but has worked hard to create brilliance.

The unity of combat effectiveness, with the heirloom of "unity of officers and soldiers", has greatly stimulated the fighting enthusiasm of officers and soldiers in training and preparing for war and the collective sense of honor of working together, not only fighting for the first place in the competition field, but also fighting one beautiful battle after another in actual combat, and successfully completing the major tasks such as the flood control in Fushun Qingyuan and the security of the World Garden Expo. In recent years, in the detachment's military sports meeting and mass training competitions, the squadron has won the first place in collective results, one person has won the first place in the overall evaluation of the whole detachment, and three people have become the record holders of the detachment's single subject.

The veterans return to their "home", recount the comradeship, and remember the place they loyally guarded

Won gold and silver in military competitions.

The veterans return to their "home", recount the comradeship, and remember the place they loyally guarded

The fighters are in training.

Seeing the earth-shaking changes of the squadron and listening to the squadron leader Zhang Chen introduce the new achievements of the squadron over the years, the veterans were full of emotion.

In the squadron honor room, in addition to countless awards and pennants, there are also rows of numbered plates. Li Kai, a political instructor of the Linghai squadron, said that these are also the "heirlooms" of the squadron.

As the saying goes, the iron battalion is the soldier of the flowing water. In order to leave a mark on the "flowing soldiers", after the adjustment of the establishment system in 2018, the squadron assigned an exclusive numbered plate to each officer and soldier, inlaid with personal photos and basic information on the front, and recorded the story and honors of the squadron on the back.

The veterans return to their "home", recount the comradeship, and remember the place they loyally guarded

The squadron awards exclusive numbered badges to the fighters.

The veterans found their own numbered plates here and felt the warmth of "going home".

Although the numbered plate is small, it represents that the Linghai Squadron will always remember the contribution and dedication of every "family", and no matter how far the "family" goes, they can find the origin of the departure and find the place of loyalty and protection.

Writing/Photography: Nandu reporter Liang Jianzhong from Jinzhou, Liaoning